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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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i dreamt of mika before too.but it was funny on account of the fact of getting confused between dreamland and planet earth.i dreamt that i went to a mika gig here,then i asked for his siggy on my licm dvd,and afterwards,i had a dinner with him at the backstage since i was the lucky chosen fan.then before i went back home,i hugged him and he asked me to keep the dvd at my bedside :mf_lustslow:


the next morning when i woke up,i found myself stupidly checking for his siggy on my dvd :roftl:

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i dreamt a while ago that i had to go interview mika but i was really nervous and i believed that every step i took towards him would make me evenn more nervous. but then when it was time,e every step i took made me more relaxed. so i sat and chatted with him n he was really sweet.. :wub2:

and then when i woke up i was freaked out because the dream felt so real and i was shocked that it was actually a dream and not real life.

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I'm Mika obssesed and i've never,ever:blink: dreamed Mika!


Does that mean something???! :tears: (that i don't like him/he doesn't like me)???!!!




:crybaby: no no nooooooo:thumbdown: That's not true!



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My only dream with Mika dates back to about 1 year and it was very "productive".

In real life, one evening I come home and my wheel was deflate.My father had reinflated it, but that night I fell asleep with my MP3 in the ears and LICM (of course) and I have a little mixed reality and fiction and I dreamt that Mika changed my tire ..... so it's a dream useful, productive (I have a new tire ) but not really exciting in the end. :naughty:


Moreover my tire was the same when I woke up :roftl:.

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  • 2 weeks later...





I dreamed Mika!!!


*Everything happened on the little beach that we call

'under the fig':groovy: in town of Tivat,in small place Lepetane,

in Montenegro-country where I live.


*I was on 'under the fig' and DON'T KNOW HOW,I was sitting

next to MIKA and I was talking with him,like we know

each other 4 a long time!:drool:


*Than he said:'Wait me for a second.' Than he stood up,and

run somewhere,i can't remember where or why.

Than I went with one my friend(Jelena) to the road,

where was,somehow,one man who was selling the tickets for MIKA'S

CONCERT.That tickets were very small

,blue-white,and none could buy it except me.They were 50cent,only.I bought 2.

I was confused...


*Then I started to behave like I've never met Mika before.

I couldn't believe:Mika will sing?!What?Where?!


*Then I went back to the beach,it was dark.I was sitting,with

my friend on the beach,1m from the seawater.

Than I said screamly:'There he is!!!Now he jumped in the water!!!':mf_lustslow:

Than he went out from the water,turned the little light,

and started singing:



-Sth like that!!!


*At first I was little confused-Why he doesn't sing

'Lollipop,Grace Kelly,Relax???'But than I didn't care...

I stood up and started sing and dance right NEXT TO MIKA!!!

Than I tried to pull my friend to dance with us,

but she didn't want,so,I set next to her and kept watching him like.


*He was wearing light blue traussers and white T-shirt,

bracelets on hands....

He was like always-cute,curly hair....YAY!

I was soOoOoOoOo happy to see how

Mika dances and sings for me!!!Than appeared about 10 guys

which started to dance next to him in some costumes,

like his group(ya know...-which dance with him on his gigs...)


*Than he started to shake his buttock in front of us two,and

my friend was like:'I can't watch this!!' and she left.

I was little angry:badmood: and insulted,but I kept watching and listening

to Mika!


*Than I woke up!!!

But it was the best dream in my life!!!:boing:

I'd love to dream Mika again!


1st June '08.

08:32 AM



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Actually Mika was just mentioned,i didn't see him...




*I cam home,and there was only my sister Suzana.

I noticed green socks(under the window)on which has been written



*Me:'What a hilarious socks!'

*Suzi:'Yeah,Mika left them.:mf_rosetinted:'

*Me:'Mika left them???:blink::mf_lustslow:'

*Suzi:'Yes.He came here unplaned,and went quickly(he had sth

to do),and he left them to you.'


*Then i took them(the strange thing is-that socks has been

already used-by Mika,and he left them to me-like a gift:blink:?

Funny,crazy,strange-but i was soooOoooOoo happy...)and i said:

'YAY!I must take pic of them and post it on the MFC.Guys have

to know that Mika came to my place!:blush-anim-cl:'


*That's all....(Ya know....woke up)



08:58 AM





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Oh yeeeah !

I remember a dream I had the other day about Mika

I was going on a school trip to this shop

When we got there there was a sign that said that Mika was doing boxing at the RAH, so me and my friends ran off to go and see it. There was five of us and the only row where there was five seats was right at the back and we could hardly see Mika so I said :

'' Look I'm sorry about this but I'm leaving you for Mika (:roftl:)''

and I went to the front row to watch Mika but then the show got cancelled and I lost my mates and got expelled out of school 4 running away...

Then I woke up.


And a couple of days ago my sister had a dream about Mika aswell :

I was on the computer on the MFC (as usual lol) and then the bell rang. My sister went to the gate and yelled:

''Beeeeeeeeeeel ! Mika's here !''

Then i said OK and got off the computer and my sister said

''Could you tell him to stop coming all the time ?!?''

and then she woke up...

If only it was reeeeal !:sad:

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:wub2:I would like to dream about Mika more ofter. At the same time, the two times I did, I woke up really depressed:boxed:.

Well, the first dream is a bit fuzzy now, but I remember seing Mika kissing a girl and I remember having this deep feeling of sadness and despair (when I woke up, I still had a lump in my throat). It was awful.

The second dream was also depressing. I was with Mika. Well actually, we were a group of people and Mika was talking to us, but I was just like 10cm far from him, so... And he was telling us not to send him messages on his MySpace anymore, cause he hated it and wouldn't answer anyway. It's weird, cause he said that with his bright smile:wub2:. I maybe made his dream because I'm send him one message a week and feel silly:blush-anim-cl:

Here they are! I wish I had more happy dreams with him. Really meeting him and having a friendly conversation with him, just talking about everything and nothing!:bleh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've made another Mika dream, like 2 or 3 days (nights) ago. It was weird and short. I was in a pub with my mum (dunno what she was doing there!!) and Mika was behind the bar. We chatted about stuff I don't remember and then, he taught me how to make card tricks (magic tricks)... That's it!! Mika the magician:D

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  • 5 weeks later...

This morning I dreamt of Mika while I was awake O.o;; I didn't even do it on purpose, I was just lying in my bed daydreaming away untill I realised I was dreaming I was shopping with someone..with Mika! It was really weird, but I'd like to go shopping with him. Who wouldn't? wink2:

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OMG, I must be crazy... I dream about Mika almost once a week. :naughty:


Last night I dreamt about him: I was in a Meet & Greet, in a very large room with white and beautiful armchairs, Mika shook my hand and he was so sweet. :wub2:


Actually, there were millions of other details, but it'd be very long to tell. All my dreams about Mika are full of details, and elements, with really weird stories and characters, as well as completely unreal episodes (like Mika getting David Bowie's Labyrinth hair cut :boxed: and me telling him it didn't look good on him).


Yeah, I must be crazy... but I love my dreams. :naughty:

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I had an odd dream last night. I was in Sainsburys (It didn't start like that, but I've just skipped to the Mika bit, because the other stuff has nothing to do with Mika) and a man ran into the doors, with my brother chasing after him. My brother then shouted 'Becky! It's Mika!' I went over, and there, running from my little brother was Mika. So I started running after him too, and caught up with him (quite a surprise really; I can't run to save my life really :naughty: ). When he turned around, he looked quite scary. He'd clearly had an experiment with fake tan on his face, and his smile was so fake! I didn't care in the dream. I started blabbering on about what a huge fan I was. He was nodding, still with this scary fake smile plastered across his face. Throughtout the dream, he didn't change facial expression. It was rather clown-like, actually. I then pulled out my phone, and remembered it was charged (it had run out earlier in the dream), so I said 'Typical, the day I meet you, my phone battery is dead! I can't get a picture!'. He nodded again, and my mum started complaining about going home. I got huffy, since she didn't understand I was chatting to my idol (I told her this, but she continued to complain) so I just went off to get a pen, for Mika to sign something with. When I came back, he was walking out of the doors!

'I told him we needed to get home.' My mum told me. I just shrugged and we went home! :roftl: Dreams are so stupid. I love them anyway.

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god, i had one last night.


basically, my family and i were walking around in town, and there was this big stage. i went and sat on this chair on it, and then i saw mika sitting like 2 chairs down from me!!! he was really tired because he hadn't slept in like 40 hours and it was 3 in the morning, but it was incredible. i ran over and was like "I LOVE YOU!!!" blah blah etc, hope i didnt drool on him :D

and then he sort of walked around with me and family, and i asked him "why did you write any other world?" but then answered it because i was stupid enough to ask a question that i knew the answer to. but then i asked "what is your favorite song on LICM?" but i also knew the answer to that. d'oh..

so then my family took a picture of mika and i, and we had our arms around eachothers shoulders..ahhhh..but then i woke up. which sucked because i really thought it was real!! ahh well.

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I had one of my most amazing Mika dreams so far! My whole night was the same dream with Mika! (well, I just thought it was during quite long)



Some guy from school run towards me at school, to say to me that Mika was having a gig later that day in amsterdam again, and that I have to buy tickets soon!

So after school I went to the area to buy tickets, and waited for the show to begin. There were like 10 people, and the stage looked all boring. So when it finally begun we all found out that it wasn't a Mika gig, but a cheap-ass-amature-version of the musical mama mia. So I was getting so angry to the guy who told me there was a mika gig. So I got so pissed of that I jumped on the stage, to tell the actress to shut up, and after that I went backstage.

And suddenly I saw Mika! :shocked:I was really nervous, but on the other side I had the feeling that it wasn't the "famous" Mika, but just a really nice guy. Nobody backstage recognized him and stuff, just I was the one who adored him. So I started talking to him about..Well, actually about nothing, haha.

And suddenly the director of the musical grabt us by the arms and pull us on stage, so we walked one circle with a huge teddybear in our hands or something. I looked in the audience and I saw all these girls with a poster of MFC staring at me. Everybody screamed: WHAT THE HELL! THAT'S MIKA! IS THAT MIKA'S GIRLFRIEND? And I just had no idea. Haha


After our one minute of fame, we got backstage again. I remember that the backstage area suddenly was changed into a train? (:blink:?) And Mika walked out of the train to ride his toy-horse, you know, a wooden horse on a stick. :naughty: And I remember that I looked for it like 3 hours and said every minute that it looked super cute?

During the whole experience I got the feeling that Mika didn't liked me very much. Well, he did liked me, but we wasn't going too deep with his questions and stuff, like I wasn't interesting. Well..

Suddenly the train started to move, and Mika still was riding his toy-horse. He noticed that the train left when he was at top speed. So mika ran with his horse between his legs against the train, screaming that I had to put the button to open the doors. So I opened the doors, and pult Mika into the train. I was his hero! He started hugging and kissing me, because I saved his life? It was so awesome!


Than the director of the musical saw us again. He said we looked like the greatest couple of the world, and asked us for the love scene in the musical? [Mama mika! :das:] So we got on stage again, and walked hand in hand. On the background I heard a remix of that song "Mama mia, here we go again, my my, how could I ever let you go?" and Mika's Happy Ending. It sounded crap, but that doesn't matter. :naughty:

[here comes the best part!]


So Mika took my both hands, and put them on his chest, I was standing really close to him, and felt his breath on my face. :wub2: he looked at me for 10 seconds, and turned his head to my ear. He whispered with this really sexy low voice: "Oh Barbara, I've been waiting for a girl like you my whole life, so please.. Touch my hair, my love!" [Whaha] So I pult his curls who were hanging in front of his eyes and face, against his ears, and hold his head between my hands. And ohyeah! He started put his lips against my lips! It was heaven! A really soft, sweet, sensual french kiss followed. [omg]

And all these MFC girls were trowing rotten tomatoes against Mika, and screamed: "Traitor! Why didn't you told the MFC that you had a girlfriend! WE HATE YOU!" It was so funny!


And after that I only remember that we kissed backstage for hours, and that I got his phone number.


Gawd, when I'm reading this myself, it really doesn't make any sense at all. But it was one of the best dreams ever!

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I had one of my most amazing Mika dreams so far! My whole night was the same dream with Mika! (well, I just thought it was during quite long)



Some guy from school run towards me at school, to say to me that Mika was having a gig later that day in amsterdam again, and that I have to buy tickets soon!

So after school I went to the area to buy tickets, and waited for the show to begin. There were like 10 people, and the stage looked all boring. So when it finally begun we all found out that it wasn't a Mika gig, but a cheap-ass-amature-version of the musical mama mia. So I was getting so angry to the guy who told me there was a mika gig. So I got so pissed of that I jumped on the stage, to tell the actress to shut up, and after that I went backstage.

And suddenly I saw Mika! :shocked:I was really nervous, but on the other side I had the feeling that it wasn't the "famous" Mika, but just a really nice guy. Nobody backstage recognized him and stuff, just I was the one who adored him. So I started talking to him about..Well, actually about nothing, haha.

And suddenly the director of the musical grabt us by the arms and pull us on stage, so we walked one circle with a huge teddybear in our hands or something. I looked in the audience and I saw all these girls with a poster of MFC staring at me. Everybody screamed: WHAT THE HELL! THAT'S MIKA! IS THAT MIKA'S GIRLFRIEND? And I just had no idea. Haha


After our one minute of fame, we got backstage again. I remember that the backstage area suddenly was changed into a train? (:blink:?) And Mika walked out of the train to ride his toy-horse, you know, a wooden horse on a stick. :naughty: And I remember that I looked for it like 3 hours and said every minute that it looked super cute?

During the whole experience I got the feeling that Mika didn't liked me very much. Well, he did liked me, but we wasn't going too deep with his questions and stuff, like I wasn't interesting. Well..

Suddenly the train started to move, and Mika still was riding his toy-horse. He noticed that the train left when he was at top speed. So mika ran with his horse between his legs against the train, screaming that I had to put the button to open the doors. So I opened the doors, and pult Mika into the train. I was his hero! He started hugging and kissing me, because I saved his life? It was so awesome!


Than the director of the musical saw us again. He said we looked like the greatest couple of the world, and asked us for the love scene in the musical? [Mama mika! :das:] So we got on stage again, and walked hand in hand. On the background I heard a remix of that song "Mama mia, here we go again, my my, how could I ever let you go?" and Mika's Happy Ending. It sounded crap, but that doesn't matter. :naughty:

[here comes the best part!]


So Mika took my both hands, and put them on his chest, I was standing really close to him, and felt his breath on my face. :wub2: he looked at me for 10 seconds, and turned his head to my ear. He whispered with this really sexy low voice: "Oh Barbara, I've been waiting for a girl like you my whole life, so please.. Touch my hair, my love!" [Whaha] So I pult his curls who were hanging in front of his eyes and face, against his ears, and hold his head between my hands. And ohyeah! He started put his lips against my lips! It was heaven! A really soft, sweet, sensual french kiss followed. [omg]

And all these MFC girls were trowing rotten tomatoes against Mika, and screamed: "Traitor! Why didn't you told the MFC that you had a girlfriend! WE HATE YOU!" It was so funny!


And after that I only remember that we kissed backstage for hours, and that I got his phone number.


Gawd, when I'm reading this myself, it really doesn't make any sense at all. But it was one of the best dreams ever!


Wow, very long dream!!!



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OMG, I must be crazy... I dream about Mika almost once a week. naughty:


Last night I dreamt about him: I was in a Meet & Greet, in a very large room with white and beautiful armchairs, Mika shook my hand and he was so sweet. wub2:


Actually, there were millions of other details, but it'd be very long to tell. All my dreams about Mika are full of details, and elements, with really weird stories and characters, as well as completely unreal episodes (like Mika getting David Bowie's Labyrinth hair cut :boxed and me telling him it didn't look good on him).


Yeah, I must be crazy... but I love my dreams. naughty:

awwwww....my dreams of him r full of details too:naughty:

is sth like that posible?:blink::wub2


I had an odd dream last night. I was in Sainsburys (It didn't start like that, but I've just skipped to the Mika bit, because the other stuff has nothing to do with Mika) and a man ran into the doors, with my brother chasing after him. My brother then shouted 'Becky! It's Mika!' I went over, and there, running from my little brother was Mika. So I started running after him too, and caught up with him (quite a surprise really; I can't run to save my life really naughty: ). When he turned around, he looked quite scary. He'd clearly had an experiment with fake tan on his face, and his smile was so fake! I didn't care in the dream. I started blabbering on about what a huge fan I was. He was nodding, still with this scary fake smile plastered across his face. Throughtout the dream, he didn't change facial expression. It was rather clown-like, actually. I then pulled out my phone, and remembered it was charged (it had run out earlier in the dream), so I said 'Typical, the day I meet you, my phone battery is dead! I can't get a picture!'. He nodded again, and my mum started complaining about going home. I got huffy, since she didn't understand I was chatting to my idol (I told her this, but she continued to complain) so I just went off to get a pen, for Mika to sign something with. When I came back, he was walking out of the doors!

'I told him we needed to get home.' My mum told me. I just shrugged and we went home! roftl: Dreams are so stupid. I love them anyway.


omg!no pic???I dunno what i'd do than:thumbdown:...pitty:tears:

It's funny one-ur dream.....

god, i had one last night.


basically, my family and i were walking around in town, and there was this big stage. i went and sat on this chair on it, and then i saw mika sitting like 2 chairs down from me!!! he was really tired because he hadn't slept in like 40 hours and it was 3 in the morning, but it was incredible. i ran over and was like "I LOVE YOU!!!" blah blah etc, hope i didnt drool on him

and then he sort of walked around with me and family, and i asked him "why did you write any other world?" but then answered it because i was stupid enough to ask a question that i knew the answer to. but then i asked "what is your favorite song on LICM?" but i also knew the answer to that. d'oh..

so then my family took a picture of mika and i, and we had our arms around eachothers shoulders..ahhhh..but then i woke up. which sucked because i really thought it was real!! ahh well.


:floor: Hope u didn't :droll: on him:roftl: huh how coul'd say him I love u??I'd just standwith this face:blush-anim-cl:

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i had one about a week ago, but it was awful:crybaby:

i was in my livingroom , it looked as though i had just gotten dressed to go to a ball, and i was watching tv waiting for what must have been my boyfriend.:blink:

i was on the news channel which is odd for me because i dont watch news, and suddenly a breaking news bulliten came up!

they stated, and i quote, "British Pop Sensation Mika Has Died In A Boat Wreck About 20 Miles Off The Coast Of England. No Word Has Come In About The Other Band Members Or Crew Yet. Please Stay Tuned For Deal Or No Deal."

probably no need to say, but i literally collapsed in tears and started freaking out.:jawdrop:

suddenly i was in the back of a car, i guess i was headed to the funeral. my friend was with me and we were both bawling. i started screaming and beating my fists against the window and when the glass broke i woke up.:shocked:


it was the worst feeling to wake up after that. because i still felt how i had felt in the dream. i was shaking and i wasnt sure that it was a dream so i got up and ran straight to the computer to check out mfc.

luckily there was no mention of a dead mika.

god, it was awful:no:

it made me question how i would react if it really had happened.

im emotional anyway, but wow.

i cried when i watched Imagine, about john Lennon, even though i knew how it ended.

i just started imagining how it would be if i were there, like if it happened now.........:no:

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i had one about a week ago, but it was awful:crybaby:

i was in my livingroom , it looked as though i had just gotten dressed to go to a ball, and i was watching tv waiting for what must have been my boyfriend.:blink:

i was on the news channel which is odd for me because i dont watch news, and suddenly a breaking news bulliten came up!

they stated, and i quote, "British Pop Sensation Mika Has Died In A Boat Wreck About 20 Miles Off The Coast Of England. No Word Has Come In About The Other Band Members Or Crew Yet. Please Stay Tuned For Deal Or No Deal."

probably no need to say, but i literally collapsed in tears and started freaking out.:jawdrop:

suddenly i was in the back of a car, i guess i was headed to the funeral. my friend was with me and we were both bawling. i started screaming and beating my fists against the window and when the glass broke i woke up.:shocked:


it was the worst feeling to wake up after that. because i still felt how i had felt in the dream. i was shaking and i wasnt sure that it was a dream so i got up and ran straight to the computer to check out mfc.

luckily there was no mention of a dead mika.

god, it was awful:no:

it made me question how i would react if it really had happened.

im emotional anyway, but wow.

i cried when i watched Imagine, about john Lennon, even though i knew how it ended.

i just started imagining how it would be if i were there, like if it happened now.........:no:


Wow, awful indeed:shocked:.


I sometimes dream about my brother dying or having something serious and I wake up really frightened, I can't breathe etc... It's horrible

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i had one about a week ago, but it was awfulcrybaby:

i was in my livingroom , it looked as though i had just gotten dressed to go to a ball, and i was watching tv waiting for what must have been my boyfriend.:blink

i was on the news channel which is odd for me because i dont watch news, and suddenly a breaking news bulliten came up!

they stated, and i quote, "British Pop Sensation Mika Has Died In A Boat Wreck About 20 Miles Off The Coast Of England. No Word Has Come In About The Other Band Members Or Crew Yet. Please Stay Tuned For Deal Or No Deal."

probably no need to say, but i literally collapsed in tears and started freaking out.:jawdrop:

suddenly i was in the back of a car, i guess i was headed to the funeral. my friend was with me and we were both bawling. i started screaming and beating my fists against the window and when the glass broke i woke up.:shocked:


it was the worst feeling to wake up after that. because i still felt how i had felt in the dream. i was shaking and i wasnt sure that it was a dream so i got up and ran straight to the computer to check out mfc.

luckily there was no mention of a dead mika.

god, it was awful:no:

it made me question how i would react if it really had happened.

im emotional anyway, but wow.

i cried when i watched Imagine, about john Lennon, even though i knew how it ended.

i just started imagining how it would be if i were there, like if it happened now.........:no:




cant believe.......i'd be frosen 4 a 5min if i dreamed sth like that:boxed:

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Wow, awful indeed:shocked:.


I sometimes dream about my brother dying or having something serious and I wake up really frightened, I can't breathe etc... It's horrible


it is, it just feels so real until you realize that it isnt!!:blink:




cant believe.......i'd be frosen 4 a 5min if i dreamed sth like that:boxed:



i was too afraid that it wastrue to be frozen!! that was the fastest i had ever gotten onto mfc! i must have been searching for threads about his death for an hour or so!!!

none found!!

thank God!!




that was the only good part of the whole dream. that america had finally recognized him. but at such an awful time.

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that was the only good part of the whole dream. that america had finally recognized him. but at such an awful time.



aw yes,yes:thumbdown:


but the fact is - he is famous:blush-anim-cl:


aw meeks:wub2:(i love his new nick its so :chkn::naughty:)

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