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Mika to be a judge at X-Factor Italia 2015!

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What did the judges say? fedez was funny


After the song:


Mika: So...

Elio: You are beautiful

Mika: We have changed category. Here we present ourselves as a group

Elio laughs

Mika: If you can't (but maybe he meant "if you could") be nice with your comments..

Elio: The name (of the group)?

Mika: Efharisto (Ευχαριστώ)

Miriam: Efharisto, yes, yes, yes

Elio: For me it's yes

Mika: Ah, thank you! We need only three. Have you understood the rules of this program?

Miriam: I'm very nervous and emotional, sorry

Mika: But wait the result, dear friend!

Miriam: it went wrong?

Elio laughs

Skin: For me... for me... (the public shouts yes) - Mika: Ah, can I.. ? - ... yes!

Mika: Ah, thank you! So, we need only one

Fedez: But it's a real vote! Oh well, uh.., uh.. I...uh..

Mika: What's the judgement/decision?

Fedez: Wow! But I say yes, of course!

Mika: Yeeeh!

Fedez or Elio (I'm not sure): Sure!

Mika: We did it! But this means that, at Bootcamp, I have to sing too?

Fedez: Exactly!

Miriam: Really?

Mika: But we have passed (the auditions) as real (contestants)?  (I'm sure here he meant exactly "as real contestants" = "da veri (concorrenti)" and that he didn't make a mistake in saying "really" = "davvero". And in fact right after that, in the backstage, he asks Cattelan: "Ma siamo passati veramente, davvero?" = But we passed (the auditions), really?)

Fedez: As real 

Elio: Now I don't know how you'll escape it/from it, Mika

Mika: It's all messed up

Fedez: As real, as real

Mika: But this is a total paradox! Let's run away quickly

Elio: Bye! We expect you to/at the Bootcamp!

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After the song:


Mika: So...

Elio: You are beautiful

Mika: We have changed category. Here we present ourselves as a group

Elio laughs

Mika: If you can't (but maybe he meant "if you could") be nice with your comments..

Elio: The name (of the group)?

Mika: Efharisto (Ευχαριστώ)

Miriam: Efharisto, yes, yes, yes

Elio: For me it's yes

Mika: Ah, thank you! We need only three. Have you understood the rules of this program?

Miriam: I'm very nervous and emotional, sorry

Mika: But wait the result, dear friend!

Miriam: it went wrong?

Elio laughs

Skin: For me... for me... (the public shouts yes) - Mika: Ah, can I.. ? - ... yes!

Mika: Ah, thank you! So, we need only one

Fedez: But it's a real vote! Oh well, uh.., uh.. I...uh..

Mika: What's the judgement/decision?

Fedez: Wow! But I say yes, of course!

Mika: Yeeeh!

Fedez or Elio (I'm not sure): Sure!

Mika: We did it! But this means that, at Bootcamp, I have to sing too?

Fedez: Exactly!

Miriam: Really?

Mika: But we have passed (the auditions) as real (contestants)?  (I'm sure here he meant exactly "as real contestants" = "da veri (concorrenti)" and that he didn't make a mistake in saying "really" = "davvero". And in fact right after that, in the backstage, he asks Cattelan: "Ma siamo passati veramente, davvero?" = But we passed (the auditions), really?)

Fedez: As real 

Elio: Now I don't know how you'll escape it/from it, Mika

Mika: It's all messed up

Fedez: As real, as real

Mika: But this is a total paradox! Let's run away quickly

Elio: Bye! We expect you to/at the Bootcamp!

Thank you!!! :wub:


I thought it was all a "joke" to make his fan happy, will be interesting to watch bootcamp!

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Thank you!!! :wub:


I thought it was all a "joke" to make his fan happy, will be interesting to watch bootcamp!


You're welcome!  :)


In a sense, it 's so. He was kind to his Greek fan, and the others were joking, but I don't know what happened at Bootcamp. We'll see  :naughty:

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I don't know if anybody is interested, but there's an interesting interview to Skin on Vanity Fair of this week. I know that isn't directly about Mika, but Skins speaks also about the rights to gay couples, so to me seemed right to share it.

I hope it's okay.




Skin: «Diritti alle coppie gay, l'Italia è pronta»


Skin ha detto sì a X Factor dopo il matrimonio finito con la sua produttrice. E ora lancia un appello al nostro Paese (e alla Chiesa)


«Ero sposata (con la sua produttrice, l’americana Christiana Wyly, ndr) e all’inizio di quest’anno il mio matrimonio è finito. Da quando è successo ho cominciato a dire sì alle cose. Dire sì mi ha fatta sentire come la fenice che risorge dalle ceneri: tutta la mia vita era per aria, distrutta, bruciata, ma sono rinata. Quindi ho detto sì a X Factor per sfidare me stessa: avevo bisogno di qualcosa di emotivamente intenso e l’ho trovato... È anche un modo per ritrovare la fiducia in me stessa. Quando una storia finisce ti senti atterrato in un angolo: devi scuotere la testa, rialzarti a fatica e andare avanti.Vedere i ragazzi che cantano sul palco è terapeutico ed emozionante: mi ricorda quando ho cominciato io, e la strada che ho fatto».

Ne ha fatta di strada Deborah Anne Dyer, per tutti Skin, voce e leader della band Skunk Anansie, produttrice, dj, attrice. E a Vanity Fair, che le dedica la copertina del numero in edicola da mercoledì 23 settembre, confida così la vicenda privata che sta dietro la sua decisione di accettare di far parte della giuria della nona edizione di X Factor Italia.

«L’X Factor più rock di tutti: per questo ha senso che ci sia io. E ha senso perché l’Italia è un posto che adoro da quando ci sono venuta per la prima volta con la band vent’anni fa e ci siamo tutti innamorati». Skin, che aveva scelto proprio l’Italia per la sua cerimonia nuziale, interviene poi sul tormentato iter della legge sulle unioni civili tra persone dello stesso sesso: «I tempi sono maturi perché anche l’Italia salga sulla barca su cui sta salendo tutto il mondo. Capisco che avere qui la Chiesa renda le cose più complicate, ma questo cambiamento deve avvenire. Non capisco che cosa ci sia di pericoloso: ci sono ancora abbastanza eterosessuali al mondo perché la razza umana non si estingua. E se ci estingueremo sarà per quello che stiamo facendo all’ambiente, non certo per colpa dei gay. Anni fa – non tantissimi per la verità – neri e bianchi non potevano sposarsi: se ci pensiamo adesso, non sembra una cosa stupida? Succederà lo stesso ripensando alle battaglie per i diritti omosessuali. L’Italia dovrà cambiare se vuole continuare a essere vista come un Paese progredito. E anche la Chiesa deve evolversi, i ragazzini sentono le opinioni sui gay, sulle donne e pensano: è allucinante. E si allontanano dalla fede. Ma non credo spetti a una rock star inglese spiegare agli italiani cosa dovrebbe fare l’Italia, lo sapete già voi come si fa a cambiare».

Nell’intervista a Vanity Fair Skin racconta poi la difficoltà di far accettare alla famiglia la sua omosessualità: «Mia madre è religiosissima ed è molto attiva nella sua parrocchia, ma è una donna intelligente. Per una parte della mia famiglia anche solo fare la cantante è una cosa di cui vergognarsi: io ho studiato architettura d’interni per fare contenti i miei, mi sono laureata per renderli orgogliosi. Ma a un certo punto bisogna cominciare a stare in piedi da soli e fare fronte alle critiche e alle cattiverie. Io ho fatto così: al mio matrimonio ho invitato solo le persone della famiglia che erano felici che mi sposassi. Gli altri, gli omofobi, sono rimasti a casa».

E sull’eventualità di adottare un figlio: «Ho sei nipoti e due pronipoti e sto benissimo con loro: pare che io ci sappia proprio fare coi bambini. La mia ex moglie ha un figlio di dodici anni: nei primi due anni del nostro matrimonio ci siamo divertiti un sacco insieme, era suo figlio, ma lei era mia moglie, eravamo una famiglia. Adesso lo vedo ancora, ovviamente. Quanto ad adottare, per me non sarebbe facile, ormai sono troppo grande. Ma va bene così».

Il servizio completo su Vanity Fair n.38 in edicola il 23 settembre.


Here are the scans of the entire article/interview on Vanity Fair:


post-23401-0-24323200-1443218162_thumb.jpg post-23401-0-43375600-1443218189_thumb.jpg post-23401-0-02387900-1443218209_thumb.jpg post-23401-0-01551900-1443218235_thumb.jpg post-23401-0-46155700-1443218254_thumb.jpg post-23401-0-48295800-1443218272_thumb.jpg


Let me know if you want the traduction of the interview, please.

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I want to ask 2 things :

First, why did Mika say no to the man with glasses who wore yellow pant? Mika said "I dont understand"( as far as I know non capisco means I dont understand?) but I couldnt catch what he couldnt understand.

and second, there were a woman and a man, and the man had long hair and glasses, and I think Mika said he looked like John Lennon. What was their song about? Everyone was laughing so it must be funny, I wonder :)

Can somebody translate them? I would be so happy, if somebody could explain :) :)

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I want to ask 2 things :

First, why did Mika say no to the man with glasses who wore yellow pant? Mika said "I dont understand"( as far as I know non capisco means I dont understand?) but I couldnt catch what he couldnt understand.

and second, there were a woman and a man, and the man had long hair and glasses, and I think Mika said he looked like John Lennon. What was their song about? Everyone was laughing so it must be funny, I wonder :)

Can somebody translate them? I would be so happy, if somebody could explain :) :)


I have to watch again those scenes, then I will answer you with pleasure  :)

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I want to ask 2 things :

First, why did Mika say no to the man with glasses who wore yellow pant? Mika said "I dont understand"( as far as I know non capisco means I dont understand?) but I couldnt catch what he couldnt understand.

and second, there were a woman and a man, and the man had long hair and glasses, and I think Mika said he looked like John Lennon. What was their song about? Everyone was laughing so it must be funny, I wonder :)

Can somebody translate them? I would be so happy, if somebody could explain :) :)



I have to watch again those scenes, then I will answer you with pleasure  :)


About the guy with glasses who wore yellow pant, Andrea, first of all, I have to explain the writing on the T shirt that he had : "CHE DIO... TASSISTA", with a yellow taxi represented in the middle. It's a phrase with a 

play in words, which comes from the literal translation of that God t'assista, only that is written (for example in the translator) or pronounced without the apostrophe of elision: "Che Dio t'assista" = "May God assist you!" or "Let's hope that God helps/protects you"  and "Che Dio tassista" = "That/Which God Taxidriver!", a lame joke. Also he presented himself with a look of dubious taste, as we say, tamarro (in this case "tamarro" is someone who is a show-off with a bad taste for fashion, cars, etc...). So the 4 judges had low expectations, then to his performance they remained incredulous and they didn't understand whether his extravagance, his way of presenting, his attitude, was/were real or constructed/fake. 


So after the song they said:


Skin: completely crazy!

Mika: you need a makeover

Andrea: un medico? = a doctor?

Fedez: maybe even that

A.Cattelan: they have to remodel him a bit

Mika: The look, I can't, even stylistically, even in the way of singing, I don't understand the environment from where you come. I don't understand your story

Andrea: um... my story is... I'll tell you it      (he meant next time / in the future)

Fedez: I think you're a great strategist, because usually people come here and flaunt/show off their high, sophisticated taste. You arrived here, (with the attitude) "I have absurd glasses, I like s**tty jokes, but I sing scary good so you have lowered our expectations, and you've completely amazed us.

Stupefacente (this is a play on words. Stupefacente is a bureaucratic word for drug, but it is also an adjective meaning amazing, astonishing, surprising), in every way/in all senses!

Elio: I don't think this is a strategy, I think you're really in this way,and that, however, you sing really like a beast.So, in Italy for me there isn't a voice like yours. Okay, I say yes.

Mika: I say no

Fedez: I say yes

Skin: your courage.., with your look and your madness/craziness.. I say yes

Andrea: yes! thank you all!

Mika: me too?

Fedez: to us too


For the second question, can you wait for my answer tomorrow, please? Here it's a little late and I'm tired, but I promise you that tomorrow, with a clearer mind, I'll answer you  :)

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About the guy with glasses who wore yellow pant, Andrea, first of all, I have to explain the writing on the T shirt that he had : "CHE DIO... TASSISTA", with a yellow taxi represented in the middle. It's a phrase with a

play in words, which comes from the literal translation of that God t'assista, only that is written (for example in the translator) or pronounced without the apostrophe of elision: "Che Dio t'assista" = "May God assist you!" or "Let's hope that God helps/protects you" and "Che Dio tassista" = "That/Which God Taxidriver!", a lame joke. Also he presented himself with a look of dubious taste, as we say, tamarro (in this case "tamarro" is someone who is a show-off with a bad taste for fashion, cars, etc...). So the 4 judges had low expectations, then to his performance they remained incredulous and they didn't understand whether his extravagance, his way of presenting, his attitude, was/were real or constructed/fake.


So after the song they said:


Skin: completely crazy!

Mika: you need a makeover

Andrea: un medico? = a doctor?

Fedez: maybe even that

A.Cattelan: they have to remodel him a bit

Mika: The look, I can't, even stylistically, even in the way of singing, I don't understand the environment from where you come. I don't understand your story

Andrea: um... my story is... I'll tell you it (he meant next time / in the future)

Fedez: I think you're a great strategist, because usually people come here and flaunt/show off their high, sophisticated taste. You arrived here, (with the attitude) "I have absurd glasses, I like s**tty jokes, but I sing scary good so you have lowered our expectations, and you've completely amazed us.

Stupefacente (this is a play on words. Stupefacente is a bureaucratic word for drug, but it is also an adjective meaning amazing, astonishing, surprising), in every way/in all senses!

Elio: I don't think this is a strategy, I think you're really in this way,and that, however, you sing really like a beast.So, in Italy for me there isn't a voice like yours. Okay, I say yes.

Mika: I say no

Fedez: I say yes

Skin: your courage.., with your look and your madness/craziness.. I say yes

Andrea: yes! thank you all!

Mika: me too?

Fedez: to us too


For the second question, can you wait for my answer tomorrow, please? Here it's a little late and I'm tired, but I promise you that tomorrow, with a clearer mind, I'll answer you :)

Hmm that's why! Ok thank you very much :) ofcourse I can wait, doesnt matter when :)
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I want to ask 2 things :

First, why did Mika say no to the man with glasses who wore yellow pant? Mika said "I dont understand"( as far as I know non capisco means I dont understand?) but I couldnt catch what he couldnt understand.

and second, there were a woman and a man, and the man had long hair and glasses, and I think Mika said he looked like John Lennon. What was their song about? Everyone was laughing so it must be funny, I wonder :)

Can somebody translate them? I would be so happy, if somebody could explain :) :)



About the guy with glasses who wore yellow pant, Andrea, first of all, I have to explain the writing on the T shirt that he had : "CHE DIO... TASSISTA", with a yellow taxi represented in the middle. It's a phrase with a 

play in words, which comes from the literal translation of that God t'assista, only that is written (for example in the translator) or pronounced without the apostrophe of elision: "Che Dio t'assista" = "May God assist you!" or "Let's hope that God helps/protects you"  and "Che Dio tassista" = "That/Which God Taxidriver!", a lame joke. Also he presented himself with a look of dubious taste, as we say, tamarro (in this case "tamarro" is someone who is a show-off with a bad taste for fashion, cars, etc...). So the 4 judges had low expectations, then to his performance they remained incredulous and they didn't understand whether his extravagance, his way of presenting, his attitude, was/were real or constructed/fake. 


So after the song they said:


Skin: completely crazy!

Mika: you need a makeover

Andrea: un medico? = a doctor?

Fedez: maybe even that

A.Cattelan: they have to remodel him a bit

Mika: The look, I can't, even stylistically, even in the way of singing, I don't understand the environment from where you come. I don't understand your story

Andrea: um... my story is... I'll tell you it      (he meant next time / in the future)

Fedez: I think you're a great strategist, because usually people come here and flaunt/show off their high, sophisticated taste. You arrived here, (with the attitude) "I have absurd glasses, I like s**tty jokes, but I sing scary good so you have lowered our expectations, and you've completely amazed us.

Stupefacente (this is a play on words. Stupefacente is a bureaucratic word for drug, but it is also an adjective meaning amazing, astonishing, surprising), in every way/in all senses!

Elio: I don't think this is a strategy, I think you're really in this way,and that, however, you sing really like a beast.So, in Italy for me there isn't a voice like yours. Okay, I say yes.

Mika: I say no

Fedez: I say yes

Skin: your courage.., with your look and your madness/craziness.. I say yes

Andrea: yes! thank you all!

Mika: me too?

Fedez: to us too


For the second question, can you wait for my answer tomorrow, please? Here it's a little late and I'm tired, but I promise you that tomorrow, with a clearer mind, I'll answer you  :)


So, for the second question, they are The Van Houtens, brother and sister with Italian father and English mother, and presented the song "John Frog", written in Britalian (they called it so), a language that combines ironically Italian and English. It's a funny (but also a little silly) song of the demential/wacky music genre dedicated to Giovanni Rana (translated in John Frog) and his tortellini.

Giovanni Rana (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Rana , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Rana ) is a chef and Italian entrepreneur, founder of the group Pastificio Rana, a world leader in the fresh pasta, especially tortellini ( he is in fact called in Italy "the king of tortellini"). He became known to the general public thanks to advertising campaigns in the early nineties, appearing in person in the television commercials and the print media, conveying a sense of assurance to the consumer on the genuineness of the products Rana. The most famous advertising campaign of the company saw Giovanni Rana advertise their tortellini in surreal sketches (made of computer-graphic) where he interacted with famous characters from the past, like the film/movie stars Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable or Stalin, or even Don Camillo. With this campaign, which had massive advertising investments, Giovanni Rana also became a very famous media personality. And he continues to do advertising spots for his products even now.


Here is the video with the lyrics:


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So, for the second question, they are The Van Houtens, brother and sister with Italian father and English mother, and presented the song "John Frog", written in Britalian (they called it so), a language that combines ironically Italian and English. It's a funny (but also a little silly) song of the demential/wacky music genre dedicated to Giovanni Rana (translated in John Frog) and his tortellini.

Giovanni Rana (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Rana , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Rana ) is a chef and Italian entrepreneur, founder of the group Pastificio Rana, a world leader in the fresh pasta, especially tortellini ( he is in fact called in Italy "the king of tortellini"). He became known to the general public thanks to advertising campaigns in the early nineties, appearing in person in the television commercials and the print media, conveying a sense of assurance to the consumer on the genuineness of the products Rana. The most famous advertising campaign of the company saw Giovanni Rana advertise their tortellini in surreal sketches (made of computer-graphic) where he interacted with famous characters from the past, like the film/movie stars Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable or Stalin, or even Don Camillo. With this campaign, which had massive advertising investments, Giovanni Rana also became a very famous media personality. And he continues to do advertising spots for his products even now.


Here is the video with the lyrics:



Wow, you explained in so much detail! Thank you very very much again. :) sorry for taking your time, it would be better if I learned Italian :D so kind, thank you again :)

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Wow, you explained in so much detail! Thank you very very much again. :) sorry for taking your time, it would be better if I learned Italian :D so kind, thank you again :)


 You are welcome! And don't worry, if I can help to make understand what is being said in Italian and also its meaning, sometimes bizarre, I do it with pleasure. Italians are often a little complicated in what they do and say  :doh:  :aah: . If you don't understand something else, you can ask without problems.  :)

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All Band and Over passed to Home Visit of X Factor 9:


In this first episode of Bootcamp the categories of Band (led by Fedez) and Over (Elio) arrived at their first selection with the “Six Chair Challenge”. Each of these categories has been downsized from 12 to 6 elements.

As the talents in the same category have performed, each judge had to decide who to make sit in the six chairs that lead directly to the Home Visit and who definitively eliminate.That's who is passed:


Band (Fedez)Iron Mais, Urban Strangers, Moseek, Street Chords, Landlord, OSC2X.


Over (Elio)Giovanni Sada, David Aiyeniwon, Diego Esposito, Davide Sciortino, Massimiliano D’Alessandro, Marco Sbarbati.



So in the next episode of Bootcamp we'll see/watch the choice of Mika with the category of Under Boys (16-24) and Skin with the category of Under Girls (16-24).


(And for them we'll see also the civility and the maturity of the Italian public, right? :fisch: )

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I wonder what happened with the last contestant of Elio. I think her name was Sarah? She did not want to continue because she was sorry for Marco? or I completely misunderstood? :D and what did Mika said on stage when he went to her? I asked so many questions sorry :stifle::)

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I wonder what happened with the last contestant of Elio. I think her name was Sarah? She did not want to continue because she was sorry for Marco? or I completely misunderstood? :D and what did Mika said on stage when he went to her? I asked so many questions sorry :stifle::)


Don't worry, you (and anyone else) can ask without problems  :)


After that Sara made her performance with the loop station, the judges had doubts about her: Skin, being herself also a deejay, said that the thing with the loop station was not so difficult to do and wasn't so original, as instead Fedez was saying and that maybe it/she didn't fit to do X Factor.

Mika said to Elio to ask Sarah how she would do the same format of the other contestants with the loop station and Elio had doubts whether this thing could annoy the audience after a while. But after talking among themselves, the judges decided that it could be a good experiment and to make her try it, and Elio has accepted their advice and decided to give her a chair, calling the switch with the first guy, Marco.

The public/audience whistled in disapproval


Sara: Excuse me, I don't feel like doing it 

Public/audience: Brava, brava! Well done, well done!

Fedez: No, what are you doing?

Elio: What does it mean?

Sara: I think he was better (than me) and ...

Elio (here he does a play on words): I can't take my hat off, I take my wig off, for you

Marco: But are you sure? Come on, listen to me ...

Mika: We were right, you are the most elegant/graceful of this competition. Honestly, you are awesome/pretty cool! You are incredible! I told you, you've already won! Elio, this is beautiful! You are great (a great person)!

Elio: In any case, you are going to make it anyway

Sara (to Marco): Take well your chance.        Bye, thank you

A.Cattelan: Sara, oh my! What were you thinking?

Sara: I wasn't thinking of anything, I just followed what my instincts told me. (My) Instinct told me that he had to go forward

Marco: I feel a little as if in the end I had remained here (just) because someone gave up her/his place to me

Elio: I am very pleased to tell you that I no longer have anyone to stand up from the chair, so the team that will go to Home Visit, for the category Over, is this. Bravi! Well done!


In many interviews, published the day after the show was broadcast, she said he had given up because she realized that she wasn't fit to do and didn't want to do anymore the Tv show. However, she already had a record deal with "Maciste Dischi", a little record company, not a major, and in fact they have released her first album, "Mentha" (in it also songs without the loop station) and the single on September 14, she has already made a mini-tour in some Italian cities, and in October there is her real tour.

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