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Everything posted by Taysdreamgirl83

  1. I think that its just sad that no person(obviouslynot in their right mind) would want to date him. He's Georgous, why wouldn't they? Its just obsurd!
  2. Just out of curiousity.....what would 'we' do if he did join up and start talking to us? Would we be able to say anything? or would be go crazy on him? I personally wouldn't have a problem. Oh don't get me wrong I would freak out, at my house and act like everything was cool and collected on here. What about you?
  3. I'M IN!!!! This is going to be so exciting!!! Now I just have to think of what to say! :S _______________________________________________________________________ the letter and pic has been emailed
  4. It just makes you want to know, considering you're not allowed to see what goes on, doesnt it? Well.......if not, it does to me, who i've sent a friend request and has heard nothing.
  5. Well done Beckar, I'm surprised your not already at 2000 you post so much. lol Congrats getting that far.
  6. Considering Mika is 6'4'' then i would feel incredibly short. I'm only 5'0''! yeah i know that's really short. i would look like a dwarf to him lol
  7. How Sad is that i'm 61, no where near most of you i feel that i may never get that high. i guess i just have to generally continue posting
  8. he'll be there on my birthday! AAARRRRGGGHHHH that's not fair! I don't live in new york!
  9. I love your Icon! and Your nickname. There for a second i was thinking that my eyes were playing tricks on me, but i was wrong. cute nick.
  10. I get quite anxious not being in here because i always want to know what's going on so then i don't feel so out of the loop and i'm a newbie! i think its true, its addicting. i spend more time in here than i have any where else in a long time!
  11. Well that's what I meant, I don't know about everyone else but I think that's what they're talking about.
  12. Yay! another USA person!!!! I know I wasn't the only one, but it nice to see a place where i recognize. Oh and
  13. how can i go about getting the UK Version of the CD? Anybody know?
  14. its sucks that ring ring is not on every copy because that was one of my fave songs
  15. Can someone who has Mika's album tell me what the order the songs are on there. I was putting up the lyrics and realized i don't know the order and i would like to put them in order as they are on the CD. please and thank you?
  16. I'm still waiting to be accepted but its been about a week or so. I've been on the secret society on mikasound.com. it has a lot of neat things i guess. like a blog that he writes himself, some pictures and downloads that he has on there. its really cool
  17. Hey Have fun here, its truly addicting being in the forum! Oh and
  18. okay thanks....whew, i was about to spend more money that what i needed lol
  19. Does Mika have just one Music Album or does he have more? I was just curious because when i went to buy 'Life In Cartoon Motion' Off of Amazon.com. They had another CD with his name on it. So if anyone knows the answer, please let me know. Because if its his then i want to get that one too
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