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Can some one plz tell me..?


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Whose undies are you talking about ??? :blink: :blink:

(slip = men undies in French)...


But yes, the thread was deleted... 25 pages to say that we don't care :mf_rosetinted: pfiou ! deleted...


Now the world will never know how much we don't care :emot-sad: Unless we don't care enough to make another 25 pages :mf_rosetinted: I don't care most :mf_rosetinted:

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i feel quite bad for hani i bet these wernt the responses she was expectin :naughty: dnt mind the rudeness (if u think thats what it is) its just a serious matter on here. But we understand why u'd wanna know a lot of us are curious to know too but its just best not 2 talk bout it

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Hani, don't worry, we are just p1ss takers, but no one knows really, we don't talk about it, except to say we don't talk about it, because Mika doesn't talk about it.

If you can follow that! :)


To translate Babspanky:

We follow Mika in every sense!:wink2:

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yeah, nothing with hanni. :wink2: it's just mika doesn't want to talk about it, we all have our personal opinion (which we keep for ourself ) and we don't care what his sexual orientation is. well most of us.


whenever he'll feel like it, he'll tell to the world. :thumb_yello:

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