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Status Updates posted by mandilambi

  1. You are Queeniac #94. :)

  2. Thanks for the birthday message, Dani!

  3. Thanks for the birthday message, Sarah! :)))

  4. Thanks for the birthday message, babs!

  5. Aw, thanks for that, honey! :) Yes, it is really exciting and it is difficult to remain calm in these last few days. It has been so much fun choosing everything for the wedding! I'm glad I had enough time to do that comfortably. My bridesmaids gowns are fairly close to the color Tiffany blue (or also known as Robin's Egg). They look so pretty in their dresses!


    We will be going on a mini-honeymoon right after our wedding. My fiance is right in the middle of finishing his Masters, which is the next step after graduating from college. He is sooo busy with it and he can't take off too long. So we will go on a longer honeymoon later when he is finished!


    Working during summers can be nice cos extra money is great! What kind of job do you have? Aw, I didn't hear you went to your first Mika gig -- I am so happy for you! Did you write a report anywhere? I must try to find it if you did! Wasn't seeing him in person one of the best experiences ever??? I'm sure you agree!!

  6. Aw, so nice to see your message -- I am doing very well, thanks for asking! How are you these days??


    The wedding is on this coming Saturday, so it is nearly here! It is difficult to believe it's almost come, as it has felt like the wedding day has always been in the distance. :) We have a few more things to arrange, but for the most part everything is in place! I am so excited to finally be married and to celebrate. Truly I am excited and nervous for our wedding to arrive!


    I'll be sure to post pictures once I have them! And perhaps a little report of the big day too. :)

  7. We are having a little less than 200 guests. We tried to keep it small, but the numbers add up so quickly! I am having four bridesmaids (my two sisters and two best friends). It turns out my eldest sister is pregnant with her first child, so she will look a little different than the rest of the bridesmaids, but it is okay as long as she is in the wedding!


    My colors are Tiffany blue and light rose pink. I cannot wait to see all of the colors together! The men are wearing black tuxes with Tiffany blue vests. They are gonna look sharp, man! LOL


    We recently got our cake all in order...here is what it will look like (it's the blue and white one on the top left)!



  8. We have all of the big, essentials all set (the cake, photographer, etc) but there are tons of little odds and ends that I need to take care of now! I am starting to get super excited AND nervous. The whole thing is beginning to feel very real to me. :)

  9. Aw, thanks sweetie! I remembered talking to you about wedding gowns, so that's why I wanted to show you! I cannot wait to share pictures with you of the big day. Less than 95 days until our wedding day!

  10. Hey, I posted pictures of my wedding gown here if you want to see! :)



  11. Hey, I posted pictures of my gown here if you want to see!



  12. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! :)

  13. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! :)

  14. Aw, thanks for the birthday message!

  15. Whoops, those two messages are backwards! My bad. :P

  16. The reception...is going to have cake and punch (no huge meal or anything) and we may have dancing..not sure quite yet. Did I tell you that Kenton managed to get our reception hall for FREE?? He knew a guy that is the manager of the building and then when we toured it the guy told us we could use it without charging us. What a huge blessing that is!


    Right now I only have three bridesmaids - my two sisters and my best friend from childhood. I may be adding one later on - my brother's girlfriend...but that's going to depend on Kenton and whether or not he can choose between his two best friends as groomsmen lolol.


    Awww...you are so sweet to be so happy for us. I appreciate that a lot! One thing that has been so wonderful is the support and love we have received from everyone around us. That truly is a blessing to us. :)



  17. So glad to hear you're doing much better! I was wondering where the heck you were for all that time! lol :)


    Yes, a lot of stuff has already been checked off -- tonight Kenton and I are going to fill out the paperwork for the church together. It's difficult to believe it's finally happening....but it is! The big day is August 14th! I am already praying for fair weather because August is usually scorching hot in Missouri. LOL


    Here is a picture of the style of dress that I want: http://www.maggiesottero.com/dress.aspx?style=S5055 I am not sure if I will be able to get this exact dress or not, but I would absolutely love to have this one. I love the shape and the tulle. :)

  18. Aw, thanks Holly! I had to share it with you, since we had talked so much BEFORE the engagement! LOL Things are moving along...we have already set a date and we have our church, pastor, and reception hall booked, too! :)


    Are you better??? I hope you're not sick anymore!

  19. Hey, you! I haven't seen you on here for some time, but I wanted to let you know that I am engaged now! Kenton proposed on the 15th and it was a complete surprise!


    I had talked to you for some time about my eventual engagement, so I wanted to share this with you! I hope life is well with you -- if I don't talk to you before Thursday, I wish you the happiest of Thanksgivings!

  20. Hey, saw your post in the Jonas Bros topic and thought I may as well reply here! Congratulations on graduating from photography school - that's awesome! You must be really excited. What do you plan to do now with your degree? I need to go and visit your website, as I'm interested to see what sort of photography you do!


    Well...lol...lonngggg story about getting on stage with Gwen! Anyway...I went to a No Doubt concert I made four cross stitch sewings for them. I was in the 10th row, but my mom and I made a really great sign saying I had gifts for them....she saw the sign and I was able to run up to the stage and talk to her and give her the gifts. Then I asked if I could et a quick picture with her and she let me up.


    You know me, lady, it was an absolute dream come true! One of the best experiences for me ever. :)


    If you're interested, I posted pics and other stuff in this topic:




    so yeah, that's all. :) I am glad to see you around! Are you on facebook? I am on there more often...lemme know and I'll try to add you!

  21. lol aww thanks! :)

  22. I don't think I've ever said so, but I think your signature pic is adorable! That has to be one of the best fan+Mika pictures ever. :)


    Just thought I'd mention it!

  23. Aw, thank you! That is such a compliment. :)

  24. Hey, lady! I saw this about the Arctic Monkeys and thought of you. I hope you can catch a show! http://www.livedaily.com/news/19630.html

  25. Yeah, that's so true! It's the most difficult for me to take in everything in simply because Gwen has been my hero for 14 years now. Just being recognized by her was a lot, but then to get to get a hug from her...etc...was just mind-blowing. :)


    Mika? Mika who??? LOL!!! ;)

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