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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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Yes we have guides here. Many years ago I used to be a Brownie.


I'd never heard of damper.


MAYBE damper is just a southern hemisphare thing?!?

i was a pippin, browney, guide! i didnt go any further though


But i can imagine mika likeing chewy sometimes cheesy weatbread cooked on hot coals!



anyway more of my story to come soon

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MAYBE damper is just a southern hemisphare thing?!?

i was a pippin, browney, guide! i didnt go any further though


But i can imagine mika likeing chewy sometimes cheesy weatbread cooked on hot coals!



anyway more of my story to come soon


I'll be looking forward to it Rosina.

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Suddenly a painful scream replaced the gleeful, reasonless hilarity.

Mika sank to his knees, clutching is stomach in what looked to be a blinding pain. Clearly the exposed wound under his unbuttoned shirt was more sinister than either of us had hoped…


Here is part five.

Be warned: If you don't like the gory, it's better not to read this part.



The memoirs of a lost soul, found.

Part five

I was kneeling at his side in moments and in no time, had his shirt off to get a closer look at the wound.

There was one last scream before Mika subdued himself to a sort of continual whimper.

I gently removed his shaking hand from just above his belly button where there was an abrasion the size of my palm and to my horror, was covered in what appeared to be some form of fungi.

It was a sticky, slimy substance that, when touched, made your skin feel as if it were fizzing.

I wiped the small amount of stuff off my middle finger on the ground and where it had been, there was now raw skin and exposed flesh.

I had to act quickly. If it had done what it did to my finger in that amount of time, I shuddered to think what would happen to Mika’s already exposed flesh.

I ripped a bit of my shirt sleave off and set to work trying to clean whatever this was off him.

When the decided fungus was cleared from his stomach, I began to see the extent of the damage.

The flesh was now fully exposed and parts of it had been eaten away.

“I’m going to get some salt water to stop the bleeding, make sure you keep applying pressure and I’ll be back as soon as I can ok?” I said to him.

Mika made an agreeing noise and lay down to find some sort of comfort.

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I really have no idea what i would do with Him. First, i would probably pass out for a couple of days just from being near Him. When I wake up, seeing Him, I would probably cry, knowing that I have achieved my life's goal(meeting Mika!):mf_lustslow: , and then we would talk and cry and laugh and talk and talk... Wow, I just got very happy, then depressed.




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Wow, you guys are all so talented! Haha, I started from the beginning of the thread and read the whole thing in a few days. It's so entertaining! Keep up the good work!


As for me, if I were stuck on an island with him...I dunno I'd probably just be in shock. Most likely just try to find a way off.


...Chicken wouldn't be a bad idea either.

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Okay i've decided that since i haven't a clue where i left off i'll just post 1 - 6 and then 7 tomorrow! :biggrin2:









Waking up to the warm sun that was currently drying her falling tears, Andrea couldn't help but think she was there for a reason. Thoughts lingered in her mind like the bad smell drifting around the air from the bodies surrounding her. Lifeless beings were scattered across the beach and through shock she was frozen to the spot. When the full impact of where she was finally hit, the tears flooded down her cheeks. A deserted island in the middle of nowhere was no place for a 17 year old, especially when she was alone. Her legs ached and she was still in shock but she managed to haul herself up with the help of a branch off a nearby tree. The view, she saw to the left, was the same for miles down the shore but to her right the amount of bodies decreased. She tried not to look at them as she set off down the beach but her eyes wouldn't let her. It was as if she was being forced to look at them as punishment for all she had done. Averting her eyes quickly she tried to erase the image of a bloodstained baby faced down in the sand. It stuck in her mind, tormenting her until her legs buckled and she sobbed weakly into the bark of a tree. Then.. a noise...an intake of breath...a man...alive...






Andrea's eyes gazed into his, they were big and soft but looked in pain. He struggled over to her, desperately trying to determine wether she was real or just an illusion. He had been walking along the beach for hours and was thirsty and tired. Feeling foolish, Andrea stood up to face him. He lowered his brow and focused his eyes. His head was spinning and his feet burning from the hot sun. 'I'm....' he said half concious, then without warning he dropped at her feet.

When he awoke he was lay down underneath a group of trees. His shirt sleeve was torn and was wrapped around his left hand, covering a deep wound he hadn't even noticed. Andrea was busy filling up half a coconut shell she had cracked with sea water. "Here, cool yourself down with this," she said once again gazing into his deep eyes. "Thanks," he replied sleepily. He swilled the water over his sunburnt face an felt an instant cooling sensation. Andrea couldn't help but watch his every move, she was mesmerized by his dark curly hair and perfectly shaped lips, that she long to press aginst hers. Mika noticed her staring dreamily and interupted her thoughts. "I'm Mika by the way," he said with a cheerful smile. That smile! She could just about contain herself from taking his head in her hands and tasting those soft lips, whilst running her fingers through his thick curls. "I'm Andrea," she replied breathless at the fantasies running through her head...







She knew she shouldn't have been thinking these things after literally two minutes with this man, but she couldn't help it. Her mind wandered. "What are you thinking about?" Mika asked, exploring her facial expression to try and work how she was feeling. He'd never felt so strongly to know everything about someone until he'd seen her. He was captivated by her accidental mystery that he almost demanded her to pour her heart out. Why was he feeling like this? He didn't know this girl. He din't even know her age, or where she'd come from...or anything past her name. And yet he felt he'd known her all his life. Andrea tried to think of something to say quickly but got panicky and embarrased. "You..." she finally blurted out, with a glint in her eyes. Her face blushed and she turned her head. Mika didn't know how to respond. "Oh..." he breathed with a slight grin on his face. In her head, Andrea cursed herself over and over for saying such a stupid thing. It seemed she'd embarrased both of them and the silence that followed that one word was begining to scare her.

After a few minutes Mika let out a sigh, "Mum..." he muttered under his breath. Andrea could only just about make out what he said. She thought about her own mum and how much she missed her. The thought of never seeing her or any of her family again made a single tear roll down her cheek. "Are you alright?" Mika asked concerned. Andrea sniffed. The the kindness in his voice made the tears flow more. Seeing how genuinely sad she was, Mika put his arms around her and pulled her close, stroking her hair as if she were a small, frightened child. She buried herself in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably now. "It'll be alright," he whispered into her golden brown hair. "I promise." His arms were warm around her and she never felt more safe. She gripped him tight as he ran his hands up and down her back. Trying not to think about it all she closed her eyes. Mika closed his. They stayed that way and drifted off leaning against a small tree.








A drop of rain landed on Mika's eyelash and his eyes slowly opened. He looked down at Andrea. She looked so calm and peaceful. Another drop of rain fell, this time landing on Andrea's cheek. He wiped it off with his thumb, cradling her face in his hand as he did. Her eyes flickered and a sleepy smile appeared on her face. The rain was beginning to fall heavier and Mika was worried that they would get soaked. "Andrea," he whispered softly into her ear. "We have to get up. It's going to rain.." More raindrops fell. Her eyes opened and she looked up at Mika's beautiful face. "Hi..." she smiled.

"We really have to get up and find a shelter," Mika said softly, giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"I know," she replied sleepily.

"Come on then," he said sliding his arms from around her and standing up. He held out his hand to help her up. They looked around trying to figure out which way was best to go. To the left they saw hundreds bodies and Andrea was reminded of the poor baby she had seen earlier. "I..I can't go that way.." she said turning away. Mika looked her into her twinkling, hazel eyes and saw great sadness. He reached for her hand and gave it a soft squeeze. He nodded. "Lets go this way then," he suggested pointing towards a huge mountain. "Okay," she agreed gripping his hand and letting him lead the way.








"This is hopeless!" Mika cursed. "There's just nowhere warm with a roof round here!" He bit his lip. "Hang on,whats that?" Andrea watched as he started to trek forwards. When they finally stopped they saw huge trees blocking an entrance to the mountain. The trees stood strong like guards and were so tall they looked down to everyone and everything. "How did you notice this?" Andrea asked confused. "I don't know," Mika said with a cheeky smile. "I guess i've just got really good eyes!" he said adding a wink.

"How will we get in?" Andrea giggled.

"Well...errm.. i'm not sure...maybe...no that wont work... how about...nope that wont either..." Whilst Mika carried on mumbling and attempting unsucessfully to find a way in, Andrea found a reasonable sized gap between two trees. "Here look!" she shouted excitedly. "You reckon we can get in through here?" Mika's eyes widened and a familiar expression came over his face. That smile! Andrea's legs went weak but she managed to stay standing. "Well aren't you a clever Miss?" Mika teased.

"Obviously!" Andrea replied equally as cheeky.

"Come on then!" Mika said grabbing her hand and pulling her through the gap. He was careful not to pull too hard but kept a firm grip. Once they past the last tree they saw what would be their new home. A cave...








The cave wasn't much but it was warmer than outside in the rain. They tried hard to settle in but ended up sat leaning against the wall looking at the rain outside.

"Mika," Andrea said trying to get comfy.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Do you believe in fate?"

"Of couse! Why do you ask that?" he questioned, desperately trying to figure out what was going through her head.

"Becuase," she began. "Well do you not find it a bit odd that we're the only survivors of this plane crash?"

"Well yeah but-"

"And do you not think it's wierd that we found each other.. even though this island is enormous?" she interupted.

"Look," he said softly. "We were obviously put here for a reason. I'm glad were here.....together..." The words hung in the air like a floating, heart shaped balloon. "But anyway, we should really be getting some sleep." he said, swiftly changing the subject.

Andrea lay down on her side, stones and pebbles digging into her hips. Mika saw her fidgeting, trying to get comfy. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around her back. She rested her head on his chest as he began twirling her long brown hair round his fingers. They cuddled up close, their legs intwined, their hearts beating as one. Mika held her close. He never wanted to let her go...

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YAY, go Curly!

Here's part six...



The memoirs of a lost soul, found.

Part six

That afternoon after Mika’s wound wasn’t quite so painful, I asked him about where we were.

“So, do you have any clue as to where we are?” I asked.

“My guess is as good as yours.” He said. “Somewhere between Paris and Johannesburg I think.”

“And where we are now. I mean, what’s up with the hut?” I had been pondering this since two days ago when I first saw it.

“Well” said Mika rather shyly, “A little while after I got here, it began to rain and hail. I ducked for cover under the roots of a tree but I still got wet and pummelled by hail so I thought ‘Screw it, I’m going to find better cover for the next time this happens!’ So I did. It’s made of bamboo. That wound was one of many.”

As he said this, he lifted his shirt to reveal a well-sculptured chest with a large array of scratches and bruises.

And what about this garden, you can’t possibly have grown it all yourself.”

“I didn’t have to.” He once again brushed the hair away from my face. “It was already here. There was a fallen tree in the middle of it which I moved and used the space to build the hut on.”

“Aw, not just a pretty face then” I teased.

A gust of wind blew my hair all over my face and again he moved it all to the right side.

“Ok, what gives? What is it with you and touching my hair?”

I know I shouldn’t complain, every time he came close to me, I felt a weightlessness and an almost uncontrollable desire to take his face in my hands and taste those beautiful, full lips.

But I didn’t. Who knows what could come of that!

“You just have the most amazing face and I hate it when your hair covers it up. Besides, it gives me a chance to be close to you.”

Mika looked the other way and blushed slightly.

This last sentence only reinforced my passion for him.

It had finally happened. I had been on this island with the same guy long enough to fall in love purely for the fact that he was the only mail company I had.

Or did I really feel something for him?

“How are you feeling?” I asked, changing the subject.

“I’m good. Sorry about before” He said.

“Don’t be, it wasn’t your fault! I wonder what that stuff was anyway.” I questioned aloud.

Mika lay back in the soft moss, hesitated, and then said:

“Hey, look at that!”

I spun round but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me down into him. He pulled me close and giggled.

“What the hell? I asked, smiling all the time.

“I don’t know, you just… I don’t know!” Mika went into fits of vigorous laughter and stopped suddenly.

A chill shot down my spine as I remembered what had happened the last time he had laughed like that and the pain that had followed.

I put my hand on his chest and felt a pulse (I couldn’t reach his left wrist) Mika hugged me a little tighter and kissed me with such an immense feeling that for a second, I felt like I was floating high above the world looking down at the earth and all my thoughts and bad feelings were melting away into nothingness.

When we pulled away, I floated back down to reality.

This could potentially ruin our friendship, how would we recover from the awkwardness?

I looked at Mika.

He looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back and went back to resting on his shoulder.

Would this be so awkward after all?

Or was I just worried because he had probably done the whole ‘boy + girl’ thing and I hadn’t?

Only time could tell.

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