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Mika Owns Me

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Everything posted by Mika Owns Me

  1. I thought he was at MY house..? Maybe there is more than one Mika... NO!!! IMPOSSIBLE! so I guess you're lying
  2. AHAHAH CARO you are so funny!! You post that everywhere!! Did not you put that on your myspace?!
  3. WOW! you are all really talented!! I wish I was...
  4. My friend just put Mika in her music list on myspace!! When I saw that I told her: "YOU PUT MIKA ON YOUR MUSIC LIST!!" and she said: "YES!! and it's all because of you!!" Do I need to say I was REALLY PROUD?!?! :biggrin2:
  5. actualy I am representing easter CAN! ahahah but I am not in Ontario so I can't tell you how it is going there. But here in Quebec we are all fiiiiiine because the weather's fiiiine!!! finally!!
  6. omg people you need to carry on your stories!!! they are all so gooooood!! YOU ARE MY HEROES :biggrin2:
  7. currently thinking about tomorrow because I will go to this TV show, it is kind of a quizz and I will only be a spectator, but it will be so much fun!!!!!! YEAAAH!!
  8. aww people you are all so cute trying to sing in french!! you have a beautiful voice btw
  10. yes!! I saw that too. The interviewer asks : "Is Billy Brown autobiographical?" and Mika says "No... It is based on someone I know, but it is not autobiographical." ahah well that's it!
  11. LOL I agree to that. He is so much more sexy. And has such a nice ass. And is the only one who can actually sings Sweet Dreams in complete white clothes and do a pole dance
  12. are there any condiments?? I mean like some Martin or some Luke...
  13. loll yeah I try to!! mostly in my shower... Do you like Rufus Wainwright??
  14. Yeah I noticed that some time ago. Actually I noticed it when I did Mika in Pop Art (don't know if you know what it is... it is a bit like Sunshine's pic...) for my art class, because another girl in my class was doing Jim Morrison! And they were really similar. But I can't find my project!! I'd like to give it to Mika...
  15. I don't Would you like to have one??
  16. You sing really well Caroline!! BRAVOOO!!! I'll try out love today with my guitar later. ok I am already dead LOL it is SO hard at the guitar!! Well I'll try it and you'll all just have a good time
  17. LOL it's because.. it is not that I got lost LOL but... my friends were supposed to wait for me after I went to the bathroom; BUT THEY DID NOT! So I was kinda standing there. Wating. AND THEY NEVER CAME BACK! I did NOTHING of my afternoon because I did not want to go on the waterslides alone!!!
  18. LOL OK. I AM NOT JEALOUS. Because I have experienced bad things while going at Jacques Cartier you know. (les glissades d'eau... je sais pas comment on dit ça en anglais... waterslide?? LOL) I JUST GOT LOST AHAH AND I HATE SHOWING MYSELF IN SWIMSUIT TO EVERYONE!! thanks for the good luck!! Dont really need them though the exams are really easy... :biggrin2:
  19. WHAT?!?! HOW COME DO YOU KNOW ÉLOI?!?!?!?!?!!!!! WO. Tu me prends par surprise là . WO. LOL! mais c'est pas Éloi LOL c'est Sam.
  20. yeah you're the only one. KIDDING!! You really don't understand?! It's because it is not a good shot of his KNEE. It is a good shot of another thing... She said that only to make it non-naughty ahah well SHE FAILED
  21. omg!! He looks exactly like my friend on the second one!!!! Do I need to say I have a crush on my friend..?
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