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Yellow !


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Hy everybody ! I'm Iulia and I'm huge fan of Mika .

I'm from Romania so my English is not so good. sorry :(

I hope that I will make new friends and I will find out more things about Mika.

so "Love me or Hate me but don't ignore me!" [Mika] :teehee:

cheers ! :bye::thumb_yello:

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RO: Salut, Iulia si bine ai venit pe MFC! :bye:


se pare ca in ultimele zile avem parte de din ce in ce mai multi membrii noi din Romania.


Sa nu-ti fie teama sa citesti sau sa spui ceva pe forum! :biggrin2: O sa te distrezi the minune aici dar ATENTIE: vei deveni repede dependenta! :naughty:


Planuri pentru concertul de la vara? :teehee:


Daca ai intrebari legate de forum o poti contacta pe Vanessa care este "World representative for Romania" aici. :wink2:


ENG: Hello Iulia and Welcome to the MFC! :bye:


It seems like we're getting more and more new members from Romania lately.


Don't be afraid to read or post anything on the forum! You'll have a lot of fun! but WARNING: it can get addictive pretty soon.


Any plans for the summer gig? :teehee:


If you have any questions you can contact Vanessa who is the World Rep for Romania here.




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