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Mika @ Metro France


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Here's a new interview from Metro France. Thanks to Eriko for posting the link on twitter:thumb_yello:




D’où vient l’idée de ce concert unique en France ?

Je voulais absolument donner un petit avant-goût cet été de mon troisième album, qui sortira début 2012. Et j’avais aussi besoin de faire une pause entre deux sessions d’enregistrement, de retrouver une énergie que je n’ai pas forcément quand je suis en studio.

Pourquoi avoir choisi la ville de Compiègne ?

Je ne voulais pas le faire dans une salle trop petite et c’était important pour moi que je retrouve l’ambiance géniale des concerts en plein air, un peu comme dans les festivals.

Dans quel état d’esprit prépares-tu ce nouvel opus ?

Au début, je ne savais vraiment pas comment j’allais m’y prendre, j’étais un peu perdu. J’ai décidé de repartir de zéro, d’oublier complètement d’où je suis venu, comme si j’étais un nouvel artiste. C’est vraiment une nouvelle peau pour moi. Mes deux premiers albums se ressemblaient un peu trop à mon goût. Je commençais un peu à me lasser du côté enfantin et coloré de mes chansons. Peut-être que beaucoup de personnes seront déroutées quand l’album va sortir !

Il faut dire aussi que ton deuxième album n’a pas eu le même écho que ton premier...

Je me dis toujours que c’est impossible de réussir une performance aussi impressionnante deux fois de suite ! Certes, j’en ai vendu moins, mais il a quand même été certifié disque de diamant, donc je ne vais pas commencer à me plaindre ! (Rires.)

C’est une grande première pour toi parce que ton nouveau single est en français…

L’album sera intégralement en anglais, mais je voulais aussi proposer des chansons en français, en bonus, pour remercier mon public. Et comme cette chanson “Elle me dit” est très estivale, on voulait la dévoiler dès maintenant.

L’accident dramatique vécu par ta sœur (Paloma s’est grièvement blessée en tombant d’une fenêtre, ndlr) en octobre a-t-il aussi influencé ton travail ?

Ça a été un choc, c’est comme si la vie s’était mise en pause jusqu’à ce qu’elle sorte de l’hôpital, en janvier. Ce drame m’a fait comprendre la chance que j’avais, mais je ne crois pas que j’en parlerai un jour dans mes chansons.

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Here's a new interview from Metro France. Thanks to Eriko for posting the link on twitter:thumb_yello:


Thanks for Posting!

And thanks Eriko for Tweeting it!


you're welcome dear friends. :bye:


I'm waiting for the translator !!! :wub2:

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you're welcome dear friends. :bye:


I'm waiting for the translator !!! :wub2:

I've read it, translated by my google. It doesn't say anything we haven't read already, but it's really nice.

He just says the album is in English and the French songs are a bonus (as we know) and that he's brought Elle Me Dit out to give us something now, as the album isn't out until Feb next year.

He mentioned Paloma's accident and that (basically) life was on hold till she came out of hospital in Jan. He also indicated that he won't talk about the accident (I take that to mean, in terms of a song) he won't write a song about it.

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I've read it, translated by my google. It doesn't say anything we haven't read already, but it's really nice.

He just says the album is in English and the French songs are a bonus (as we know) and that he's brought Elle Me Dit out to give us something now, as the album isn't out until Feb next year.

He mentioned Paloma's accident and that (basically) life was on hold till she came out of hospital in Jan. He also indicated that he won't talk about the accident (I take that to mean, in terms of a song) he won't write a song about it.


Thanks Marilyn for your summary :thumb_yello:

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I've read it, translated by my google. It doesn't say anything we haven't read already, but it's really nice.

He just says the album is in English and the French songs are a bonus (as we know) and that he's brought Elle Me Dit out to give us something now, as the album isn't out until Feb next year.

He mentioned Paloma's accident and that (basically) life was on hold till she came out of hospital in Jan. He also indicated that he won't talk about the accident (I take that to mean, in terms of a song) he won't write a song about it.


Thnx for posting this..!! :wink2:

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you're welcome dear friends. :bye:


I'm waiting for the translator !!! :wub2:


Camille translated it yesterday in this thread here, so I'm closing this one :)




Where does this idea about a unique gig in France come from?


I absolutely wanted to give a little foretaste this summer of my third album, which will be released at the beginning of 2012. And I also needed a break between two recording sessions, to find this energy that I don't necessarily have when I'm in the studio.


Why choose Compiègne?


I didn't want to do it in a place too small, and it was important for me to have this great atmosphere of outdoor gigs, a bit like in festivals.


In what state of mind are you while preparing this new album?


At the beginning, I didn't know how to start, I was a bit lost. I decided to start again from scratch, to forget completely where I was coming from, as if I was a new artist. It really is a new skin for me. My two albums were too much alike for my taste. I was starting to grow tired of this childish and colourful side to my songs. Maybe a lot of people will be puzzled when the album is out!


Your second album did not work as well as the first one...


I always think that it's impossible to manage such an impressive thing two times in a row! It's true, I sold less of it, but it still was certified 'disque de diamant', so I'm not going to complain!


It's a first for you as your new single is in French.


The album will be completely in English, but I also wanted to propose songs in French, as a bonus, to thank my audience. And as this song 'Elle me dit' is very summery, we wanted to reveal it now.


Did the dramatic accident endured by your sister in October influence your work?


It was a shock, it's just as if life was put on pause until she went out of the hospital in January. This tragedy made me realise how lucky I was, but I don't think I will talk about it in my songs one day.

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