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Everything posted by Sou

  1. Sou

    Mika Pics

    AWWWW!! I love the pics! Thanks! I used to straighten my curls as well. But now that Mika's wearing his curls proudly, I am too! CURLY HAIR POWER!
  2. He looks great in the Michael Sharkey photoshoot!!!! I love the picture of him in the blue shirt!!! hehehe
  3. A Pearl Pink Nokia N72
  4. I haven't heard Take That's new single yet, nor have I hear 'Ruby'. Kinda boycotted Kaiser Chiefs after they said they were sick - or something on the lines of that -of Mika topping the charts
  5. Welcome here! You'll have a blast here Latvia? Wow! Mika's diverse fan-base is growing, growing, GROWING!
  6. Sou


    What a lovely thing to say!!!! EVERYBODY'S GOING TO LOVE TODAY! Welcome here Lilasky
  7. Hiya Sheena! You'll love it over here, super addictive - trust me! I'm the only Egyptian here, but like Kata said, somebody's got to be the first! hehe... Totally random, well kind of, but I went to school with the son of the Malasyian Ambassador Like I said, random-ish, lol
  8. Yikes a scroll? It'll take him forever to get through it! hehehe. The idea of a book better
  9. Well, those who do have scanners, why don't they scan their letters? Those who don't, they'll just send via email or PM. What do you think?
  10. Oh! oh! oh! How about scans of our letters and stuff? To give it a more personal feel? So instead of it being typed out and stuff, we'll handwrite them.
  11. I'm Egyptian and I live in Kuwait I was born and raised here, so hmm, I guess you can say I'm from both places hehe I agree with you, it's great that Mika's fan-base are from different places and diverse backgrounds!
  12. Sounds like a really nice idea! Mind explaining how fans from "all around the world", like myself, can contribute? We're on a mission ladies and gentlemen---what do we do?!!!
  13. Thanks so much for the scans! He's wearing pink socks! More reasons to love him pop up everyday! haha
  14. Just voted for 'Your Sympathy'. 'Erase' isn't bad, but I like 'Your Sympathy' more :D
  15. Yes, yes, yes! I totally agree, I'd love to hear him sing in Arabic!!
  16. WOW!!! GREAT PICTURES!!!! Thanks for the links
  17. Awww, that's such a nice photo!
  18. Sou

    Jodi Marr

    Thanks so much Naila!!! This song is really nice! Truth be told, I like it a gazillion times more than 'Erase'. Thanks again Naila!
  19. Loved it!!!! Can't wait till the end of April!
  20. Sou

    Jodi Marr

    Awww, he looks great in the pictures!!!! Thanks for pointing them out! Everytime I try to listen to 'My Sympathy' the page freezes up
  21. JiPi, THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!! I can now sleep easy at night, knowing that I have the track, lol! Forgive my ignorance, but how does a song sound as if it were made for an American audience or any other audience? Just curious
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