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Mika Signing Session @ CC Le Due Torri in Stezzano (BG) Italy 15th June 2015


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According to what's written on the newspaper "L'eco di Bergamo" http://www.ecodibergamo.it/stories/Cultura%20e%20Spettacoli/mika-a-stezzano-il-15-giugnoanteprima-del-suo-nuovo-album_1121282_11/

Mika will be in Stezzano in the shopping center "Le due Torri" the 15th of June from 17:30 to present his new album No place in Heaven for the very first time in Italy. The album that will be found in Media World and in another similar store will be a deluxe edition with two bonus tracks, not included in the preordered iTunes album.





If you're planning to attend, just click on the banner and you'll be redirected to the RSVP Calendar page.

Edited by mari62
adding Calendar link
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Appartently Mika will be at Mediaworld in a Mall in Stezzano, province of Bergamo, the next 15th June giving an exclusive preview of his new album "No place in Heaven", with an agreement between Universal and Mediaworld/Saturn in their stores will be available the exclusive version with 2 unreleased songs, also available for Fnac in France, these tracks are «Le Baisers Perdus» and «J’ai Pas Envie». 

Mika is expected to be there around 5.30 pm.  :)  :mikacool:


I think that there will be an autograph session like last time, good news for all italian fas!  :italia:

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Ohhh s**t. 

What now. 

Should I stay or should I go. :facepalm:

Come! I'm very likely going as it's very close to my place and it's not on a weekend! I could give you a guided tour of the city if we meet early! Bergamo is wonderful!
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Come! I'm very likely going as it's very close to my place and it's not on a weekend! I could give you a guided tour of the city if we meet early! Bergamo is wonderful!



:lmfao:  I appreciate, but seriously. 

Are you planning to meet up at 3 a.m.? 

Cause there's no other option if you want to go on a city tour before this thing. 

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Go ...

10 mins from my place sweetie u can stay over if u want!


no worries, I've merged the 2 threads :thumb_yello:

Thank you Mari!! Edited by FralovesMika
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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's my report!


Our day begins with much traffic on the road :doh: , my good friend (a very big fan of Fedez who spent this day with me) and my sister, who after Fabrique is a real Mikafreak :wub:​ ! After arriving in Stezzano at 8:45 we immediately meet with Elwendin who kindly bought the CDs for us too :hug: . We receive our numbers: 32, 33, 34 and start queuing. The weather is amazingly good, cloudy and cool. We roll out our beach towel, take a sit just in front of the hurdles and start chatting :gathering: . Hours pass by quite quickly. The sun comes out and colourful umbrellas start coming into view. The well-organized staff hands over water and umbrellas every now and then. We leave the queue many times without any problems, to buy food (sharpies, rubbers, post-it) go to the loo and take random strolls. While chatting with Elwendin about an idea we talked about some weeks before, we decide to give Mika one of our MFC Subtitiling team logos :naughty: . As we haven’t prepared it before, we decide to draw it at the moment on a post it she bought for herself, while I’m drawing it my sister and friend enter the shopping center to get us sharpies and rubbers. We spend our time drawing, chatting and hoping for clouds to shade the hot sun!  

A few minutes before 3pm the people queuing are put into place according to their numbers and after few time they let us walk quietly to the roof where the signing is meant to take place.      

While queuing on the roof our hopes for clouds are fulfilled…  even too much as it starts pouring with rain! :doh:

We spend nearly half an hour with our umbrellas opened to (try to) protect from the heavy rain. They let us in under the tensile structure around 5 o’ clock. Mika arrives at 5:30pm on the dot, together with his Italian manager. He talks a bit with the journalist who’s hosting the event apologizing for the people who are still stuck under the pouring rain. He answers a few questions, he talks about the masks fanaction of Fabrique stating that it was very unpleasant to sing in front of hundreds of his faces :fisch: . He starts the signing; he seems to be in a very good mood! Elwendin goes first and walks out with a huge smile on her face! :king:  I’m the second one. I walk towards him and the first thing that crosses my mind is: “Gosh he’s really tall!! :stretcher: ” he greets me and asks how I’m doing. I don’t know how, but I can look at him in the eyes and answer and I even find the courage to tell him a little thing. :sweatdrop:  I told him I was bringing him the greetings from a 102 year-old granny (my very best friend’s granny, that I see pretty much every day and knows Mika, as we often listen to his songs while she’s with us, my friend had just sent me a vocal message of her talking about him!). He looks at me with a curious and surprised look :roll1:  and says “Ah si? Davvero? Grazie mille” (Oh yes? Really? Thank you!) then he signs the album and we take a photo. Then comes my sister’s moment. She thanks him for the emotions he gave her at Fabrique’s concert and she walks away with heart-shaped eyes as w ell.  :rolleyes:  :mf_lustslow:

My friend walks to him asking him for a favour, he wisely answers that he’s not sure he will be able to fulfil her wish, depending on the request, she asks him “Coul you say “Hi” to Fedez !! :teehee: ” He smiles at her and says “I sure will”. She then comes toward us laughing hard as I didn’t think she would do it for real! :doh:

Me, Elwendin and my sister were really over the moon! I guess that’s Mika’s effect. I still have to come to terms and I can’t stop smiling whenever I think about it :cheer: . It’s been a real pleasure to spend those hours with Elwendin, not sure she thinks alike but I don’t care!  :shun:  (Love you dear!  :hug: )  

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Corriere Della Sera



la star internazionale lancia il suo nuovo album alle due torri di stezzano

Ecco Mika: in mille per una fotoE c’è chi si accampa la notte prima
Bagno di folla per il cantante libanese: ma solo alle prime tre è concesso il selfie
Per vedere Mika hanno sfidato la pioggia e la fatica, qualche ragazzina ha perfino dormito in macchina nel parcheggio delle Due Torri di Stezzano pur di essere la prima della fila. Un migliaio di fan hanno accolto il cantante anglo libanese, arrivato ieri al centro commerciale per presentare il suo quarto disco, No place in heaven, uscito con un giorno di anticipo su etichetta Virgin per Universal Music e con due bonus track, Le baisers perdus e J’ai pas envie .

A fare il viaggio più lungo sono stati i ragazzi arrivati dalla Sicilia, da Napoli e da Roma. Altri sono invece partiti da Treviso, Aosta, Bologna, Pisa e Mantova per vedere Mika. Solo poche parole al microfono per l’artista, elegantissimo in pull e pantaloni beige, che ha un passato da modello e veste Valentino. «Sono orgoglioso di questo album, è il più personale - ha spiegato a Micaela Carrara, che intratteneva la folla in delirio -. Ci ho impiegato due anni, volevo fosse credibile». Nella platea ha riconosciuto anche due giovani che anche ieri, come al suo concerto al Fabrique di Milano, indossavano la maschera con il suo volto. «Come posso dimenticarle, avevano la faccia “di io”», ha scherzato in un italiano impreciso.


Alle prime tre ragazze della fila ha concesso anche una foto: Giorgia, 23 anni, vive a Capriate, Assunta, 20, a Torino e Alice, 22, a Viareggio. Si sono conosciute inviando tweet al loro idolo. La giovane bergamasca è andata a prendere le due amiche domenica sera in stazione a Bergamo. A mezzanotte erano già ad aspettarlo e si sono scritte un numerino sulla mano per non perdere la priorità. «Ci piacciono le sue canzoni e la sua dolcezza», spiegano. Lo seguono ovunque e quella bergamasca è stata la 18esima volta in un anno e mezzo che lo vedono. «Per essere al suo concerto a Napoli, l’anno scorso a maggio, ci siamo fatte undici ore di treno, una settimana fa eravamo a Nyon, in Svizzera, per lui spendiamo mille euro l’anno», spiega Assunta, che gli ha donato un ferro di cavallo con la coccinella incastonata. «È simpatico, perfetto - racconta Alice - l’ho invitato al carnevale, perché ci è venuto anche Dario Fo, il suo mito».


Le più sfegatate sanno che a Mika piace il Barolo, evita le spiagge affollate, detesta gli aeroporti. Adora Paolo Conte e, su consiglio di Morgan, ascolta Fabrizio De André. Per la voce dei Bluvertigo ha scritto Andiamo a Londra . Vive tra Milano e Parigi, colleziona essenze e profumi, sta scrivendo un libro che raccoglie gli aneddoti sulla sua famiglia, la mamma libanese, il papà americano, il nonno che viveva in Siria. Le sue fan hanno ogni età, lo stesso Mika si vanta di far ballare sua nonna nei concerti americani. «È simpatico, lo seguiamo da sempre», dice Stefania, 41 anni, arrivata da Varese con la nipotina. Debora, 20 anni, di Merate, ha trovato la forza per affrontare i momenti bui dalle sue canzoni. «I miei compagni mi prendevano in giro, anche lui è stato vittima di bullismo e guarda dove è arrivato», dice riferendosi all’omosessualità del divo che ha fatto coming out tre anni fa, ha un compagno e desidera sposarsi e avere figli. In Good guys ringrazia i miti della sua gioventù. Tra questi, alcuni icone gay come David Bowie e Andy Warhol.


27 photos : https://bergamo.corriere.it/foto-gallery/cultura-e-spettacoli/15_giugno_15/tutti-pazzi-mika-5eb24b7a-1393-11e5-8f7b-8677cfd62f52.shtml




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