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Finally, Mika Played On Kuwaiti Radio!


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I couldn't believe it!!! The DJ even gave a brief bio! I'm so exciteddd!!! Somebody pinch me, I mean for crying out loud, MIKA WAS ON THE RADIOOO!!!!


I'm so excited I coud pass out! Mika mentioned and played on the radio; FINALLY, the day I've been waiting for!!!! :woot_jump:


Oh! Another thing happened today; I doodled the 'Grace Kelly' chorus on a desk at uni a few weeks ago, and today there was an arrow with "I love that song!" written next to it!!! (I'll post the picture up when I get back home!)


It's been one heck of a Mika day for me today!


Everybody's gonna love [Mika] today!!! WOOHOO!


See, it's a proven fact, Mika is taking over the world! WAY TO GO MIKA!!! :woot_jump:


I'm sorry my sentences are so fragmented, but it's because I'm so excited!!!!

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I had to endure the torture that is Hip Hop and RnB for weeks!!! IT WAS WELL WORTH IT TO FINALLY HEAR MIKA ON THE RADIO! *faints*

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It's the begining of Mik's career in the Golfe!!!


Allah yebarek feeki!!!! I hope they play him every minute of everyday! I want Mika in their bones! lol


Yalla Mika, we're waiting for you to take over the world!!! :wink2:

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great! maybe a concert is nearer, eh , SOu??? hope so!!!!


If he ever performs in Dubai (since he won't ever perfom in Kuwait - there's always a chance that he'll perform in Dubai), I'm there before anyone can say "supercalifragalisticexpialidocious!"


OMG sou i bet u nearly had a heart attack!!! thats fab!!!:biggrin2:


HECK YES!! LOL! I was so excited, I almost cried!! What has Mika done to me?! I mean, I know I'm insane...but insane and emotional?! Not a good combination, right? LOL!

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what song did they play?


i always get a heart attack when i hear 'i wanna talk to u' or 'doom doo da dee da dee doom' on the radio, its like AAAAAH :naughty: ah sou i think u passed the hyperness to me now :naughty:

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I couldn't believe it!!! The DJ even gave a brief bio! I'm so exciteddd!!! Somebody pinch me, I mean for crying out loud, MIKA WAS ON THE RADIOOO!!!!


I'm so excited I coud pass out! Mika mentioned and played on the radio; FINALLY, the day I've been waiting for!!!! :woot_jump:


Oh! Another thing happened today; I doodled the 'Grace Kelly' chorus on a desk at uni a few weeks ago, and today there was an arrow with "I love that song!" written next to it!!! (I'll post the picture up when I get back home!)


It's been one heck of a Mika day for me today!


Everybody's gonna love [Mika] today!!! WOOHOO!


See, it's a proven fact, Mika is taking over the world! WAY TO GO MIKA!!! :woot_jump:


I'm sorry my sentences are so fragmented, but it's because I'm so excited!!!!



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So happy for you Sou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you must be over the moon with happiness!!! I've been waiting and waiting myself, and I haven't heard it on the radio either. But it's just bad luck on my part, they have played it here where I live. My husband's heard it, and others have, just not me. So they are playing it here.


But I'm still waiting!!!!!! I know how you feel!!!!!



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