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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Haha, that's funny. My best friend had 2 porcelain dolls that had snow-white skin and black wigs that would fall off all the time, and she was afraid of them. They were kinda goth-looking and creepy, esp. when their hair was sliding off one side.
  2. Has anyone been thinking about making Mika-related Halloween costumes (Lollipop Girl, Big Girl, etc.)? Has anyone made a costume for a show? I thought it would be nice to share any tips or ideas. I know Halloween is a bit far off, but I'm a total Halloween freak, and I always start sewing my costume way early so that it'll be awesome. I thought about doing a lollipop girl costume, but all the non-Mika-fans would probably just think I was a little girl. haha. But the upside would be that Mika fans would totally get it. So... any costumers or potential costumers?
  3. I'm stuck in rural Arkansas (at college)... hardly anyone listens to the kinds of music I like, and no cool bands ever come anywhere near here. I have to drive 2-6 hours just to see a concert. So I know how you feel, but surely it can't be that hard to find fellow Mika fans in New York, no?
  4. None! I'd have him sign a CD or something, so I could actually keep the autograph without having to have it tattooed on my body.
  5. *kills self* Tamagotchis, suspenders, feet... where does it END?! *is dead* And also, why is it "official"?!
  6. Psh, Mika! I LOVE water and fishes! I went parasailing one time... that was AWESOME. I'm also a really good kneeboarder. So I definitely do not have any aqua-fears. I have the weirdest fears. I'm NOT afraid of the dark, heights, spiders, snakes, ghosts, or any of the regular things. I'm afraid of BABIES and PUPPETS. I like toddlers okay, but babies freak me out! I won't even touch them or hold them. I'm afraid they'll break or get hurt or something, or maybe pee on me. I'm afraid of puppets, but only the ones that are humanoid (people), esp. ventriloquist dummies. I used to be terrified of those ugly puppets on Mr Rogers Neighborhood and would change the channel when they came on! Then one time a family friend went to Mexico and brought me back a shiny puppet of a Mexican boy wearing a sombrero. I was so afraid of it that I shoved it in my bottom dresser drawer and never looked at it again. As far as I know, it's still there! (And it's been probably 15 years... haha).
  7. Aww, what a doll! Thanks for sharing the site; I hadn't seen it before.
  8. I'm going to invent a drinking game where we all have to take a drink every time the word "CAMP" is used in association with Mika. We're all going to be wasted within 15 minutes.
  9. Where did you get the trousers (who makes them)? I've been looking EVERYWHERE for skinny red pants (way before I saw this pic, haha). I love skinny pants, but the only ones I have are black, grey, or denim blue. Now I have to buy People mag. again! He was in the one with Angelina and her new son on the cover, too (from a couple weeks ago). hehe. thanks for the scan! <3
  10. $111 is freaking CRAZAYYYY for a hoodie! The zipper had better be made out of solid gold if I'm going to pay that much! But I've outsmarted the beast! I'm a pretty good painter, and I bought a blank white shirt ($5) and a set of paint pens ($10). I'm going to design and paint my OWN Mika shirt, for $96 less! *blows raspberries at overpriced Mika merch*
  11. *watches* Wow... that is amazing! Their voices go really well together.
  12. Awesome! Thanks for sharing! I love the animal costumes! Hehe. The part where Mika is twirling his monkey tail made me laugh.
  13. It's pretty obvious that Perez's readers do *not* like Mika. Yikes. But I think that most of those losers just go on his site every day to insult Perez, no matter who he's posting about. I'm amused that so many people are worshiping Dave Matthews in those comments. I HAAAATE Dave Matthews Band. They're my least favorite band ever! But I do like Mika's cover. I didn't even realize it was a DMB cover!
  14. Mine plays "When I'm 64" by the Beatles or "Lovesong" by the Cure. But when my Daddy calls, it plays ride of the Valkyries. haha.
  15. Wow! That's a lot of posts. Kudos to you all!
  16. I love U2 as well. My favorite albums are Joshua Tree and All that You Can't Leave Behind. A lot of people rag on Bono for all the humanitiarian stuff he does on the side, but I appreciate it. He might as well use his influence and celebrity for something positive, y'know?
  17. Oh, man! I really wish I could go! I LOVE any excuse to dress up (my Halloween costumes are always fabulous), but there's no way I can go to a show. Mika show + fab costumes = supreme awesomeness.
  18. I tend to read a lot more than I post, in large part because (no offense to anyone) so many of the threads on here are so silly and fangirly, and I don't really have anything to say in them. The traffic here seems a little choppy sometimes. One minute a whole lot of threads will have updates, and a little while later it'll seem like nothing is happening.
  19. FACT: Mika may or may not have eaten a litter of live puppies once during a game of "Truth or Dare." FACT: Mika may or may not wear a wig made of recycled yak hair. FACT: Life in Cartoon Motion may or may not contain subliminal messages funded by the Royal English Candy Company which urge us to purchase lollipops.
  20. "Hoarse," not "horse." I tend to turn my car into "Anna's All-Out Blaring Concert Hall" whenever I'm driving... and I sing fairly loudly (only when no one is with me!). I can actually do fairly well with staying on pitch for Mika songs, since he sings so high. It's more the low notes that I have to struggle for. (I sang first and second soprano when I was in a choir, so I'm pretty used to high notes) *has nightmarish flashback to "Carol of the Bells"*
  21. I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere in the southern US until I graduate from college here, so anytime I want to go to a concert I have to drive like 6 hours. So there's probably no Mika show in my immediate future. Ah well; there's always Youtube. Not the same, I know.
  22. Haha @ that emoticon... I don't think 'Grace Kelly' is really head-banging material. It is indeed awesome, though.
  23. Hellooooo from Arkansas! heehee Glad to have another Mika fan on board!
  24. I don't know what "LP Singles" means - possibly just singles from the LP Life in Cartoon Motion? LP usually stands for Long Play, which just means that a record/cd/whatever is an entire album, not a single or an EP. It can also refer to music that is printed as a 33 rpm record. Maybe they're records? Wikipedia isn't always a very reliable source. Does Mika really plan his singles a year in advance?!?!! Seems way odd.
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