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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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Oh my god, that one was amazing :wub2:

Well here's part seven, I'll have to edit it later because I'm in a hurry.



Ok, we're all edited.

Here we go.



The memoirs of a lost girl, found.

Part seven

The next night, I lay on the moss bed with a terrible headache.

Mika was worried but trying not to show it, although he was as clear as clean windows.

“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better Kay?” He asked.

“Just stay with me. It’s not as bad as it looks.” I tried unsuccessfully to calm him; I guessed that he must have been shaken from the wound incident still.

Mika sighed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked

“I guess I just… I really miss my family and my friends and… Yeah.” He looked as if he wanted to burst with homesickness.

“I know” I said quietly and took his hand in mine.

He looked at me with his big, beautiful eyes and squeezed my embracing hand.

I hadn’t really thought of my family. We were never particularly close and I didn’t really have any friends but Mika, being such a wonderfully charismatic person, I guessed might have a substantial circle of loved ones.

Feeling rather dizzy, I sat up and put my arms around him.

He returned the gesture and we sat in silence just embracing each other’s presence.

I felt horrible. I was trying to comfort Mika while knowing nothing of what he was feeling.

I felt such a strong feeling. Like I wanted to make his pain go away, like I could feel a ripping in my hart whenever I saw him hurt.

Although there were no tears in his eyes, I could feel him crying on the inside.

Being here had taken its toll on him and so far we had found no way of getting off this deserted island.

I was helpless to do anything for him, he wanted his family and his friends and his old life and it was so frustrating that I couldn’t make him feel better.

I held him just a bit closer. It was all I could do.

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ahh this is making me happy because now my imagination has to run or gallop wildly...first my mind wanted to wander off to the gutter but i have somewhat of a kinda idea of what it would be like


first i would walk around the beach of the island cuz i would be too scared/nervous to know what to do so i would have to gather my thoughts and then i would finally get the nerve to sit down next to him or something because he would be staring at me like i was a weird person i guess...then i would sit there in silence for some time until mika starts the convo and both of us might talk about random things, like anime and collecting toys and all the fun stuff we might like, then of course we would get hungry but yeah mika would be afraid of fish and all teh little critters in the ocean and so i would have to get it and i dont know about water because yeah so thats all i got in my head, not very imaginative but hey yeah its a thought :bleh:

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Sorry guys, I haven't written the next chapter in a while and won't be writing it today either. I still feel sad because of something that happened and not sure where the story is going because it just feels like a lie now...it doesn't make sense in a way.

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So I havent wrote a while so im starting over again.


Part 1




I lifted up my head. It felt heavy, and a pain was cutting through it.

The salt seawater was dripping of my clothes and hair and landed on the gold sand.

Suddenly I rememberd everything, the crash and the screaming people.

I crawled on my knees and sat down in de soft, dry sand.

There was blood on my head and legs, and when I looked closer I saw 3 wounds. They weren't deep, but they stung badly. The sun was shining and it was very hot. All I heard was birds and the calming sound of the ocean, and in the distance there was nothing but sea. I stood up and turned around, a couple of rocks and behind those rocks was a big jungle.

I never felt so sad, nobody could help me. I was on my own now.

Though my legs were giving up on me I started walking. The wounds were making it painfull and hard to walk. I just couldnt think about something else then the screaming people, maybe no one else survived this. After 10 stept I surrenderd to my body and fell on the ground. Tears were running and all I could do was lying in the sand, waiting for death. I didnt wanted to struggle, even if I wanted to I didnt stand any chance. I was on my own, I had no skills. And thinking about that I fell asleep, or maybe I passed out. I couldnt tell.

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This is to refresh everyone's memory... (parts 1-2):blush-anim-cl:



It is a rainy day in Paris and the city of love is at its sweetest. Poets walk with their muses through the glimmering streets lined with cafes. Children with matching red umbrellas walk in a single file line toward the museum doors.

As for our heroin, Amelie makes her way toward her self proclaimed sanctuary for the last time.

As she reaches the top of the Eifel Tower, she is overcome with an array of emotions… sadness and love… contentment for what is being left behind and uncertainty for what is yet to come. Amelie closes her eyes and takes in the misty air. Paris was letting her know that it loved her still.

Love… She knew what the word meant, but she had none left to give. What was the point in living anymore when her reason for living was to love? The man she had loved was gone forever, taken from her by God and along with him the happiest year of her life. “Gabrielle,†she whispers… opening her eyes. The sun was shining now and it dried the tears from her face. She knew it was him; he was letting her know that there was something more to live for… there was still love to be had.

Amelie smiled at the sun and it embraced her warmly. The rays danced across her hair while the wind blew gently across the long, chestnut layers. She knew it was him, playfully letting her know that he would always love her.

She left him that day… As she boarded the plane, she left him there. He had always belonged to Paris anyway. He was never really hers to have…

Amelie took her seat near the front of the plane and placed her sunglasses back in her clutch bag. She wrapped her trench coat around her small body and took out the latest issue Vogue. The plane would leave in approximately 10 minutes and she had already said her goodbyes… She knew that she needed to take her mind off of this farewell.

There was a seat next to her that was not filled… two minutes to go and Amelie wondered if it would ever be filled. She thought about how convenient it would be to have a whole row to herself… just incase She needed to have a good cry. She sighed and realized that the worse was over. She turned her head toward the window and gazed numbly at the grey abyss. She had kissed him goodbye and whispered “I love you,†the day of the accident… there was nothing else she could have done.

She blinks a few times and opens the issue of Vogue to a random page. “MUSIC SENSATION SETS SAIL FOR EUROPEAN TOUR†She knows this face… She smiles and thinks back to a time when all she had was make believe. The 16 year old in her leaps out of her heart and she recalls a very special night from her youth. She replays what she can remember from five years earlier… She tilts her head and tries hard to remember it… She remembers holding on to him tight and feeling his arm around her shoulder as the flash went off. She laughs silently to herself as she tries to recall the feeling.

It seems, however, that she is not recalling the feeling anymore. Someone is actually touching her shoulder. The voice says gently, “Ummm… excuse me but is this seat taken?†Amelie is jolted back into reality and as she is turning to look at the person, she realizes that there would be no crying on this flight. “Not at all… please sit…†She looks up at the person standing above her and her eyes widen as her breathing halts. He whispers, “Oh Thank you,†and sets his bag in the compartment above her.

Amelie turns her head toward the window and whispers, “Oh my God!†Slowly, with a slight smile on her face, she peers clumsily at her issue of Vogue. She quickly turns the page realizing that the man on her lap is sitting an inch away from her. She realizes that she has a voyage of 9 hours still to go with the man who gave her her song.




Mika sits patiently waiting for the plane to take off as he drums his fingers over his arm rest. He gazes over at what Amelie is “reading†and says, “OH… Is that the July issue?†She responds, “Hmmm? Oh… yeah it… it is.â€

“Do you mind if I read it when you’re done?â€

“No not at all… here you can take it now. I was just about to listen to my ipod anyway.â€

She smiles and gives him the magazine. He thanks her warmly and fumbles through the index. He has found his article and is reading it with a slight smile on his face. Mean while, Amelie puts her ipod in and turns the power on. The little gadget was set to shuffle and the volume was full blast. Out arose from the tiny speakers, “LOVE TODAY,†sending her back in her chair with a jolt of shock. She quickly pauses the song and turns to face MIKA who is giggling hysterically at her.

“Hey that’s my song!â€

“Oh uh yeah… I know…†Amelie can feel her ears warming and her heart thumping.

“Awww you’re actually turning pink!â€

“I am?!â€

“Yeah… really really pink!â€

Amelie giggles a little more as Mika smiles cutely at her.

He ponders her face for a moment…

“What’s your name?â€


“Amelie… I love that name… have we met before? Are you an actress?â€

“No… well… I’m trying to be.â€

“You look so familiar…â€

“Well we’ve met before.â€

“I knew it! Where?â€

“ Your first Chicago gig five years ago… I mean you probably don’t remember me anyways… I was…â€

“You were little than.â€


“No I mean you were younger.â€

“Yeah… Well I was 16.â€

“I remember your face.â€

Mika looks hard into her eyes… just thinking. Amelie plays with the ring on her finger while avoiding his stare.

“ Ahhh… so you’re engaged.â€

“What? Oh… yeah… well, no. I mean… Not anymore.â€

With this, Amelie turns to look at him… her eyes are beginning to tear.

Mika is looking into her small face genuinely concerned.

“Oh… hey are you ok? I didn’t mean to…â€

“No I’m fine… it’s just… well, he… he… died last month… I just can’t bring myself to take the ring off.â€

“ I’m so sorry.â€

“ I know it seems silly to still wear it but… I just…â€

“It’s not silly at all… it’s beautiful.â€

Mika turns his trouser pockets inside out and pulls out a hot pink hanky…

“Here… I have something for you.â€

He takes the hanky turning her head towards him and cutely wipes her face with it. Amelie can’t help but giggle in disbelief.

“I can’t believe this is happening.â€

“What’s that?†Mika is concentrating on not wiping her mascara off.

“ I’ve known you for 5 minutes and you’ve already seen me cry.â€

“But you’re wrong… I feel like I’ve known you forever.†He hands the hanky to her and she puts it in her clutch.

“So, what brings you here to Paris Mika?â€

“Oh you know… touring and what not.â€

“Right…so now you’re heading for your European tour in the carribean?â€

“HUH? Oh… uh well I’m kinda taking a mini vacation.â€

“You escaped didn’t you?â€

Mika giggles breathlessly.

“Yeah, how’d you know?â€

“I just did.â€

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Parts 3-4



Mika sighs… “I just really needed some time off.â€

Amelie nods her head and says, “Trust me, I know how you feel.â€

Mika rests his chin on his palm as he leans in on Amelie’s arm rest.

“So what do you do?â€

“Well, I was interning for Chanel.â€

“That explains the red pumps.â€

Amelie peers down at her tiny feet and laughs…She turns her attention to Mika’s neon converse sneakers and crinkles her nose while smiling.

“Hey those are cool.â€

“You think so?â€

“I do… I’ve always loved your style though.â€

“Thanks! I love yours too.â€

Amelie is blushing again as Mika bends to tie his purple laces. She wants to run her fingers through his curls… a life long goal… but she resists the urge.

“Hey you wanna watch a movie,†Mika asks excitedly.

“Sure! What do you wanna watch?â€

The two look at a list of movies provided by the stuartist.

“Hmmmm… OOO let’s watch Pride and Prejudice,†Amelie suggests.

The two settle warmly in their seats, each with their own headphones. Every so often Amelie would shift her eyes to Mika’s direction absolutely in awe that he was sitting next to her.

Hours past and the two talked non stop about random things… some serious… others not so serious… like favorite flavors of ice cream and episodes of Will and Grace. They drank glasses of red wine and often times were the only sound on the flight as everyone else was sleeping. They giggled until their stomachs were soar and their eyes were watery. The wall Amelie had put up, which never existed in Mika’s mind, was now demolished and she felt alive for the first time in ages. There was nothing more natural than talking with him. He actually listened and asked her questions. It was amazing.

After one giggling episode shared between them… Amelie asked Mika a question breathlessly.

“Mika, when this is all over will you remember me?â€

“No… because it’s never going to end.†He smiles teasingly at her.

“Oh come on… you’re gonna forget this ever happened and go on with the tour.â€

“I won’t… I promise you. You make me smile and I know it’s selfish, but I need you around me.â€

“It’s pretty weird huh… what 5 hours can do? I don’t think a single 30 seconds have gone by without one of us running our mouths.†She giggles some more.

“ Trust me, it’s not weird… its freakin amazing.â€

“Yeah well it could also be the wine.†She lifts her glass to toast him.

His eyes widen.

“Here’s to my new friend Amelie who, by some twist of fate, became my saving grace.â€

He takes a sip of the wine while Amelie hold the glass to her chest tilting her head toward him with teary eyes and the most genuinely happy smile imaginable.

Mika looks up while taking the sip and furrows his brow.

“What’s wrong?â€

Amelie is hesitant at first but bites her quivering red lip as she says...

“ this is so cheesy but… Well, I always tell people that YOU were MY saving grace.â€

Mika takes the glass away from her and puts both his and hers on the tray in front of them. He places his hand in hers and squeezes it tightly.

“You’ve had a rough life haven’t you?â€

She sqeezes his hand just as tight carressing her ring finger over his nuckles.

“Recently…Yeah life’s been rough,†she exhales painfully as she sniffles slightly.

“Ya know if you need to cry some more go ahead… I have more hankies.†Mika waves a yellow hanky teasingly at her with puppy dog eyes and a cute smirk.

“Thanks but… I’ve been crying for so long…†She pauses and looks at him… His nose is crinkled and he is giggling as only Mika would. “My lyrics have taken over the world you see.â€

“I know it.†She smiles.

Mika lifts his head and looks behind her with a gaping mouth.

“Hey look out of your window.â€

She peers out of the small window and seas nothing but gorgeous blue water.

“Wow we’re in the middle of nowhere.â€

“No man’s land,†Mika says jokingly.

Suddenly, without warning, as they take in the beautiful sight, the plane jolts forward sending their wine glasses flying.

Amelie instinctivly searches for Mika’s arms and holds on to him tightly.

She can’t scream, she can’t say a single word. She just holds on to him and closes her eyes. He is cradling her in his arms as the plane is descending downward into a treacherous spiral.

“It’s OK! It’s ok just hang on to me… you’ll be alright.†His eyes are hopeless as he searches for some assurance but there was nothing but screaming faces and flying metal. He cradles her head toward his chest making sure she doesn’t see the horrible sight. In the middle of everything… a single cell of life clings together as one. He would never let go of her.



Amelie collapses deeper into Mika’s embrace as the screaming becomes louder and the images more ghostly. The plane is no longer thrashing forward but rather descending slowly with random jolts of pressure.

Mika is still covering her eyes with his hand while running his fingers through her hair.

“Don’t look… It’ll be ok… Promise me you won’t let go…Can you do that?â€

Amelie whispers through her tears, “I promise you.â€

Mika is trying desperately to calm Amelie down all the while trying to ease his own mind. One thing he knew for sure, he wanted her voice to be the last he heard.

“Amelie tell me again the story of how we met.†He rests his head on hers and closes his teary eyes. He knew the end was near.

She tightens her hold on him, “Mika… say my name again.â€

He holds back his tears.


She sobs louder now… “That’s exactly how it was when we met, the way you said my name. I never wanted you to leave… I wanted you to stay with me forever.â€

“We’re together now… everything’s as it should be.â€

“It’s not fair… I was just getting to know you.†She begins to cry hopelessly.

“It can’t end here… God wouldn’t be this cruel,†He says trying to comfort her.

His head is still resting on hers. Her hair is silky in between his fingers and is still fragrant from the rose water she had splashed inside her shampoo only hours earlier. Was it really about to end? Mika lingered in her beautiful scent as she runs her fingers down his back.

The plane shifts backward tightening the two’s grip on each other.

“Talk to me Mika…†Amelie says desperately.

Mika sniffles for a moment trying not to let her know that he was shedding his tears on her.

“I almost missed my flight today,†he says sadly.

“I bet you wish you would have now.â€

“No… no I don’t… One minute later and I would have still been in Paris.â€

“Yes still in Paris and still among the living.â€

“But I wouldn’t have found you Amelie… There is nowhere I’d rather be… no better company to spend the final moments of my life with than you.â€

She cries silently to herself… She remembers now how it feels to love. Her heart finally loves again.She can hardly bring her self to speak… She manages a small whisper…

“What are you thinking about?â€

Mika runs his hands down Amelie’s back as he feels the softness of her dress.

“I’m trying to remember you always … the way you fit perfectly in my arms.â€

Amelie’s body was small and warm in his embrace… her cheek to his chest.

“You know Amelie… When I was looking for a place to sit…The first thing I saw was you smiling to yourself.â€

A tear falls from both of their eyes at the same exact moment.

He continues, “It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen... Your warm words went straight from your lips into my heart… you were all mine.â€

There is a strange feeling coming over Amelie… sadness and joy become one.In the midst of all the emotions, metal and broken glass is flying all around them and a large piece grazes her thigh.

She gasps as it seers her skin. Blood is beginning to slide down her leg as Mika rushes to her aid.

“Here… rest it on me.â€

He lifts both of her legs over his and for the first time Amelie’s eyes are free to see the horrible sight. She is leaning against the window she had been looking out of only moments earlier and is trying to calm her painful breathing. Mika puts pressure on the inside of her thigh with his hand as her tiny feet dangle at his side…all the while her red pumps move back and forth with every shake of the plane.

Mika looks helplessly at her wound.

“I wish there were more I could do…does it hurt terribly?â€

Amelie is fighting back her tears.

“Not too bad,†she says biting her lip.

Mika looks at her and realizes the pain she is in.

“Oh you’re lying… it hurts you horribly doesn’t it?â€

“Really Mika, its okay… I’ve felt worse.â€

Suddenly a voice from the back of the plane yells… “We’re about to hit the water!â€


All around them there was screaming and chaos… blood soaked seat cushions litter the isles. Mothers hold on to their babies as husbands hold on to their wives. People wail in pain and scream God’s name… through bloody voices.

Amelie moves herself deeper onto Mika’s lap and once again he cradles her in his arms. His hands caress her small frame as her blood still lingers in his palms.


She is crying uncontrollably running her fingers through his hair… a life long goal fulfilled. She smiles silently to herself as she whispers, “Mika, I have always loved you.â€


His eyes widen and he feels his heart leap. Without a moment’s hesitation Mika pulls her head away from his chest. He holds Amelie’s tiny face in his hands and pulls her lips to his. They have become a single beating heart.

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Part 5


Part 5

Mika’s hands gently caress Amelie’s face… his eyes closed and his brow beaming with sweat. Amelie continues to lovingly run her fingers through his hair while her other hand inches toward his waist. Their hearts race as their breathing calms… the plane is flooding with bloody screams and painful cries. For these two bodies intertwined in each other, nothing else existed… nothing else mattered.


Finally, the inevitable happened, the plane hit the water silencing the screams forever.

Mika came up from the water… his lungs stinging painfully as he tried desperately to breath. He didn’t care… He searched for Amelie who had slipped from his arms during the plunge downward into the water. There was nothing but flaming debris all around him and floating bodies that no longer clung to life. His vision was blurred and his eyes stung from the salty water.


He could make out a mound of land about 20 feet away from him. In the distance he sees a figure trying to swim to the shore. Mika squints his eyes and can make out the image of a red dress. He knows it is Amelie. He cries out her name and quickly makes his way toward the island. He is happy beyond belief that she survived but was anticipating seeing the state she was in. The journey toward shore seemed like an eternity as worst case scenarios flooded his thoughts.


Ten feet left to go and Mika realizes that she is no longer moving. His breathing becomes more painful as his pace quickens.




Her body is lifeless a few feet from the shore. Her hair is glistening in the radiant sun and the red chiffon from her dress is floating all around her. Her face is peaceful and angelic… her lips slightly parted and dewy. Mika once again desperately cries out her name as he puts his head to her chest. Her heart was still beating. Amelie was still fighting for her life. In her mind she could hear Mika wailing for her and wanted desperately to open her eyes. She could feel the warmth of a glowing white light… God was calling to her… but she refused to answer. In her mind she could hear God’s voice… “Amelie, it’s time.â€

“No! I can’t leave him!â€

“ Amelie… take my hand.â€

Beyond God’s glow she can see paradise. Her hand moves toward his. She is succumbing to the radiance of heaven. Her mind calms and she is ready to leave all her pain behind. Heaven never looked so good. As her fingers inch toward her creator she feels a familiar touch.

“Gabriel?†She can’t believe her eyes. God is no longer in sight.

Gabriel takes her hand in his and looks at her lovingly.

“Amelie…This isn’t how it ends.â€

“Gabriel! In her mind she jumps into his arms sobbing and showering him with small kisses all over his face.â€

“You have a life to live Amelie.â€

“I want to go with you Gabriel!†She plunges into his chest.

“Take me with you!†She is in awe of his radiance and finally collapses into the arms she has missed for what has seemed like an eternity.

“Amelie, sweetie you have to go back.†He takes her face in both of his hands. “You have much still to live for.â€

“No! Life is too hard… I can’t live without you!â€

“But you will...â€

“Gabriel… I don’t understand… don’t you want me here.â€

He laughs and moves her hair away from her face… “Of course I want you here Amelie… but it’s just not for me to decide.â€


“Look behind you.â€

She moves her face away from Gabriel’s towering frame. She can see Mika in a fog sobbing desperately over her tiny lifeless body. He is cradling her in his arms.

Gabriel moves her chin toward his… her eyes are watery.

“Amelie he needs you.â€

She looks at Gabriel sadly.

“Gabriel… You know I will never forget you… My heart will always belong to you.â€

He caresses her face… “Your heart was never intended to be for one person… can you imagine the world without the love you give?†He tilts his head and smiles… “What a sad thought… to deprive the world of my Amelie.â€

She smiles through her tears.

“What good am I to the rest of the world?â€

He laughs…“Trust me Amelie, you have no idea what is in store for you.â€

“Could you give me a hint at least?†she asks teasingly with a slight wink.

“That wasn’t in my job description,†he says jokingly.

She wraps her arms around him and whispers in his ear, “Oh how I’ve missed you.â€

“It’s too bad I wasn’t more funny on earth huh?â€

She laughs and runs her fingers through his hair… she is reminded of Mika once again. She and Gabriel hold on to each other for a few more moments until he guides her by the hand into the distant fog. She is wiping the tears from her face.

“Amelie, you and I… You know we’ll meet again.†She sniffles with a nod…

“I know.â€

“God has a plan for you… otherwise he wouldn’t have sent you back.â€

She giggles… “I can’t imagine what sort of difference he thinks it will make. What could a girl like me possibly give to the world?â€

As he releases her into the fog, she keeps her eyes on his...

He smiles lovingly at her… “New life.â€

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Part 6




After their reunion, Amelie and Mika take some time to lay in the sand and rest on each others shoulders. Amelie’s pain is lessening and the weezing in her chest is calming. Mika lies at her side, legs intertwined with hers as they stare at one another while the other sleeps. Mika nudges a sleeping Amelie gently and whispers in her ear.

“I’ll be back… I’m gonna go check out the rest of this place.â€

Amelie wakes eagerly stretching her arms above her head…

“Wait! I’ll go with you…â€

“No no you’re still in pain… wait here for me.â€

Defiant, Amelie tries to get up while Mika is walking away. She lets out a painful moan as the wound on her leg once again seers.

“OOO ouch!â€

“What did I tell you?†Mika says teasingly.

Once again he helps her lay back down on the sand and leaves her to scan the island.

He must have been gone for 2 hours before returning.

“Well there’s no one here.â€

“ Oh my God…†Amelie says with a sigh… “What’ll we do?â€

“I dunno…†Mika scratches his head while starring blankly at the sea.

“The luggage! Mika the luggage is still out there!â€

“Right… uh… I’ll go get the luggage.†He says in a daze…

Mika runs squeamishly through the sand and plunges into the water… where what’s left of the plane still lingers on the surface… He returns with multiple suitcases to a happy Amelie.

“Oh yay!!! Mika you found my suit case!!!’

Light returns to her smile once again as she rips open her luggage laying out her clothes to dry…

“ Come here Amelie… we gotta get that cut on your leg patched up…â€


“Here I found this emergency aid thing… gimme your leg.â€

She swings her leg over his and pulls out a pocket sized calender from her bag... She rests comfortably... looking through the little book...Suddenly, she gasps...

" I KNEW IT!!! Oh my GOD... Gabriel was right!"

Mika is concerned..." Who's Gabriel?"

" The messenger... uh I mean... my late fiance."

"The one that said you had a bun in the oven?"

"YEah! look look look..."

She points to a date 2 months prior...

"That was the last time I had..."

She whispers softly... "my lady's day..."


"Aunt Flow?"

He tilts his head like a confused dog...

"My period MIKA!!"

"Oh... OH!!! two months ago?!"

"Uh huh..." she says... her eyes widening.

"Well that means... that means you're"

"LATE!... very very late... and I'm never late for anything!"

" Oh my God... I thought the messenger was just messin with you." He puts his hand over his head..." What are we gonna do?! I cant deliver a kid!"

" Calm down... if the worst happens, It'll be like in the movies... ya know..." she says with a furrowed brow.

They look at eachother for a moment seriously... and than burst out laughing...She says breathlessly... "We'll figure something out... besides I'm not even sure I'm pregnant yet..."

"Right..." he adds still perplexed.

"Aren't you gonna treat my leg?" she asks concerned while looking at his dreamy expression...

"Oh yeah...here let me clean that up for you..."

She is tempted to scream from the stinging sensation she is feeling…. “ouch… that stings really bad… what the hell is it?â€

“I don’t know… but it looks really… medical…†Amelie can’t help but giggle at Mika who is also giggling.

“Well did you catch anything?â€


“Fish… did you catch any yet?â€

“ Uh… no… were you hungry?â€

“ I’m starving…†She adds with puppy dog eyes... "I may be eating for two."

“Uh… ok… I’ll be back…â€

He takes a stick and starts squeamishly poking through the water hoping to spear something. He ends up spearing a few small fish and brings them back to a very happy Amelie.

He asks… “ Ok… so how the hell do we cook it?â€

She responds… “ Don’t worry you leave it to me!... I watch Man vs. Wild ya know.â€

She starts creating friction between a stone and a stick and asks Mika to blow on the smoke rising… and then just like that… fire.

Mika is impressed… “Would you look at that… little Amelie made a fire!â€

The two laugh and get to know each other more as they eat their food. They have no idea yet, where they will seek shelter or what other dangerous life waits for them on the island. For the time being they are wrapped up in each other’s good company.

They lay down on the sand looking up at the clouds…

“That one looks like Elvis…†Amelie says giggling…

“Nuh uh… that’s a parrot!â€

They play this game for about a half an hour until Amelie starts yawning viscously…

“Where do I sleep?†she asks.

“ Uh… I dunno…â€

“Well it looks like it’s gonna rain.â€

“Oh you’re right… wait a minute… I saw a cave back there behind that waterfall… we can sleep there.â€

“WE? Why sir you are forward aren’t you?!†Amelie says cutely.

“Uh sweetie…There’s only one cave … we’ll have to share.†He says sticking out his tongue at her.

“Silly me,†she says laughing.

“Come with me Madame…†he lifts her up in his arms as she wraps her own arms around his broad shoulders. She looks at him lovingly through her side bangs.

They reach the cave and rest comfortable next to each other… Mika decides to lay awake just incase there were any wild animals… he lays there keeping himself entertained… trying to match his own breathing pattern to that of the sleeping Amelie. She sleeps like a baby next to him… once in awhile taking a deep inhale and exhaling just as fully. He smiles every time this happens. He watches her the entire night while she sleeps… it is his turn to memorize her.

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Ok everyone this is very lighthearted... and I added an Audrey Hepburn reference lol ( I couldn't resist! I love her!) but be aware there is some major forshadowing going on here :wink2: ...

Listen up: this is an interview that many might have heard... but he recorded it after his U.S tour... after I started this romance tale... Around the last 2 min or so he mentions the film AMELIE!!... It's just so weird... with me and him, there are always these little coinsidences... little signs... or maybe he read the thread:blush-anim-cl: lol All I know is, he took the words right out of my mouth when describing the movie... it's just amazing to hear the character's name actually in his voice!... listen to it and prepare to swoon! Thanks to Fmbm for sending me the link



*** let me know your thoughts about the interview and my story****


So here goes...




Amelie wakes… her face buried in Mika’s chest. Did they sleep like this the whole night? She lifted her head to look at him and he was sleeping quietly with his lips slightly parted and his arm around her waist. She lays there looking at him for a few minutes smiling and giggling slightly every time Mika would inhale fully. She finally gets the urge to wake him up… Gently she takes her tiny hand and starts tracing the angles of his face… She inches towards the bridge of his nose than traces her pinky around his lips. Mika smiles slightly… his eyes still closed. Amelie takes his face in her hands…

She informs him with a grin,“You sleep like a baby.”

He holds her face while still trying to focus…

“So do you.”

She looks up at the sky curiously “I have no idea what time it is… do you have a watch?”

“Yeah… several.” He laughs and looks down at his wrist covered in multicolored watches…

“Hmmm let’s see… this one should tell me what time it is… I programmed it just before I left for Carribean time…”

“Wise.” Amelie says while laughing.

“ermmmm well it’s noon.”

“We slept until noon?!”

Mika nods while scratching his head.

“We are very much the same you and I Amelie.”

“So what do we do now Mika?”

“I dunno… I suppose we have to eat something.”

“I saw some bananas over there…”

“ Here I’ll bring em over here.” Mika says while getting up.

“ No I can do it… let me walk… seriously I think I’m ok to move around now.”

She lifts herself up with Mika’s help and tries not to cry from the pain… it is unbearable yet again.

Mika leans in towards amelie who is hunched over trying to keep a brave face... he is concerned ,“You ok?”

Amelie grinds her teeth… “Yeah I’m good.”

Mika sighs… “Sit back down… I can tell you’re still hurting.”

She unwillingly obliges and waits patiently for him to bring back the food.

They sit talking over their breakfast…. They plan out what they will do in the coming days… how to boil their water… make fire… all the essentials which Amelie is willing to teach Mika from her studies of “Man vs. Wild” :)

The conversations turns...

“What if they never find us?” Amelie asks.

“Than we’ll raise our little jungle boy or girl here on this island.”

Amelie’s eyes widen… “Oh crap… that’s right I completely forgot… I could be pregnant as we speak.”

“UHH...sweetie I’m pretty sure you are.”

“Well maybe I’m just late because of … I dunno… stress.”

Mika shakes his head and smiles at her lovingly, “No… you have a glow around you that only a mother to be can have.”

“Really” she says her eyes starting to tear…

“That and you cry every five minutes.” He smiles mischievously at her.

She slaps his knee… “Shut up… I’m like this normally.” She says with a smile on her face.

He looks at her for a moment… “I’ve got it!”


“You remind me of someone… ooo I just had it… what is her name?”

Mika is staring blankly at the coconut beside him…

“OOOO Audrey Hepburn!”

Amelie’s eyes widen…

“Who told you to say that?!”


“I’ve been begging people to say that to me since I was like 16… she’s my idol.”


Amelie bats her eye lashes cutley, “What makes you think so?”

“Dunno… I think it’s your eyes… and your nose… the aura of quirky elegance helps…”

“Geee thanks! Seriously ,what a compliment.”

She folds her knees under her chin and smiles at the sand for a little while.

“ What are you thinking about?” he asks her gently.

She lifts her head and leans back on the tree trunk… “ What if I’m not ready to be a mother?”

“Don’t be silly.”

“ It’s just well… I’m only 22 for crying out loud.”

“Yeah but that’s…”

“And Gabriel! Gabriel’s gone… he’s left me with a child to take care of… ALONE!”

She starts tearing up again.

“Listen to me Amelie.” He scoots in close to her…once again wiping her tears from her face.

“From now on… you’re never going to be alone.”

“Yeah I know, I’ll have a kid!”

“… and me.” He says holding her hand.

She laughs… “Oh great… two kids!”

They both giggle and waste time the rest of the afternoon talking about random things … they’re favorite subject…

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PART 7...



Amelie wakes… her face buried in Mika’s chest. Did they sleep like this the whole night? ...They both giggle and waste time the rest of the afternoon talking about random things … they’re favorite subject…


I didn't want to quote the whole thing because it takes up so much space - but that was awesome! You're a really talented storyteller, m'dear!


I can't wait for part 8. Can you give your eager audience an idea of when we can expect it? Poor Amelie isn't going to be stuck on an island for another 7 months, forced to give birth on a palm frond...is she??

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Gahhhhh I'm addicted to these stories now. Can't wait for Part 8!!!!!!!! :wub2:


Me too!!! I check this thread all the time to see if there are anyone news ones!

BonjourMika glad to see you're back! I missed your stories!

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