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Everything posted by -Jennie-

  1. I just spent about 5 minutes spinning the menu wheel around I'm easily amused
  2. http://www.timeticker.com/ Thats quite a good zine zone map thing..and it talks! Everyone should just set their clocks to BST right now and live in our time zone for a while so its easier.....
  3. Ooh completely forgot to post here the other day. I saw him at a little free gig in the cafe in Selfridges ... not many people were there and they only allowed a 2-row audience in front of the stage. I was in it I told him how I liked the new stuff etc and he said he could 'just eat me' right now... In the end, he didn't eat me, but he did decide to LICK my face..as in right from my chin to my forehead. So random but don't really expect anything less from him! Accident and Emergency/Happy Birthday/Poker Face/Just Dance Bluebells Hard Times
  4. Bed? Now? I'm not planning on going to bed for at least another 8 hours..if at all! I may just be able to catch the news before I get carted off home by my dad... I'll make sure he packs the car slowwwwly
  5. I think it's a kind of prep level before going to university right? kinda 6th form ish? Might be completely wrong though but I remember my friend mentioning it ages ago
  6. It was an actual organised drill rather than just another 'someone's burnt their toast' alarm...they always do them at stupidly early times. anything between 4:30am and 9am is a no go for students I'm waiting for the influx of newbies now that are signing up to hear the news tomorrow
  7. Thanks At least you didn't get rudely woken by a fire drill and have to go stand outside in a courtyard for ages at 6am!...after going to bed at 4:30am
  8. Yeah... Its not the same though I'm going home tomorrow and never get phone signal... I'll have to go sit outside or something I think
  9. I won't be here and I probably won't have internet for weeks (apart from my phone which really doesn't like MFC)
  10. Here ya go http://www.musicworldonline.com/artists/mika/2009
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdmvGMpEdOc Shame her microphone is never acually on...have to make do with the dubbed version
  12. When we went on the Warner Bros studio tour and went to the Harry Potter museum thing there they put the soting hat on all of us and I was the only one in our group of about 20 who was in Slytherin They used that against me for the next 2hours of the tour
  13. I love how we actually attempt the dances when we watch it so sad
  14. This thread doesn't deserve to be so hidden away... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
  15. I know right! I do media at university and we actually study this film as a good example of movie-making
  16. Oh the only reason I watched it was because he was in it Just noticed from checking the 'who's online' thing....There were always a bunch of google spiders reading this thread. Google spiders basically mean that when people google Jasper/Jackson this site is more likely to come up as a link...or something like that (I'm not gonna pretend to understand it )
  17. Oh yeah I know he is... I just wasn't expecting that as I was watching it This thread had an insane amout of views from the very beginning. It was always google spiders viewing it whenever I checked...loads of them!
  18. They should at least have killed them off in the end or something You love it really Thank you for the liiiight thank you for the dayyyy gonna get up every mornin' stand up proud to sayyyy I'M HAA-AA-PPYYYY oh can't you seeeee? My life's care free cus I'm HAPPY I love to annoy you
  19. 2>3>1 and um... RYAN:wub2: Oh and both Troy and Gabriella really bug me. they should cut them outta the film in my opinion This is my alarm tone I've had on my phone for about a year now.... (seriously hahah)The number of times I've woken poor Celine up by singing this nice and loudly when she's stayed at mine haha.....
  20. The Amanda thing was a bit weird....I was a bit concerned that he made such a convincing woman as I was watching it. Not sure about the voice though...that was just a bit creepy
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