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Everything posted by lollipop15

  1. I feel great! just great! It`s spring`s wind blowing and all that is outside smells sooooo good. Love is in the air AND FINALY - SUMMER IS COMING! *gives a huge hug to all cause feels so pretty silly and happy*
  2. Every single day I get to know something INTERESTING about Mika, but this was just OMG!!!
  3. Be welcome Cath! Enjoy spending time with totaly crazzzy good folks!
  4. Yeah, this song is different than the others. so calm and painfull, I could say.
  5. errrr why can`t I see it?! But this thread really is something so... well so.... in-Mika`s-taste ...if you understand about what I`m talking...
  6. A great one! It`s so silly. That`s why I like this thread
  7. But really, it ISN`T exaggerated! I wouldn`t tell something like that about someone else, but MiKa IS SOMETHING SPECIAL!!!
  8. That`s great Satu! I think that`s exactly What Mika wanted us to feel. I just can`t stop laughing when I`m watching some of his interviews. They (he) make me feel so good and happy about everything that happens to me. He`s The God Of Happiness
  9. I think we all want to give him a hug All The Time! But definitely, this is a veeeeery beautiful song. The melody and his voice is so pleasant to my ears... Love it! Love all songs! LOVE MIKA!
  10. Yeah, it got so bored with all thoese Totaly sexy singers, that`s why I really LOVE Mika! He is so open-minded. and Mika absolutely IS the ray of sunshine. He makes people smile. Isn`t that the best thing other can do to you?!
  11. I think Mika would have spasm after reading this but ok. Hope he`ll forgive us all... I have curly hairs just like Mika, so our kid would have them too. I`m not as skiny as he is but I`m not fat either so on this side our kid would be normal. and tall, well not So tall like Mika is but still... Yeah, and the baby would Definitely be veeeery handsome and funny and a totaly good and lovable person
  12. What was that song Yoppappop??? I NEED to know EvErYtHiNg! ...
  13. Cool, thanks Sou! I like the picture where are thoese GC lyrics on his left side. I haven`t ever seen that pic but I totaly love it! Thanks again! What could we do without you?!
  14. Yes! On stage or off stage he is MiKa now! ...the man of my dreams
  15. Please don`t hurt me Mika-holic! I have curly hairs too... So please, be gentle!
  16. FREDDIE! How can you say something like ThAt?! (...I didn`t understand any word of all thoese "man kic in da etc.")
  17. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! ... I`m new baptized in the holyness of Braces. My name shall be from now Humprhey The Sheep.
  18. Yeah, it`s really good for Mika! I`m happy for him! Way to go! ...Satu, that what you wrote made me laugh.
  19. I can`t even imagine who it could be... I`m still very confused... lol
  20. You think so Freddie? oooo! I`m scared. Isn`t here ANYBODY younger than me??????? How can it be?! Can`t believe. But ok, if you say so I`m the little Mika Maniacs` lollipop sister
  22. ...Just like allways - I`m almost the last one... So what could I say about me? ... I`m 14 but my birthday`s coming closer and closer (at 14th April I`ll be already 15 years YoUnG) Like I have already said in some other posts, I`m from this little country called Latvia. It`s not so boring to live here but sometimes I get very upset coz` almost NOone knows "Where that tiny country is? Haven`t heard anything about it etc." It makes me so angry (Do you think Mika knows Where I am? ) I love: eating bananas being obsessed with...with... you know.... MiKa jumping around and singing songs that I even don`t know reading books(but there`s so little time to do this =( ) and yes, I`m an open - minded person ...STUPID GIRL! I forgot to say my real name is Laura Albutašvili (my dad was Georgian that`s why I have a surname like this) I have a dog (well, if we want to be honest it`s a bitch... ) and a cat (don`t worry, he isn`t a bitch!) I like all tipes of music, I can listen to almost everything. I hate mornings, maths, chemistry and mean peoples. Yes, and I sometimes catch myself singing Les Champs Elyseesor Love today when I`m in shower... Well, I think you all want me to shut up now, so don`t worry, I will...
  23. Yes, your thinking is right. Mika`s the lion I like this vid. How happy I would be if I ever would have the chance to see Mika live especialy if his gig is so childish and funny
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