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Everything posted by kk448

  1. That's a good idea. We all know he has plenty to make a collection out of them!
  2. That's 'cause I really don't remember much of what happened.
  3. 1. June 11, 2007 2. I just followed everyone else. There was a huge line. 3. I don't really remember...I acted like an idiot though. 4. No. 5. Like an hour and a half or so. 6. I don't know anymore. It was a year ago, and I got to get his autograph and his picture and I got to talk with him. 7. I don't think there's a set limit, and I have no idea if you can say anything special to the guards. They weren't buying any of our stories. 8. I have no idea...sorry. 9. Be patient and persistent. Oh and I'm guessing if you're from the US, you'll have a better chance...maybe.
  4. I saw them on TRL the other day. It was kinda weird 'cause I haven't watched TRL in years and had heard of The Ting Tings but didn't know who they were so I just happened to turn MTV on when TRL was on and just happened to see The Ting Tings. The guy was wearing a John Deere jacket which cracked me up because he probably did it as a fashion statement while people around here wear John Deere stuff because they actually own a John Deere tractor.
  5. That's all right. I'd rather you have your own opinion about the show than take Mika's. I personally liked the show before Mika ever mentioned it and I'm guessing ever saw it since he's calling it a "new" show even though it's been on air for over two years.
  6. So I'm probably late with this (as with everything else) but Mika likes Wonder Pets?! I love that show and have been watching it throughout the whole summer. I don't have a thorough review and criticism on it like Mika does because I don't think that's the point of the show, haha. I just like it...mostly the little duck and the song they always sing. "Wonder pets, Wonder pets, we're on our way. To help the baby (insert animal here) and save the day. We're not too big and we're not too tough but when we work together we got the right stuff!" I think those are the words....that's what I sing at least. I think Mika has just redeemed himself.
  7. Oh yeah...she's from Valpo, isn't she? That's about a half an hour away from me as well.
  8. I have two older brothers, and I think I drive them nuts by myself. One's 7 years older than me and one's not even 2 years older than me. My mom and I tend to dote on the one that's closer to me in age, and I think he hates it. We can't help it, it's just the way girls are. And that's funny you always wanted a brother 'cause I always wanted a sister.
  9. No kidding... I was just think that the other day. My family all went to a reception and it took me like over an hour to get ready and I swear it took my brother not even 20 minutes. He got in the shower and got dressed.
  10. kk448

    Hi I'm new

    Hi! I saw you in the other thread. Welcome.
  11. Jeez, what time is your class tomorrow? It's not in the morning is it? I'm probably not going to get up until like 11 or 12 tomorrow after being on here so late.
  12. Next time you make a thread, I will reply like 20 times.
  13. Well then I hope that comes into play soon and tells me what to do with my life 'cause I have no freakin' clue.
  14. See...there's the problem. The book cannot possibly state that anything is miserable as fact. That is a completely subjective statement. I don't perceive the world as a miserable place at all. Why should I? I live in a nice town, in a nice house, have a great family. I'm healthy and happy. I have everything I could possibly need. Sure I'm having some hard times, and I surmise they will get quite a bit rougher in the upcoming months but they don't compare to what some people are going through. Let's say I was living in Sudan and had to deal with genocide or if I didn't have a home or food or family or good health, then I could viably say the world was a miserable place. However, I am not suffering any of those things and think the world is a fine place to live in. Obviously there are many things that can be improved but that is to be expected as with anything.
  15. I watched the episode of Oprah where they talked about 'The Secret' so I'm not misinformed. The example they kept showing was with the little boy wanting a bike, so he envisioned it, thought about it, and acted as if he had the bike. One day Grandpa comes home with a bike. Voila. My solution to getting a bike would be to get a job, save the money, buy the bike. That's all I'm saying. I don't believe in it.
  16. I'm playing Mario Kart on SUPER Nintendo. I'm so old school.
  17. I don't really believe in wishing and waiting around for things. I think that if you want something you've got to go out and do it. I'm only going to use the tuition thing 'cause it's a good example for my point as well. My brother wanted to go to Notre Dame so he worked his butt off in high school. It's a hard school to get into and he didn't make the cut. He was crushed but immediately applied to its brother school, Holy Cross. He worked his butt off his first year and decided to try to tranfer. Notre Dame sent him a letter saying they'd not only accept him but pay HALF of his $40,000 a year tuition, which is A LOT of money for Notre Dame to just give away. Now he only has to pay back $60,000 in students loans instead of $120,000. I think he was rewarded for his hard work and sticking with his dream. I think that's the way to go...CREATE your own destiny. I don't knock this method but it's definitely not for me. If I get something, I want to know I did it as opposed to it just happening for me. I've always been brought up to be completely self-sufficient.
  18. And I you. I was watching a show where they were making Puppy Chow (they called it Monkey Munch) and no joke, I went right to the store and bought the stuff to make it.
  19. Only a UNIQUE and STYLISH tire-proof vest.
  20. Oh so not only a raccoon, but an intelligent one at that...meaning it won't run out in front of my car while I'm taking the back roads to get home late one night?
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