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2013 - Jakarta, Indonesia - Skenoo Hall, 10 May - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS

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Let's hear all about Mika's first gig in Indonesia!




















From the pre-gig thread, thanks for posting girls!



Para pemenang #Freshformance akan nyanyi sbg choir brg MIKA! Sekarang lg sesi latian brg bandnya, awesome!! http://ow.ly/i/25cLe #MIKAJKT






‏@nikjass 36m

@mikasounds THX much for stopping,u made challenges we faced worth it. Yes, u're right been too long. Awesome to see u again.Till e nxt one!


‏@Efriani 1h

We made it. I met him!


@runlovedew 6m

He's so tired, but always humble. He said to us, performance is never lie. He performs from his heart not only to satisfy fans. @mikasounds


Isn't this the gig report thread?

What does the X Factor performance have to do with the gig?

Posted (edited)

Pics/reports from the gig by @UncleVoldie




gita p saraswati ‏@gitapsaraswati 6h



One word, stunning #mikajkt now I know why I fall in ♥ to this curly guy @mikasounds pic.twitter.com/BbopmXF7Of





Pics from CloseUpHookUp





















Pics by Irvany Nabila Putri


Edited by BiaIchihara
Isn't this the gig report thread?

What does the X Factor performance have to do with the gig?

it does have something to do with it actually, I've opened a thread about it in News & Press though :wink2:

Pics/reports from the gig by @UncleVoldie




gita p saraswati ‏@gitapsaraswati 6h


One word, stunning #mikajkt now I know why I fall in ♥ to this curly guy @mikasounds pic.twitter.com/BbopmXF7Of




ahh, so that's why i have so much views in one night. i thought the internet is exploding or something..


if you want to see more pict about jakarta's gig, you can visit my album on facebook. but this is only the first part.. maybe you can post some of my pictures here. im too tired to post pictures. o<-<


MIKA @ Skenoo Hall, Jakarta, Indonesia pt.1:


i set it visible to public. so i guess, everyone can see them. but you can report to me if you cant.. :D


some of the pict is credited to @AbangKyle!!







1. Relax (Take It Easy)

2. Lola

3. Lollipop

4. Billy Brown

5. Popular Song

6. Stuck In The Middle

7. Rain

8. The Origin of Love

9. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

10. Underwater

11. Emily

12. Happy Ending

13. Love Today

14. Celebrate

15. Grace Kelly

16. We Are Golden

17. Lollipop


Article :






TEMPO.CO, Jakarta--Konser Mika berlangsung di Skenoo Hall, Jakarta malam ini Jumat 10 Mei 2013. Penyanyi asal inggris ini muncul diatas panggung mengenakan setelan hitam. Ia menyapa para penggemarnya dengan teriakan 'Jakarta!' yang disambut teriakan oleh penonton.


Ia lantas berdiri dan mengambil standing mic. Terdengar alunan musik dance menghentak, lagu pertamanya di tahun 2006 Relax Take It Easy membawa suasana semarak. Aksi panggungnya yang enerjik membuat penonton tak henti berteriak dan ikut melonjakkan badan.


Di lagu selanjutnya Lolipop, Mika menunjukkan kebolehan memainkan piano, alat musik andalannya. Meski asyik memainkan tuts piano dalam tempo cepat, ia tak lupa berinteraksi dengan penonton. Sontak para penonton yang hapal lirik lagu menyanyikan bareng bagian reffrain lagu Lolipop.


Mika memulai debut karirnya pada tahun 2007 lewat lagu hitsnya Grace Kelly. Lagu itu berhasil nangkring di peringkat atas tangga lagu UK Single Charts. Dikenal dengan aksi panggung enerjik dan suara falset yang ciamik ini kemudian sukses dengan tembang-tembangnya seperti We Are Golden, Lady Jane dan Billy Brown.


Baru-baru ini penyanyi berdarah Lebanon ini mengelurkan album terbaru Origin Of Love. Dalam album ini, Mika membawakan lagu single dalam bahasa Perancis berjudul Elle Me Dit. Setelah konser di Jakarta, Mika juga akan gelar konser di Tokyo, Osaka dan Seoul.


(Google translator )

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Mika concert took place in Skenoo Hall, Jakarta tonight Friday, May 10, 2013. The British singer appeared on stage wearing a black suit. He greeted his fans with chants of 'Jakarta!' were welcomed by the audience cries.


He then stood up and took a standing mic. Sounded upbeat dance music, his first song in 2006 Relax Take It Easy brings lively atmosphere. Energetic stage performance makes the audience could not stop screaming and come melonjakkan body.


In the next song lollipop, Mika show the ability to play the piano, musical instruments flagship. Although busy playing piano at a brisk pace, he did not forget to interact with the audience. Suddenly the audience who sang the song with the lyrics memorized part reffrain lollipop song.


Mika career debut in 2007 through their hit song Grace Kelly. The song was succeeded perched on the top ranking charts UK Single Charts. Known for energetic live performances and the sound of the good Salou later success with the song-tembangnya as We Are Golden, Lady Jane and Billy Brown.


Recently blooded Lebanese singer's latest album mengelurkan Origin Of Love. In this album, Mika song titled single in French Elle Me Dit. After a concert in Jakarta, Mika will also be the title concerts in Tokyo, Osaka and Seoul.










"Love Today" bisa dibilang salah satu lagu yang membuat Mika dikenal di dunia musik internasional. Lagu yang diambil dari album Life in Cartoon Motion tersebut malam ini membuat seluruh penggemar Mika yang memadati Skeeno Hall, Gandaria City, Jakarta histeris. Penantian penggemar sejak tahun 2007 Mika merilis album, tampaknya terbayar sudah.


Musisi asal Inggris ini tampil enerjik dan menggila. Mika ngedance, naik ke atas pianonya sambil melantunkan lagu tersebut tanpa 'cacat'. Ribuan penonton sepeti kesihir dengan aura Mika, mereka bernyanyi, ngedance dengan gembira.


Nggak cuma sebagai musisi, Mika juga performer handal. Ia sempat berakting kesal gara-gara salah satu pengiring bandnya (Max) terus melantunkan "La da di da di da.. La da di da di da" terus menerus padahal ia udah kasih isyarat bahwa lagu "Love Today" udah selesai ia nyanyikan. Mika kemudian kebelakang panggung, penonton mulai panik mengira itu sudah penghujung konser.


Ternyata? Mika kembali dan menambah bagian reff lagu yang bernada ceria tersebut. Penonton teriak histeris dan berjingkrak dengan riang.


Mika membawakan lima belas lagu, beberapa diantaranya adalah "Popular", "Stuck In The Middle", "The Origin of Love", "Happy Ending", "Grace Kelly" dan "Lollipop".


Bahkan ia menyanyikan lagu "Lollipop" dua kali, yang kedua untuk penutup. Ia nggak cuma nyanyi, tapi juga bermain piano. Sepanjang konser Mika juga berinteraksi dengan penonton. Tiga belas orang penonton ia ajak ke atas panggung, untuk jadi paduan suara di beberapa lagu.


Bahkan Mika juga menyempatkan diri membuka hadiah dari penggemarnya yang melemparnya ke panggung.


Penggemar meneriakinya dengan berbagai pujian. Mika menanggapinya, "Aku nggak ngerti apa yang kalian katakan". Yah, walaupun begitu terlihat Mika senang dengan antusias penontonnya.


"Jakarta, kalian luar biasa. Terimakasih Jakarta," pamit Mika sebelum ia menyanyikan lagu penutup, "Lollipop".


Penonton yang hadir malam ini mungkin menyerukan dalam hati, "Love Today" setelah menonton aksi Mika.


( Google translator )

"Love Today" is arguably one of the songs that made Mika internationally known in the music world. The song is taken from the album Life in Cartoon Motion was made throughout the evening Mika fans who packed Skeeno Hall, Gandaria City, Jakarta hysterical. Fans waiting since 2007 Mika released the album, seems to have paid off.


This British musician performed energetic and crazy. Mika dancing, rose to the top of the piano as he sang the song without 'flawed'. Thousands of spectators crate kesihir with Mika aura, their singing, dancing happily.


Not only as a musician, performer Mika also reliable. He was acting upset because one of his band accompaniment (Max) kept chanting "La da in da in da .. La da in da in da" when he continuously cues that already love the song "Love Today" is finished he sang. Mika then backward stage, the audience started to panic thinking it was the end of the concert.


It turned out? Mika back and add the reff the cheerful tunes. The audience shouted hysterically and prance merrily.


Mika brings fifteen songs, some of which are "Popular", "Stuck In The Middle", "The Origin of Love", "Happy Ending", "Grace Kelly" and "Lollipop".


He even sang the song "Lollipop" twice, the second to cover. He not only sing, but also play the piano. Throughout the Mika concert also interact with the audience. Thirteen people he invited the audience onto the stage, to be in the chorus of some songs.


Even Mika also finds time to open the gifts from the fans who threw it onto the stage.


Fans shouted with praise. Mika responded, "I do not understand what you say". Well, although less visible Mika happy with enthusiastic audience.


"Jakarta, you are incredible. Thanks Jakarta," Mika said goodbye before she sang the closing song, "Lollipop".


Spectators in attendance tonight in the liver may be called, "Love Today" Mika after watching the action.

Posted (edited)








Edited by Kumazzz

thanks for all the pix/videos. weird that he sang lollipop twice - with 3 albums he should really have a bigger choice of songs than that! :doh:



Closeup Indonesia


Omen paling berkesan buat para pemenang Freshformance saat Closeup Presents MIKA kemarin adalah ketika wawancarain MIKA! Kesempatan langka kan?


( Google translator )

The most memorable moment for the winners while Freshformance Closeup Present yesterday was when interviewed MIKA ! Rare opportunity right?



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