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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Anna


    Hello, and welcome!
  2. Lately like "in recent days" or lately like "in the last hour or two"? It seems slow to me right now, maybe 'cause it's so late in the States and all the good Mika fanlings in the US/Canada have gone to bed... which is where I should be.
  3. Oh hells... there are some very... er... interesting discussions going on in some of the threads on here that I would really hate for him to see!
  4. I love the title of this thread. I'm so tempted to make one to counter this and call it "I met Mika... and he punched my mom!" That would technically be a lie though, since I haven't met him.
  5. I highly recommend playing around with this little gem: http://morph.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk//Transformer/ You might get a slightly more realistic baby Mika!
  6. Wow, I hadn't seen the Steven Tyler pic before! I love Aerosmith. Steven Tyler gave me a high-five at a concert once. Haha.
  7. I need one too! I don't have any clothes, and people are staring at me!
  8. There wasn't really much on the Secret Society page, last time I checked. They approved my request late last year, Novemberish or so. Is no one logging on to it anymore to approve you guys? It seems snobby if they're denying people!
  9. A whole lot of you should be getting add requests from a silly-looking black-haired girl called Anna Conda, who has a pepto pink profile with stars all over it. heehee A few people have the setting to where adders have to know your surname/email addy, so I couldn't add you. But anyone can add me!
  10. Oooh! *waves arms* *add add add* http://www.myspace.com/57002547
  11. I saw a really nasty one the other day that gave Life in Cartoon Motion 1 of 10 stars. It was for some online article; I don't remember where.
  12. Hmm... *thinks* I don't think he should date a big celebrity, 'cause it would be horrible if paparazzi started chasing him around. But it would have to be someone very talented and rad. Maybe like an artist or something? I don't know the guy, so I can't really say.
  13. What's this I hear about teetotalling? [i probably just mangled the spelling of that word, but ah well] Straight edge, right here.
  14. Yeah, the hair is a big problem for me, too. I downloaded some curly hairs, but one was too frizzy and flat, and the other looked like an NSync-era Justin Timberlake 'fro. Sigh! I'll let you dudes know if I find a good one.
  15. Hi dudes, I've been looking for a good Mika sim for Sims 2. I tried to make one myself, but I totally suck, and it looked awful. Has anyone created a nice-looking one? Can anyone point me in the direction of one? I looked on the Sims2.com site, but there weren't any Mika sims at all! Thanks a bunch!
  16. Mexico *isn't* in South America.
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