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Petition to get Mika in Australia!


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Do you live in Australia? Do you love Mika? Do you want him to do an Australian tour this year? Then sign the petition below to get him down-under!!!!


Once we get enough responses, I'll try and send a link to this thread to Mika's managment!

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Zak, I hate to tell you, but Mika has already received a huge petition from the Aussies.


He knows what you want. I checked that with him myself.


He is trying to organise things, but it costs so much to organise a tour, another petition sadly won't influenece his decision. It's purely based on economics.


But you can of course do a petition if you like. You could also send him a million dollars. That might help more:aah:


In addition, I can't help but wonder


a. why you don't ask this sort of thing in the Aussie thread before starting it. Any one on that thread will know about the last petition, and would set you straight.


b. why you don't use the search function on MFC to see if its been done before (note the highlighted word is petition)



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Okay, looks like I'm going to be saying the same thing as BS and Robi...


Do you live in Australia? Do you love Mika? Do you want him to do an Australian tour this year? Then sign the petition below to get him down-under!!!!


Once we get enough responses, I'll try and send a link to this thread to Mika's managment!


I think I speak for everyone when I say that we love your enthusiasm in getting Mika tour tour our fair land, however...


*points down*


Zak, I hate to tell you, but Mika has already received a huge petition from the Aussies.


He knows what you want. I checked that with him myself.




In addition, I can't help but wonder


a. why you don't ask this sort of thing in the Aussie thread before starting it. Any one on that thread will know about the last petition, and would set you straight.


b. why you don't use the search function on MFC to see if its been done before (note the highlighted word is petition)




As BS has mentioned, Mika has already expressed an interest in touring Australia properly... He has said in a few interviews that he was not happy how he missed out on touring Australia after his first promo visit.



I'm one of the longer lasting Aussies on the forum and can tell you exactly what has been done in regards to getting Mika here.


mika has been given a full petition from Aussie fans at sadler wells in london last june... nico collard took care of it.


he was impressed and the petition book was amazing!


do we need another one?:blink:


I think that sending another petition to Mika about touring Australia will only annoy him and make us come across as being impatient. I'm hoping for the Aussies to lose the reputation of being whingers, and would not like to replace that reputation with being impatient. Besides, that petition took forever to do and I really don't want to be involved in another one just yet!


As it has been mentioned in the Aussie thread, we had a concert in November. Granted, he only did the one show, but he needs to do a promo visit and then follow up with a proper tour this year, which I'm certain he will do. If he chooses to not tour here again, then he has only himself to blame if interest in him wanes again.



It's all a matter of patience.

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Been there, done that, got the mental scars to prove it lol :naughty:


I'm looking forward to Mika touring the Land of Aus. His TV appearances are always the best there; a lot of my fave interviews are from Australia.


I'm looking forward to it too! He seems so relaxed when he gets here... it's awesome!


I just hope I can follow him around the country, I've wanted to do that since 2007 when Rainbow Sky and I were talking about touring with him in the Priscilla, Queen of the Desert bus (ft a large convers high top on the roof :biggrin2:)

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