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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I had a dream that Mika, Mana, myself, and my sisters were all in a submarine....I don't know why. But Mika was being very playful and had a wet suit on and went swimming out in the water and stuff :lol3:

We were all sitting next to each other on a couch or something and Mika decided to stretch out and lay across us, putting his foot on my sister's face :lmfao:

That was the gist of it. :dunno:



It was a nice dream :wub2:

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A few nights ago I dreamt Mika was doing a verrrryyy small 'gig' in a bar over here. There were like 50 people, mostly mfcers and we even had an afterparty. All was going good, everyone had fun, it was all very relaxed and even Mika seemed to have a good time.


And then...













I got shot :mf_rosetinted: Yep, my dreams always end with someone trying to kill me, fantastic :mf_rosetinted:

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Aww, that was adorable Fmbm. poor Mika.


I had a really great Mika dream last night, thank god too cause it's been a while.

My family and I (mom, sister, dad, aunt and uncle) were out to lunch at some resturant and my dad was texting a friend of his that knew Mika and this friend was telling my dad that Mika was supposed to be at that resturant at around 10am (i dunno why we were eating lunch that early). So we all went looking for him and had no luck finding him. On our way back tot he table I was upset because I wanted to see him and I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 10:30. I figured Mika was already gone but when I looked at our table Mika was there playing air piano (I could hear the music though, it was Any Other World :bleh: ) I rushed to the table and though "thank god he played the music so I could find him."

He was sitting at the table with 3 or 4 friends hanging around him waiting to leave but Mika was waiting for us to get back. He saw us and looked up and smiled with that adorable smile of his. His hair was incredably clurly and shiny and he was wearing that blue shirt he's wearing in the new video :wub2:

For some reason I was wearing huge baggy pants made of the same material wind-breakers are made out of. They had a white stripe on them and looked awful. Mika got up to take pictures with us, me first of course. In the dream he was only a few inches taller than I am while in real life he's a foot taller than me. But that was fine with me cause I could see his gorgeous face better :naughty:

Anyway, we were standing together, his arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist. He asked me to take the stripe off of my pants because he didn't know thatit was part of my pants and he thought it was something else. When I explained that it was part of my pants he started using his free hand to reach across me and tug playfully on them and made fun of me. I burried my head in his shoulder and laughed. He continued to make fun of my pants then said something really funny and I put my head against his shoulder and chest again and and this time he started laughing really hard too and put his face against the side of my face and the both of us collapsed into each other giggling. lmao: :wub2:

I made him straighted up and playfully told him to shut up so we could get our picture taken. I got my picture then my sister got hers then suddenly buth Mika's friends and my family (except for my sister) disppeared.

I thought Mika had left too so I said "Where did Mika go?"

He leaned over the chair he was sitting in and waved his hand to get my attention and waved his fingers a little when I saw him. He was sitting in a chair sideways, meaning the back was against his side and his arm was hanging over it. His legs were crossed and he was bouncing his foot. I saw him and said "Oh, I thought you had left without saying goodbye."

He closed his eyes a little and shook his head "No, never love." with that incredably adorable accent of his. He was waiting for his friends to come back I guess.

I was waiting with him and notices a table full of cookies. I wanted one but I didn't want to look stupid. I also wanted to offer him one but didn't want to look stupid because he had just ate lunch. So I grabbed a cookie and tried to look sexy while eating it but crumbs fell everywhere, Mika giggled at me then I woke up.


Throughout the whole dream my relationship with Mika was kinda weird cause it was like I kinda knew him. Not like he was a friend or anything but like I had seen him around before and we knew each other well enough to have a small conversation while we were woth each other.

When I woke up I could still feel him. I could feel his arm around my shoulder and his hair tickling the side of my face. I could still hear him giggle andsee his gring and feel his body leaning against mine. And I missed him. I woke up missing him the way a newlywed might miss her husband if he got called away to war only a couple months after they were married. I missed him and I don't even know the boy. I love him. :tears:


Damn! I wish I could remember my dreams in such great detail! :shocked:

And yes, I know how you feel about the waking up part :tears:

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I had a dream the other night that it was my birthday, and my mom took me out of school early. I kept asking her where we were going but she wouldn't tell me. Then, the car stopped and we were at a Mika concert and my sister was there on stage with Mika. She pulled me on stage too (This was before the show started, and no one was even there yet.) He said, "Are you the birthday girl?" and I just nodded and giggled. Then he gave me a huge hug and signed my Songs For Sorrow book but told me not to read it until I got home. After that, he gave me is rainbow hearts bracelet! I told him not to, but he insisted and confessed that he bought all the ones that the Fuchsia store had. :aah: Then the concert started and he sang Happy Birthday to me, and when I got home, he had written his email address in my book! It was the best dream ever!

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Oh, I wanted to post here for such a long time...


I have had a lot of Mika dreams over time but there are only 5 I remember they have put a smile on my face in the morning:


1.My first ever dream about Mika was sometimes in December 2006 when I used to hate him. I don't know why, I have said it before, I used to dislike him very much when he appeared because I found him quite odd and could never imagine I'd ever travel to Paris to see him...:tears: SO my dream...I was riding my bike passing this corn field. somewhere in the distance there were some lights. I get off my bike and start waling towards those lights. As I approached them I could make out a green stage. There were like 500 people there and there was Mika on stage singing.:aah: I then go somehow at the side of the stage where it was an ecological toilet. I wanted to get in, when Mika comes out of it.:blink: He says to me: "You know this is not really a toilet. I come out through this thing." and i said Oh, ok! and then I left somehow but felt so happy to have met him.


2. My second incredibly disturbing dream of Mika was like this. There was an award show taking place in my town. I knew Mika was coming so I went to get ready: went to get my hair dyed. :lmfao: Then I got where that show was occuring and there were all those photographers taking pictures. I was right by the fence which separated normal people from the red carpet. Then I could hear people screaming MIKA and looked at my right and saw Mika coming out from a car, waving to the cameras and coming down the red carpet. When he reached the point in front of me, I told him: "come with me" and he followed me. I somehow went into this building and when I turned left I entered my room. I then told him: "You can stay here with me until you go on stage." he said: "Oh, ok!" and we sat together on my bed and started talking and I remember I asked him everything I ever planned to ask him and he answered me things I didn't imagine he would. At one point in comes my grandma and tells him it's time for him to go on stage. He then tells me: "It's been great to spend time with you! I kinda gotta go now! we'll catch up later ok?" and then he went away.


3. Ok, this is my fav dream because it kinda became true if I were to break it to pieces. I had this dream sometimes I early February this year, I think, when he was in LA. So, I had to go on a trip with my psychology teacher to LA (she's really young like 24). We went there and she told us: "Look, you have 4 hours to collect as many autographs as possible from as many stars you can." I started wallking around the city, when I see between 2 buildings a black van. I go there and look for some familiar faces. Then there is this Jonas brother :roftl: coming to me and says "hi!". I then ask him to give me an autograph but realised I had to nothing to be signed. He says: "Hold on! I think I have something." and he takes out his wallet and takes out a bill out of so many of them and signs it and gives it to me. Then I run away and see on the street Jay-Z with some bodyguards :shocked: . I go to him and a bodyguard pushes me away. I tell him about my plans and I get my autograph from Jay-z. (awesome:mf_rosetinted:) Then I enter a shop and there was my teacher argueing with Katy Perry. I go to my teacher and tell her to stop. She tells me that she really hates KP and I tell her I really like her. I then talk to KP get her autograph and get out. My teacher tells me I only have 5 minutes left. Wondering who could I find next I remember Mika was in town so I went to find him. I could suddenly see him walking on the other side of the street into a Gym club or whatever. I run after him and he enters the building. I see him entering the locker room. I tap on the window and a man comes at me and asks me: "what's going on?" me:"I need to talk to Mika, could you please tell him I'm looking for him?" the man: "yeah, sure". Then I see Mika peeking his head out to see who it was. He had this red headband around his forehead (like in "Roxercise") and smiled and waved at me. He then opened the door for me, welcomes me and takes me to this stadium. We sat down and we started talking. At one moment I told him I had to go. He begged me to stay. I told him I can't and ran to my teacher who had left without me. When I went back to the stadium, Mika wasn't there anymore.


4. After the concert I went to the hotel and tried to get some sleep. After a while I finally managed to fall asleep. I had this awful nightmare. I was in Louvre and we were queing there to see Mika coming out. On my right was the bald lady. When Mika came out, she turns to me and starts smiling at me and we were moving after Mika and I couldn't reach him. I could see his hair, but that lady was still there smiling at me and wouldn't let me pass her. I woke up and started crying.


5. Last night I had a wonderful dream. I had to go to London to spend some time with Mika, to talk about his new video. As my mum couldn;t get a vacation, I went there with my grandma. After we went trough all the customs at the airport we were outside. I knew his address and tried to see how far it was from the airport checking my phone's GPS. It wasn't THAT far, but we took a cab. We arrived in this intersection and there was a park, and on the other side from the park was the house where Mika was supposedly staying. It was a cubical house with squarish colorful windows. We hanged around in the park. Over there there were some strings on which Mika's wet clothes were hanging to get dry. There was that pink and green jumper he had at the M&G's and some others I knew they were his. Me and my grandma approached the entrance of the house and there were some flight attendants who told us Mika and his family weren't there at the moment, but would soon get back and they showed us a video of them leaving the house. Then they asked us if we want something to drink. My grandma ordered beer for both of us, (though I never drink beer and she rarely does) and that woman told us she doesn't give beer to persons under 18. She then told me she had a wonderful cold peach juice she would like me to try. I accepted and then we entered the house. At the first floor there was something like a restaurant where there were more people. I sat my grandma down and told her I go to see if Mika's coming. I went outside again and by the fence around the house there were a lot of sunglasses haniging and I could find my yellow ones too. then I could see a group of people coming towards me. I could see Mika and incredibly hearing him from a distance of a 100 m saying: "I can't wait to meet her! I'm so excited!" and he was jumping up and down. Then we met and he took my hand and said: "come let me show you smth!" then we entered the house again and we climbed this spiral staircase. He kept holding my hand. When we reached that restaurant where I had left my granny she wasn't there. I said: "wait a minute! I'l brb!" I then went into this room where my granny tried to open a TV: "It won't work!" she said. Then I take her and tell her: "I want you to meet someone!" and then I introduced her to Mika and told him she doesn't speak english and he kissed he hand. Then I was suddenly outside and I woke up...



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B!anka, you sure has colourful dreams!:wub2:


I just realized there's a color in each of them :roftl:


the green stage, the red carpet, the red headband, the green and pink jumper on the string. The nightmare seems to be color-less...:blink:


A bientot,




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I had a dream t'other night that I was just sitting randomly watching a music channel on TV, when suddenly, Lady Jane came on. Mika had done a video of it and it was the first time I'd seen it.

It was basically Mika riding a bike (like in the song 'put your records on') through london in this sepia toned like video singing Lady Jane :naughty:


It was great.

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I had a dream t'other night that I was just sitting randomly watching a music channel on TV, when suddenly, Lady Jane came on. Mika had done a video of it and it was the first time I'd seen it.

It was basically Mika riding a bike (like in the song 'put your records on') through london in this sepia toned like video singing Lady Jane :naughty:


It was great.


Sounds like a beautiful idea for a video!:biggrin2:


You should really tell Mika about it!:naughty:

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I had the best Mika dream this morning! It's not just about Mika but I was eating sunflowers in shelves in my dream and I can't since I have my braces (I was really addictive!) So combining both things together was just perfect :D oh and I got a kiss on the cheek :teehee:

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I had the best Mika dream this morning! It's not just about Mika but I was eating sunflowers in shelves in my dream and I can't since I have my braces (I was really addictive!) So combining both things together was just perfect :D oh and I got a kiss on the cheek :teehee:



Now, now, that's just plain pornographic :roftl::roftl::roftl:

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I must tell you guys about this dream I had a while back.


Well it was me and Tauruslady, and we were back in London again seeing Mika, but this time it was much different! Everywhere was unfamiliar… it was London as I've never seen it before :naughty: anyway we were at this thing, there was a lot of people waiting, but I don’t know what for, cos when Mika arrived it was a big surprise :roftl: anyway he came to us, and this next part is really sketchy, but it was like he’d forgotten to bring something to show us, and only us two :naughty: and so he gave us his address so we would go visit him the next day to see this thing or whatever! :aah: I just remember thinking, are you serious? You’re giving us you’re home address and inviting us there? Hahaha xD was quite cool though :naughty: Anyway so the next day, we went to his house, and he let us in and he was showing us these things, I really cannot remember what they were though, only that there was quite a few of them xD his house was really colourful I remember :naughty: and we hung out there for ages, with Mika! It was so cool :teehee:

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I have a reputation for wacked out random dreams, (and I guess this counts too...lol)


So I was sitting in my parents' walk-in wardrobe, on the MFC (as you do...), and I read something in regards to Mika doing something awesome in regards to us and being official, etc...

So I left the wardrobe, and went into our lounge room, and there was Mika sitting on our lounge with this huge box of Christmas presents for all us MFCers!

I sat down on the adjacent seat, and he handed me a sparkly box about the side of an A4 sheet of paper with my username on it, saying, this is for you. I was momentarily speechless. Not because Mika happened to be in my house (apparently this was normal...lol), but because he a) knew who I was, and b) was handing out xmas gifts.

I pondered for a moment as to how he knew who I was, since I've never actually met him, but was cut short, as he asked me why my username was bonzaBOY, when I was a girl. So I explained about Bonza the pony and all that, and then opened my box. Inside was a hand-written letter and xmas card to myself, a book and three or so random DVDs, which were the size of VHS tapes. When I looked up again, he was gone, and apparently that was normal too. The dream continued as if he hadn't been in the room less than 30 seconds ago, and I showed my sisters. And then I woke up.

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AAAA! I so wish I had that dream!... Just imagine if one of us got our hands on M's email address....What chaos and havoc we would cause! heehee...


I guess that you're joking :biggrin2:, but I think that it would be a good idea to remind people that *if* anyone ever finds personal information about Mika (such as his email address, like you just mentioned), that one would expect that they would conduct themselves with a bit of decency and not use or share it in any way, and even less to "cause chaos and havoc" :wink2:.

Once again, I suppose that there is a chance that you were joking, but once this type of comments are made some other people may take them seriously, so I found the need to quote it just to make the point :original:

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I guess that you're joking :biggrin2:, but I think that it would be a good idea to remind people that *if* anyone ever finds personal information about Mika (such as his email address, like you just mentioned), that one would expect that they would conduct themselves with a bit of decency and not use or share it in any way, and even less to "cause chaos and havoc" :wink2:.

Once again, I suppose that there is a chance that you were joking, but once this type of comments are made some other people may take them seriously, so I found the need to quote it just to make the point :original:


:thumb_yello: You're a Wiz! :kaf:

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I had a dream about Mika a little while ago...little being like...a week I think? It was very happy, then very sad, but then very very happy. Wanna hear? Well here's how it goes...


So I'm finally at a Mika concert, my first concert ever, and I couldn't be more happy. After a very long and complicated plan that includes getting up very early in the morning I am nearly front row in front of the concert. There are two girls in front of be so I'm wedged between but slightly behind them, so for all intents and purposes, I'm in second row. Then there, he is, Mika, singing and dancing around as everyone knows he does. :mf_lustslow: But anyways, so he reaches down towards the audience and it just HAPPENS to be where I was standing :roftl: so of COURSE I reach up to touch his hand. (I'm not dumb man) But other girls are also reaching up as well. :blink: Then, because my dreams are like cinema movies, everything goes into slow motion. It's like a zoom in on our two hands moving so close when WHAM! One of the girls next to me punched me right in the jaw! :shocked: I fall over, crashing into the people next to me, who, *tears*, drop me so I hit the ground. Ouchie! :sad: Mika is shocked so he actually jumps off the stage (not that high no worries guys) and pushes the people out of the way to see if I'm okay. I must have been hit really hard because it made me bite my lip hard enough that it started to bleed. I'm sitting up slowly, both hurt and depressed I missed my chance so I have tears in my eyes as I look up, hearing someone ask if I'm okay. When, holy cow! It's Mika! :blush-anim-cl: I am totally embarressed but rather happy to be getting attention. Only then to I notice that I kinda hit my head when I fell because everything starts to spin...Mika, who musta been psycic or something, notices this and picks me up. He scolds the girl who punched me and turns to some backstage guy who helps out and asks that he takes care of me till after the show where he'd like to come back and check on me again. I gotta say, 30 seconds in his arms..I was in heaven! :blush-anim-cl:



So, am I a dork or what? Haha. :wub2: Oh well. There's my Mika dream.

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This is a dream I had some nights ago:


I was at one of HIS gigs; as always, there was many people at the gig but suddenly nobody was here: Just MIKA on stage and me, under the stage:

He asked to me: "where are the other people?"

me: "I don't know!.. maybe they went outside!":blink:

MIKA: " yes, It's possible! byt don't worry... I'll sing just for you!"

me: :blush-anim-cl:

Then HE asked to me to go on the stage with HIM and to sit down close to HIM; then HE started to playing piano and singing; he sang: "Everybody's talking", "Lady Jane", "I'm falling" and... "Erase"... When HE finished to singing "Erase" I started to cry :tears: because I was really happy to be there and because I liked so much that song. Then I said " MIKA, don't leave me alone.. please!!":tears: HE smiled at me and HE said: " Hey, Miky, don't cry...I'm here! " and HE hugged me...:blush-anim-cl::wub2:


...THE END... (because of the alarm-clock :bash: )


When I woke up my heart was beating so hard....:fangurl:


sorry for my bad english! :blush-anim-cl:

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This is a dream I had some nights ago:


I was at one of HIS gigs; as always, there was many people at the gig but suddenly nobody was here: Just MIKA on stage and me, under the stage:

He asked to me: "where are the other people?"

me: "I don't know!.. maybe they went outside!":blink:

MIKA: " yes, It's possible! byt don't worry... I'll sing just for you!"

me: :blush-anim-cl:

Then HE asked to me to go on the stage with HIM and to sit down close to HIM; then HE started to playing piano and singing; he sang: "Everybody's talking", "Lady Jane", "I'm falling" and... "Erase"... When HE finished to singing "Erase" I started to cry :tears: because I was really happy to be there and because I liked so much that song. Then I said " MIKA, don't leave me alone.. please!!":tears: HE smiled at me and HE said: " Hey, Miky, don't cry...I'm here! " and HE hugged me...:blush-anim-cl::wub2:


...THE END... (because of the alarm-clock :bash: )


When I woke up my heart was beating so hard....:fangurl:


sorry for my bad english!



This is a hilarious dream, hahah! :roftl:

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This is a dream I had some nights ago:


I was at one of HIS gigs; as always, there was many people at the gig but suddenly nobody was here: Just MIKA on stage and me, under the stage:

He asked to me: "where are the other people?"

me: "I don't know!.. maybe they went outside!":blink:

MIKA: " yes, It's possible! byt don't worry... I'll sing just for you!"

me: :blush-anim-cl:

Then HE asked to me to go on the stage with HIM and to sit down close to HIM; then HE started to playing piano and singing; he sang: "Everybody's talking", "Lady Jane", "I'm falling" and... "Erase"... When HE finished to singing "Erase" I started to cry :tears: because I was really happy to be there and because I liked so much that song. Then I said " MIKA, don't leave me alone.. please!!":tears: HE smiled at me and HE said: " Hey, Miky, don't cry...I'm here! " and HE hugged me...:blush-anim-cl::wub2:


...THE END... (because of the alarm-clock :bash: )


When I woke up my heart was beating so hard....:fangurl:


sorry for my bad english! :blush-anim-cl:



i liked your dream. dont worry. i feel for ya. dreams are very hard to control. but hey when they turn out so nice, whose gonna complain? :teehee:

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