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Everything posted by kk448

  1. Well I don't know his personality. And didn't I tell you that man thighs gross me out?!?! All right, let's put it this way: I'll reserve my decision until his new album comes out.
  2. Haha, apparently. I don't know what's crazier - me not liking Mika or me telling you guys that I don't like Mika.
  3. Yeah...Canada sucks. But since you asked...I just don't really like them. They just don't jump out at me. I listened to the songs they have on their myspace and Change for You is all right until it gets to the "puffy white coat" part and then I think it gets awkward (and "you told me Joe?" Who's Joe?). Also, I'm not feeling Nobody Understands, it's too slow for me and weird sounding. I only like the guitar parts in the Firefly song and the last one I don't even know, I really don't like that one. I'm not feeling the lead singer's voice. Betcha didn't know I was a music critic, huh? It's not like my opinion would discourage them. I don't really like any band or artist from today to be quite honest (when am I not?). I really only like classic rock and most of the bands I like have members that are in their 50's or 60's or are dead. I mean Mika was an exception but I'm not really feeling Mika anymore (I know, I know, why am I here then?). I swear I was born in the wrong time period 'cause in my opinion all of the musical geniouses are from back then.
  4. Haha, you've got your own list. Well, anyway, I just don't see how a lifetime ban is justified. So yeah, add me if you want.
  5. I read it before you changed it... She really wrote that?! I thought it was pretty funny, but I understand the youngster thing.
  6. Soooo....about The Midway State. I'm not even a fan of them really. Why am I even in here?! Oh yeah...to be off topic.
  7. or being a delusional, psychopathic raccoon. They've just added that definition.
  8. I think that's what the petition is for....right? But yeah, I'd like to know why she was banned too. I can understand a temporary ban (longer than the ones before) for being rude (I don't even know if she was rude this time), but I think a lifetime ban would be if she like threatened someone or something like that. Also, a lifetime ban should be more carefully considered.
  9. Well I'm pretty sure Freddie can. They're not such "private" messages as some think. Then again like I said, I would have been banned a long time ago if he cared what I wrote. (Sarie too)
  10. Well seeing as a lifetime ban is a big deal, I think more people should have been consulted to make that decision, not just one person.
  11. Well based on what Pink supposedly got banned for, then I figure I should have been gone a long time ago! Especially if the mods can read the PMs like some have hinted. (By the way, can they do that? )
  12. Me too. I can barely go sledding without hurting myself. Then again of all the "cool, tough guys" like to make huge bumps on the hill for ramps and then of course I go right over them. I refuse to go sledding with guys anymore.
  13. Neither do I. I've never even tried. I know myself too well to ever to that.
  14. Mont Tremblant...is that near you Nicka? If so, get your skis and go hang out with them.
  15. I just did that a little while ago. My mom was like, "How old are you?" and I said, "Not old enough!"
  16. I just want to be on the first page.
  17. I broke the my case too! Luckily I only took the booklet to get signed so that's all right.
  18. I've always thought Martin looks like Dana Carvey. This is really good! It would be really funny if Martin's face was on Garth's from Wayne's World, if you've ever seen that movie.
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