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Everything posted by canderson

  1. i want my superpower to be breakdanceing!!!!
  2. haha then that's great, i have the perfect shoes and headband!
  3. do we have costumes? what about super powers?
  4. how cute! i wish i would have thought about that! my iPod's name is "canderson's funky jives":bleh:
  5. it did! so i closed out, and it wouldn't open again! it was a bit scary. i'll call my tama Humphrey like Mika's penguin!
  6. like how the power rangers had communication watches!
  7. so is anyone else picturing all of us in our own cartoon? it would be soo neat.
  8. yes i sure do... hmm... how's "ultimate karate kid"?
  9. may i be a bond girl? i'm a yellow belt in karate, and anyone who messes with Mika would get a good butt kicken'
  10. oh gosh i think you just described my favorite episode. is it the one where the raincloud and black cats follow him around? anytime my friends and i read fortune cookies we say "in bed" at the end, it makes it more... entertaining.
  11. LUCKY! my fortune cookies never say anything that isn't worthless, it always pertains to financial advise. ... and they don't even taste good.
  12. i think this might be what i have, except my left eye turns way in. but when i wear my glasses or contacts it goes normal. but i hate wearing glasses, they make me feel like i'm stuck in a fish aquarium.
  13. hmmm, what exactly is a lazy eye? i don't think what i have is a lazy eye, since i have glasses to correct it (since i was 3) but i think maybe it is.
  14. if i don't have Mika as my profile song i feel like i'm cheating on him! so i have big girl as the song and the video is on it as well!
  15. i miss when Mika was just a popstar who's music i loved. Now i really care for him, and everytime i think about his being unhappy it swells up this hard-to-place anxiety for him. btw what is so arousing about spankings? if you don't mind me asking. i'm laughing alot at the thought of it. lol. i could never ever take that seriously... wait... haha. forget it, please don't answer this.
  16. after looking at this picture, i imagined my mom coming into my room to check on me and me slaming my laptop shut and acting guilty, because that's what would have happened if she did pop in. lol. and there really isn't anything wrong with it! i guess it is just that mikagasmic. btw i really like the little monkey wearing the shirt in the bottom right corner, that's what i was refering too in this whole post infact. oh and the man in the picture isn't bad either.
  17. If i was slightly drunk\not drunk(there really isn't a difference in behavior): i'd shout "BEAR HUG!!!" run at him and squeeze him for a good time, just long enough for him to think 'when's she gonna let go??!?!' if i was drunk: "i miss you mika" then give him a hug. (i have no ideal why i'd say that it just seems right) if i was wasted: "i'm lost and i've forgoten my address *pauses* so where's our next stop on your tour? we'll be the BEST of friends."
  18. hmm i'm a leo and so we're "like minded souls" or something like that. what's that supposed to mean? anyway, i guess Mika and i can be best friends:biggrin2:
  19. ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. camel-mika lol, now what would that look like??
  20. yes Mika! Endless thanks!!! I apperciate you so much, your touring everywhere for your fans, you go over and beyond what you could, and i'm so thankful!! tehe! mikas great!
  21. oh gosh those pants are spectacular:thumb_yello: great ideal, though it will be loads of fun explaining to everybody!
  22. this is so true! ..and he is probably sitting back thinking he pulled it off.
  23. so how exactly did they feel about Mika? i think i know the person that wrote this and i don't like them. (well, i don't really know this person. but i know people with the same attitude.)
  24. i'd like to think if Mika had the choice between what he is doing and anything else, he'd choose what he is currently doing. i just hope he's still living 'his dream' and enjoying it. your only a young twenty-something for a short period of you life, i hope he's not missing out!
  25. "His music is all opera cartoony positive epic danceable audience-charming." i think i really like that description!
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