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Change the world


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Hi everyone :bye:


For the past 6 months we have been working really hard to get in touch with Mika.

We have a project to change the world that goes out from Mika's filosofie and we want to talk to him about it.

So far we had no luck...


I have been in touch with John who has been very helpfull and now we've sent our message to Mika's management, keeping our fingers crossed for a possitive reply.


When the project starts fans of Mika will become a very big part of it, only the ones who want to offcourse, we're not gonna force you :biggrin2:

We already have a facebook page called: 'hi Mika, wanna change the world? Let me know...' This was created to get Mika's attention, anyone who becomes a fan is a big help and I only have 28 so far... Anyone who has some minutes to spare, please help us...


Thanks for reading this and helping me out if you have the time, I keep everybody informed about the progress on the facebook page.



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Hi everyone :bye:


For the past 6 months we have been working really hard to get in touch with Mika.

We have a project to change the world that goes out from Mika's filosofie and we want to talk to him about it.

So far we had no luck...


I have been in touch with John who has been very helpfull and now we've sent our message to Mika's management, keeping our fingers crossed for a possitive reply.


When the project starts fans of Mika will become a very big part of it, only the ones who want to offcourse, we're not gonna force you :biggrin2:

We already have a facebook page called: 'hi Mika, wanna change the world? Let me know...' This was created to get Mika's attention, anyone who becomes a fan is a big help and I only have 28 so far... Anyone who has some minutes to spare, please help us...


Thanks for reading this and helping me out if you have the time, I keep everybody informed about the progress on the facebook page.




Hi Lynn,

Have you maybe thought of going to a gig and trying to speak to Mika directly afterwards, to see what he thinks? Are you not going to any gigs this summer?

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Hi Lynn,

Have you maybe thought of going to a gig and trying to speak to Mika directly afterwards, to see what he thinks? Are you not going to any gigs this summer?


I'm curious as to what it's about?

Presumably you will tell Mika?

It's a bit hard to join anything without knowing what it is.

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We have been to two gigs, the first one he was sick, the second one he was dead tired afterwards...

We gave him papers with a little teaser and a bit explanation on it but since it's a big project it can't be told in 5 minutes...

As soon as I get to Mika and get it started we'll reveal more, at this stage you can only help us by joining the facebookpage...


But I know you'll all love the project and when we start it everyone will be able to work at it.

No worries, it's nothing bad :D

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We have been to two gigs, the first one he was sick, the second one he was dead tired afterwards...

We gave him papers with a little teaser and a bit explanation on it but since it's a big project it can't be told in 5 minutes...

As soon as I get to Mika and get it started we'll reveal more, at this stage you can only help us by joining the facebookpage...


But I know you'll all love the project and when we start it everyone will be able to work at it.

No worries, it's nothing bad :D




Not everyone has FB. :aah:

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It's nice of John to try to help you. But as you might know,

Lynn, the MFC Admin/Mod Team is in touch with

Mika's management -- if you had come to one of us, and explained what

you're trying to do, we might have been able to help you. But as others

have said, it's really hard for anyone to commit to anything without

knowing fully what they're signing up for.


I'm not sure we can allow you to advertise something like us on the MFC

as if we approve of it, when we don't even have a clue as to what you're

trying to do... :blink:


Do you even have a link to the Facebook page? I've done a search and it's not

coming up for me.

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Not everyone has FB. :aah:

Or wants to publicly support something without having any clue of what it is that they are supporting :naughty:.

Sorry Lynn, I don't mean to be ackward or unkind, and I'm sure that you mean very well with this, but it's very difficult to ask for people's support (and this includes asking Mika and his team) without them knowing what it is more or less that they are getting involved with :dunno:

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It's nice of John to try to help you. But as you might know,

Lynn, the MFC Admin/Mod Team is in touch with

Mika's management -- if you had come to one of us, and explained what

you're trying to do, we might have been able to help you. But as others

have said, it's really hard for anyone to commit to anything without

knowing fully what they're signing up for.


I'm not sure we can allow you to advertise something like us on the MFC

as if we approve of it, when we don't even have a clue as to what you're

trying to do... :blink:



Also, as Deb said, they are in touch with Mika's management; John is Mika's tour manager, so I'm not sure that this would fall under his umbrella :blink:.

I think that he has enough stuff to do every day at the gigs, to start getting involved with these projects now, to be honest :naughty:

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Also, as Deb said, they are in touch with Mika's management; John is Mika's tour manager, so I'm not sure that this would fall under his umbrella :blink:.

I think that he has enough stuff to do every day at the gigs, to start getting involved with these projects now, to be honest :naughty:


*let's say a little silent prayer for poor john*



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he is a very patient man, that's for sure :naughty:


I'm afraid that there is a bit of a misunderstanding...

All I wanted was to get Mika's attention trough the fb page, we are working trough a lot of ways to get to Mika, this is a serious project and we have people helping us in many ways.

I'm not asking you all to support the project, how could you when you don't know what it's about...?

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I'm afraid that there is a bit of a misunderstanding...

All I wanted was to get Mika's attention trough the fb page, we are working trough a lot of ways to get to Mika, this is a serious project and we have people helping us in many ways.

I'm not asking you all to support the project, how could you when you don't know what it's about...?


Then I'm still not really sure what you're asking of us? Are you just asking people to join the facebook group then? :dunno:

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