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Everything posted by blackwildkitty

  1. Hello and welcome here!!!! Enjoy!!!
  2. Hello and welcome!!! Nice picture!!! Have a fab time!!!
  3. Yeah, this one is officially the best Mika fun site out there on the Internet!!! You'll love it here!!!! Welcome!!!!
  4. It's impisible to choose, seriously.... He is just all-over-perfect.... It would be his voice , his smile and his eyes for me...
  5. Hello and welcome, happy to have one more Mika fan here... He just brings joy to the pop, doesn't he?
  6. Oh hello, have you been to Mika's performance at Coachella?! We have people here that just came back from there and telling as about their experiences , it sounds amazing!!!!!
  7. Hello and welcome!!! Have lots of fun here!!!!
  8. Oh, I can't stop reading the story again and again!!! It sounds so amazing!!! I'm so happy that he remembered you, it just shows how fantastic he is with his fans!!!
  9. Night-night everybody... I'll speak to you lot tomorrow!
  10. True! I can't believe it's still 4%.... Something is wrong with that side or with people who don't vote for Mika, they need their eyes tested...
  11. He is hot in everything!!!!! With NO exceptions!!!!!
  12. I have, BabSou uploaded this vid.
  13. With pleasure :roftl: :roftl: Sorry, I know you wanted pictures of Mika, but isn't my kitty just awesomely gorgeous?
  14. It sounds amazing!!!!!! You must have been over the moon that he recognized you!! I know I would!!! But you mentioned something about the kiss... What about it?
  15. No problem, I just found them today myself, great pictures!!!
  16. They are from here http://www.mtv.com/photos/?fid=1552004
  17. Well, you know where people usually stick badges! On their *cough* chest area *cough*.... And his hand was really- really worm... Oh, I've said too much:blush-anim-cl:
  18. I NEED TO PEE!!!!!!!!! * * * AAAAA!!!! It's too late!!!! Oh well... * * Sorry, nothing original, but the picture just asked for it!
  19. It does!!! How can someone be so gorgeous!??!? It HURTS!!!!!!
  20. Great one!!! Thank you for uploading it, as hard as it was!!!! :thumb_yello:
  21. Welcome here, don't just look - write!!!!
  22. Hello, come in and enjoy yourself here.
  23. He does!!! And welcome!!!! We have a thread here, you can write what you want to say to Mika, so if he comes he will hopefully read your message.
  24. Those are good!!! And the pics are amazing, can't wait for Sivan's report!!!
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