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Greetings from Austria!


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Hallo everybody!


At first I want to say sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in my postings. :biggrin2:


I´ve never talked english since I visited school, and that´s a long time ago (I left school in 1989).


So, if I make really heavy mistakes, please tell me, you never can be to old to learn (:blink:)


I´m 38 years old and I heard about Mika three years ago.

At that time Grace Kelly was to hear every day at radio.


From that moment I loved the music.


When I heard last year in september that Mika would come to Vienna, my sister and me bought immediately three tickets (for my sister, my daughter and me) and a long time to wait started.


I think it was the greatest mistake I´ve ever made, going to the concert...I liked the music before, but now I AM ADDICTED...


I want to see him again. I loved the concert, it was great...


So, this is my introduction. I hope, we will spend a nice time together!


Greetings from Carinthia!

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Greeting from Vienna, Austria as well. I think you and I went to the same concert :teehee:


Sure?? *hihi*




Thanks at all for welcoming me!



Have you been the girl with the pink eye-lashes?

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Hi Cassilda!


:welcomeani: to MFC!


No wonder you got addicted after that Vienna gig.

It was a one-off even by Mika standards.


Thank you for uploading the concert footage on the thread - you do seem to have found your place here easily:thumb_yello:

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