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Everything posted by kk448

  1. 02 July 2008 I lost my To Do List so I've created another: 1. Find the last To Do List. edit: I found out Mum threw the list away while she was cleaning my room. Oh well.
  2. 01 July 2008 (is that how you guys write your dates? I want to make it realistic) Because my life is so busy and hectic, I decided to create a To Do List: 1. Keep up with this daily blog 2. Notify the winners of the contest for the Paris gig 3. Finish new album 4. Keep promises 5. No cancellations 6. Get Mum to tell the people on the MFC to quit picking on me 7. Tour Australia This should keep me organized. 02 July 2008 I lost my To Do List so I've created another: 1. Find the last To Do List.
  3. I'm so down for that. (I wish I would have seen this earlier instead of 16 pages later.)
  4. This was a year ago so I'm not sure if I got the dialogue exactly right. Anyway... While I was waiting outside at Chicago for Mika (in June), I saw the band come out and all I wanted was a picture with Luke (even more than one with Mika) and everyone I was with knew this . This bossy lady and her two kids were hogging the band and they decided it was time to leave. Luke was standing RIGHT THERE and this girl I was with pushed me forward so I had to say something to him or look really stupid. I'm not really an assertive type of person, at least not in that situation. Anyway, I said something like, "Luke, can I get a picture with you?" and he said, "Sure! No problem!" Then we were about to take the picture and Martin yelled, "Hey why not the whole band?!" So they all came over and crowded around me. Since I was really only standing next to Luke, he said, "Why don't you move in between all of us" or something like that. Then all these people came rushing into MY picture and Luke and the band were like, "Whoa, we gotta go!" I never even got the picture. Pffft. Though when they all got in the van, it looked like Luke was looking right at me when he waved, and I'll continue to think he was waving at me. haha. But anyway, he was very, very nice, taking the little extra time to make my whole night even they were in a hurry to get out of there. I even thought the fact that Martin got the whole band to come over was great as well.
  5. See that's the thing. We dated back when he looked like that. Then he got hot (with my help) and Miss Scarlett came along and stole him. (are we allowed to use this smiley anymore)
  6. Ohmygosh. I have hated Scarlett ever since she stole my man from me :
  7. I don't mind eating animals, just as long as they're not sick and were put down humanely. For the most part, around where I live, it's done as humanely as possible. Or at least it was when I went to a slaughterhouse nearby. Maybe it's 'cause where I live we buy our own animals, take them to fair, send them off, and then eat them. Of course, I don't believe in animal cruelty and not even animal testing, but sometimes I feel PETA does more bad than good.
  8. Haha, I didn't know that many people on here watch Jon and Kate. I watch it all the time. Whenever my mom sees me watching it she always says, "You're watching that show AGAIN?" Actually, I'm watching it right now.
  9. Just saw this the other day...while watching Jon and Kate Plus 8...my favorite show at the moment.
  10. Well I haven't graduated yet...one more year, but I did get voted Class Vice President for next year. That was kinda nice...especially since I have never even been in Student Senate and all the other officers had. I figure if I get voted anything it'll probably be "Class Clown" mostly because people laugh while I'm around. Not sure if they're laughing AT me, or laughing WITH me, but either way they're laughing so it's good. I remember my brother got "Brains and Body" and something else but I don't remember.
  11. If I ever met Mika I would act really awkward and stand-offish. Oh wait, that IS how I acted when I met him. Whoops.
  12. I'm sending my kids to public school. It builds character . (as my dad says)
  13. You may want to get comfortable; this may take a while. First off, I will say that I have never been drunk. I have had alcohol occasionally, but I don't see the point in getting so drunk that I don't know what's going on. Also, I don't do drugs. period. But that is MY choice and MY decision and I'd appreciate if people would RESPECT that either way. Also, this is not a direct attack, I'm sick of hearing that. This is a reply to all the comments I've read. If it wasn't meant that way or it was written wrong then I have no way of knowing it. It should have been worded better because words is all I have to base my reply off of. That being said... I've been to a prom one year and I've skipped out on a prom one year. Let me tell you, the things people were doing at the "anti-prom" party I was at were way worse than the prom after-parties I was at. And let's put it this way: next year, if I wanted to stay out of trouble, I'd most likely go to the prom and its after-parties. It's unfair to pair prom with sex, drugs, alcohol, blah, blah, blah. The kids that I know that do that stuff after prom do that stuff on any given weekend. They're going to do what they want to do. It's the freedom given to them for living in the good ole U S of A. I also have a problem with saying that someone who is drinking is lowing their standards. How so? Of course if they get so drunk that they do actually get into a car and drive home well then yes, I see the problem (and yes, I have had multiple family members/friends who have died/been injured by drunk driving, but I'll spare you the details because who hasn't?). However, the majority of the kids I know that drink don't drive home, and I still think that applies to the rest of the population. Besides most, if not all, of the drunk driving cases I've heard of around here are from people who are over 21, where it was LEGAL for them to drink and they obviously weren't at a prom after-party. Of course, it wasn't legal for them to get in the car intoxicated, but it was legal for them to drink in the first place. So with the drunk driving logic, no one should drink, which means it shouldn't be legal then, right? Also, when you're drinking wine every once in a while, are you lowering your standards, or does that not apply to you? There's a very thin line between coming off preachy/superior and being concerned. People don't like to be told what to do, I know I don't, especially if the person is not in a position to be telling me what to do. People have the right to make their own decisions and consequently make their own "mistakes". I'm almost done...I promise. The final thing I noticed is the mentioning of leaving childish things behind (reading between the lines, I guess it means drinking/partying) once high school is over. Well, I hope you are ready for college because if you thought it was bad in high school, it's much worse in college, whether you think you're above that or not. Plus, the drinking age is 21 (as if I need to point that out) so I'm guessing there will be even more drinking for those people. Of course, most will eventually grow up and get over it, but isn't that the point of being a teenager for most people? It's the time where a lot of people throw caution to the wind and have fun no matter what, and it's something that shouldn't be taken away from them. I don't want to act grown up and lecture other people while I'm a teenager. I have the rest of my life to act like that. I know it's not the same for everyone else, but again it's their right to make their own mistakes. I don't want to look back and say, "Man, I wish I would have done this" or "I really wish I wouldn't have done that" or whatever because I got peer pressured into something or even peer pressured OUT of something. And who cares if that's not original? I can't think of one single, completely original person. Doing something or not doing something based on originality isn't even original. I'm not saying go out and drink and party and have sex because that'd be just as bad as saying don't do it. I'm just saying let people make decisions for themselves and at least respect that right even if you don't respect the decisions. I am a firm believer in staying out of other's business and letting them live their life. It's a huge pet peeve of mine when people unnecessarily tell me what to do or question what I am doing. I say worry about yourself and making yourself a better person instead of worrying about what other people are doing. This doesn't mean I'm not concerned about other people, it's just that if that's the way they want to be then I have to let them be that way. I am done. I figure that post will last me two more weeks.
  14. Actually I did ask out of curiosity, isn't that the point of a question? And why wouldn't it need to be asked? I thought the thread was about how good of a band Pearl Jam is, not what the lead singer looks like. Anyway, I only asked because in most of the threads you've created about bands you normally say that you find one of the members, usually the lead singer, attractive. I just found it interesting is all.
  15. Just curious...do you ever like a band that you don't find at least one of the members attractive?
  16. It just turned 34%. It only took me 200 votes. Why I am voting for this, I have no idea. Sheer boredom, I suppose. That and I have my methods...
  17. Candide did not take courage, but followed the old woman to a decayed house, where she gave him a pot of pomatum to anoint his sores, showed him a very neat little bed, with a suit of clothes hanging up, and left him something to eat and drink. Mine didn't work. Damn you Voltaire... I have two others sitting here, but one's a play so I don't think that counts. The other quote is: I want to go home. Well I am already here so I don't think that one worked either.
  18. Demetri Martin is on Comedy Central right now. *sigh* (thought I'd announce that)
  19. I didn't do a whole project on him or anything, but last year we had to do a celebrity casting of the characters in A Midsummer's Night Dream and I casted Mika as one of the fairies...
  20. That's basically how I see it too.
  21. Haha, I like how you go from desktop background to tattoo.
  22. I can't see it. Edit: Juuuust kidding. It worked this time. It's only $215. Start bidding. haha.
  23. So you've told me. Many, many times.
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