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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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I'll probably post later tonight... I wanna get the story straight in my head first :) I'm so glad you guys liked it... the goal is tears.... trust me... don't feel weird... everyone I read it to cries a little.

Talk to you all later!




p.s. The more suspense built up the better the story when you finally read it lol

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So here is the next installment :)... If you havn't cried yet you might want to have a kleenex near by... just let it all out... be free :) Anyways, the love story of Amelie and Mika can best be summed up by the slideshow I made lol... so if you havn't seen it yet, head on over to my myspace... and if you have seen it... well it's different now... ten times better and is located above my friends list! Let me know what you think :)[/size]

Part 5

Mika’s hands gently caress Amelie’s face… his eyes closed and his brow beaming with sweat. Amelie continues to lovingly run her fingers through his hair while her other hand inches toward his waist. Their hearts race as their breathing calms… the plane is flooding with bloody screams and painful cries. For these two bodies intertwined in each other, nothing else existed… nothing else mattered.


Finally, the inevitable happened, the plane hit the water silencing the screams forever.

Mika came up from the water… his lungs stinging painfully as he tried desperately to breath. He didn’t care… He searched for Amelie who had slipped from his arms during the plunge downward into the water. There was nothing but flaming debris all around him and floating bodies that no longer clung to life. His vision was blurred and his eyes stung from the salty water.


He could make out a mound of land about 20 feet away from him. In the distance he sees a figure trying to swim to the shore. Mika squints his eyes and can make out the image of a red dress. He knows it is Amelie. He cries out her name and quickly makes his way toward the island. He is happy beyond belief that she survived but was anticipating seeing the state she was in. The journey toward shore seemed like an eternity as worst case scenarios flooded his thoughts.


Ten feet left to go and Mika realizes that she is no longer moving. His breathing becomes more painful as his pace quickens.




Her body is lifeless a few feet from the shore. Her hair is glistening in the radiant sun and the red chiffon from her dress is floating all around her. Her face is peaceful and angelic… her lips slightly parted and dewy. Mika once again desperately cries out her name as he puts his head to her chest. Her heart was still beating. Amelie was still fighting for her life. In her mind she could hear Mika wailing for her and wanted desperately to open her eyes. She could feel the warmth of a glowing white light… God was calling to her… but she refused to answer. In her mind she could hear God’s voice… “Amelie, it’s time.”

“No! I can’t leave him!”

“ Amelie… take my hand.”

Beyond God’s glow she can see paradise. Her hand moves toward his. She is succumbing to the radiance of heaven. Her mind calms and she is ready to leave all her pain behind. Heaven never looked so good. As her fingers inch toward her creator she feels a familiar touch.

“Gabriel?” She can’t believe her eyes. God is no longer in sight.

Gabriel takes her hand in his and looks at her lovingly.

“Amelie…This isn’t how it ends.”

“Gabriel! In her mind she jumps into his arms sobbing and showering him with small kisses all over his face.”

“You have a life to live Amelie.”

“I want to go with you Gabriel!” She plunges into his chest.

“Take me with you!” She is in awe of his radiance and finally collapses into the arms she has missed for what has seemed like an eternity.

“Amelie, sweetie you have to go back.” He takes her face in both of his hands. “You have much still to live for.”

“No! Life is too hard… I can’t live without you!”

“But you will...”

“Gabriel… I don’t understand… don’t you want me here.”

He laughs and moves her hair away from her face… “Of course I want you here Amelie… but it’s just not for me to decide.”


“Look behind you.”

She moves her face away from Gabriel’s towering frame. She can see Mika in a fog sobbing desperately over her tiny lifeless body. He is cradling her in his arms.

Gabriel moves her chin toward his… her eyes are watery.

“Amelie he needs you.”

She looks at Gabriel sadly.

“Gabriel… You know I will never forget you… My heart will always belong to you.”

He caresses her face… “Your heart was never intended to be for one person… can you imagine the world without the love you give?” He tilts his head and smiles… “What a sad thought… to deprive the world of my Amelie.”

She smiles through her tears.

“What good am I to the rest of the world?”

He laughs…“Trust me Amelie, you have no idea what is in store for you.”

“Could you give me a hint at least?” she asks teasingly with a slight wink.

“That wasn’t in my job description,” he says jokingly.

She wraps her arms around him and whispers in his ear, “Oh how I’ve missed you.”

“It’s too bad I wasn’t more funny on earth huh?”

She laughs and runs her fingers through his hair… she is reminded of Mika once again. She and Gabriel hold on to each other for a few more moments until he guides her by the hand into the distant fog. She is wiping the tears from her face.

“Amelie, you and I… You know we’ll meet again.” She sniffles with a nod…

“I know.”

“God has a plan for you… otherwise he wouldn’t have sent you back.”

She giggles… “I can’t imagine what sort of difference he thinks it will make. What could a girl like me possibly give to the world?”

As he releases her into the fog, she keeps her eyes on his...

He smiles lovingly at her… “New life.”

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So here is the next installment :)... If you havn't cried yet you might want to have a kleenex near by... just let it all out... be free :) Anyways, the love story of Amelie and Mika can best be summed up by the slideshow I made lol... so if you havn't seen it yet, head on over to my myspace... and if you have seen it... well it's different now... ten times better and is located above my friends list! Let me know what you think :)

Part 5

Mika’s hands gently caress Amelie’s face… his eyes closed and his brow beaming with sweat. Amelie continues to lovingly run her fingers through his hair while her other hand inches toward his waist. Their hearts race as their breathing calms… the plane is flooding with bloody screams and painful cries. For these two bodies intertwined in each other, nothing else existed… nothing else mattered.


Finally, the inevitable happened, the plane hit the water silencing the screams forever.

Mika came up from the water… his lungs stinging painfully as he tried desperately to breath. He didn’t care… He searched for Amelie who had slipped from his arms during the plunge downward into the water. There was nothing but flaming debris all around him and floating bodies that no longer clung to life. His vision was blurred and his eyes stung from the salty water.


He could make out a mound of land about 20 feet away from him. In the distance he sees a figure trying to swim to the shore. Mika squints his eyes and can make out the image of a red dress. He knows it is Amelie. He cries out her name and quickly makes his way toward the island. He is happy beyond belief that she survived but was anticipating seeing the state she was in. The journey toward shore seemed like an eternity as worst case scenarios flooded his thoughts.


Ten feet left to go and Mika realizes that she is no longer moving. His breathing becomes more painful as his pace quickens.




Her body is lifeless a few feet from the shore. Her hair is glistening in the radiant sun and the red chiffon from her dress is floating all around her. Her face is peaceful and angelic… her lips slightly parted and dewy. Mika once again desperately cries out her name as he puts his head to her chest. Her heart was still beating. Amelie was still fighting for her life. In her mind she could hear Mika wailing for her and wanted desperately to open her eyes. She could feel the warmth of a glowing white light… God was calling to her… but she refused to answer. In her mind she could hear God’s voice… “Amelie, it’s time.”

“No! I can’t leave him!”

“ Amelie… take my hand.”

Beyond God’s glow she can see paradise. Her hand moves toward his. She is succumbing to the radiance of heaven. Her mind calms and she is ready to leave all her pain behind. Heaven never looked so good. As her fingers inch toward her creator she feels a familiar touch.

“Gabriel?” She can’t believe her eyes. God is no longer in sight.

Gabriel takes her hand in his and looks at her lovingly.

“Amelie…This isn’t how it ends.”

“Gabriel! In her mind she jumps into his arms sobbing and showering him with small kisses all over his face.”

“You have a life to live Amelie.”

“I want to go with you Gabriel!” She plunges into his chest.

“Take me with you!” She is in awe of his radiance and finally collapses into the arms she has missed for what has seemed like an eternity.

“Amelie, sweetie you have to go back.” He takes her face in both of his hands. “You have much still to live for.”

“No! Life is too hard… I can’t live without you!”

“But you will...”

“Gabriel… I don’t understand… don’t you want me here.”

He laughs and moves her hair away from her face… “Of course I want you here Amelie… but it’s just not for me to decide.”


“Look behind you.”

She moves her face away from Gabriel’s towering frame. She can see Mika in a fog sobbing desperately over her tiny lifeless body. He is cradling her in his arms.

Gabriel moves her chin toward his… her eyes are watery.

“Amelie he needs you.”

She looks at Gabriel sadly.

“Gabriel… You know I will never forget you… My heart will always belong to you.”

He caresses her face… “Your heart was never intended to be for one person… can you imagine the world without the love you give?” He tilts his head and smiles… “What a sad thought… to deprive the world of my Amelie.”

She smiles through her tears.

“What good am I to the rest of the world?”

He laughs…“Trust me Amelie, you have no idea what is in store for you.”

“Could you give me a hint at least?” she asks teasingly with a slight wink.

“That wasn’t in my job description,” he says jokingly.

She wraps her arms around him and whispers in his ear, “Oh how I’ve missed you.”

“It’s too bad I wasn’t more funny on earth huh?”

She laughs and runs her fingers through his hair… she is reminded of Mika once again. She and Gabriel hold on to each other for a few more moments until he guides her by the hand into the distant fog. She is wiping the tears from her face.

“Amelie, you and I… You know we’ll meet again.” She sniffles with a nod…

“I know.”

“God has a plan for you… otherwise he wouldn’t have sent you back.”

She giggles… “I can’t imagine what sort of difference he thinks it will make. What could a girl like me possibly give to the world?”

As he releases her into the fog, she keeps her eyes on his...

He smiles lovingly at her… “New life.”



:tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:


Your writing is so amazing...that was great

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I'll probably post more some time tomorrow night... or knowing me... early this morning lol... midnight...ish... who knows :P I'm glad you all enjoyed it :)


Yay! The sooner the better because it's summer and I'm bored out of mind because MFC at night is soooo boring unless there are new stories to be read so please and thank you! :-D

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