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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. It was really warm the other day....Everyone was walking around topless (the men anyway...) and stuff This weeks going to be pretty good...nice and sunny today, 19 degrees
  2. I love spring in London http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3425/3367130837_fe62a67333.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs027.snc1/2652_140208070297_548905297_6347863_4833197_n.jpg http://photos-f.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v184/218/44/548905297/n548905297_2304053_4528.jpg http://photos-g.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v184/218/44/548905297/n548905297_2304054_4870.jpg
  3. It sounds like they're at a planetarium or something. I was waiting for the educational voice over to kick in
  4. Ugh yeah bile vomit it the worse thing ever (Sorry Nono I'm sure this isn't helping )
  5. I always used to be like that for days after a gig... I've got over it though now I think. Just wait till you get your appetite back, eat a little but when you want and don't eat if you don't feel like it...it settles down after a few days
  6. That is the EASIEST song to play I'm rubbish at learning songs by ear and I picked that one up with just 2 listens. Oh and I get the 'O What a World' comparison thing... They're not at all similar yet they are so alike...if that makes sense. Think you have to be a big fan of both of them to get it though maybe?
  7. Yeah I'm pretty bad at gettig up early aren't I? My alarm went of at 4:30 I just don't remember turning it off and going back to sleep I think Toy Boy is gonna go down well. and all of them actually that one just stood out a bit.
  8. Okiay the waking up early thing didn't work...only 7 hours late Managed to catch up though Love the new songs!! His lyrics have got good!
  9. Sara : Mika sent us a popcorn making machine now! Queuing in style. omg hahah
  10. 7 eleven The Roxy: @mikasounds true to his word! The hot chocolate supplied is keeping the fans nice and toasty! Sara: @theroxy no disrespect to @mikasounds but toasty we certainly ain't! Lol
  11. Think I'm gonna go to bed now while it's quiet and uneventful and then just wake up EARLY...as in 5am early haha 'night!
  12. No you don't want to be older. It's all downhill
  13. 'Sara : @mikasounds Donuts & drinks delivered, thanks so very much xx'
  14. and the rest of us I think. How can anyone not like him though really?
  15. Ever since he gave you your £6 donut fund I still love him for doing that, it was hillarious hahha You just looked at him like
  16. You're just letting me feel useful again aren't you really? I'm jealous too. I want hot chocolate. I want to see Johns edgy street look. Didn't the roxy log people say they were getting muffins too? Screw the gig I'm just jealous of the queue!
  17. Sara: 'John came by to take orders for drinks. He's so lovely & looks really edgy and street, lol ' haha that made my laugh
  18. Yeah they're the 2 I don't know too... I'm not too good at naming the LAers
  19. I know! People have been walking around half naked in London today because of the 'heat'..the whole 21 degree heat haha
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