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Everything posted by calicojasmine

  1. I'm not working now, but when I did I was absolutely swamped!! Major burnnout! It really impacted my health.
  2. So cool. I have a sister-in-law who's a nurse in the ICU @ JGH. I worked as a social worker at St. Paul's in Vancouver for 9 years. I'm also from Montreal.
  3. You have a patient? Are you a nurse? What hospital?
  4. I left a couple of zingers. My name there is "magentapyramid". No use hating. Waste of energy! Use it on MIKA LOVE! :wub2:
  5. Awwwwwww..... our barks are worse than our bites..... really.....
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOVE IT !!!! BTW - IngieV - don't sweat it - remember - Chill Pill - eh? WE STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!! :huglove:
  9. Yeah, it's off the wall and pretty strange. You can view it as sour grapes. Whatever. But there are boundaries. This guy clearly overstepped them. Personally, I don't find it very funny to wish a terminal illness on someone. I guess that comes with having seen too many people die. I don't agree with the overreaction that everyone had, and I've stated that. But a lot of what this guy said was clearly inappropriate. At least he apologized. This whole thing is getting old. Next....
  10. That's so funny! Hey - I just remember something, guys - do this next time you're having chinese and a few drinks - read your fortunes aloud at the table and at the end of each one add the words "in bed"...... Have fun.....
  11. Somebody on the Fortune Cookie thread was saying about how sales of braces, tamis, swatches and now fortune cookies must have all been boosted since Mika has come on the scene! I believe it! It's insanity! Or as Mika would say - "it's demented!" I love that phrase so much - I used to use it all the time at the hospital - mostly 'cause it was true! LOL! ROFLMFAO!
  12. I used to collect mine and scotch tape them to my mirror. But I started running out of room and knew eventually I wouldn't be able to see myself. "Course that wouldn't entirely be a bad thing......
  13. Yeah, we ALL make stupid mistakes! You have to give the guy some credit, I guess, he had the nerve to get back on and apologize, even though it kind of sounded a little insincere and silly most of the time. Whatever. I think most of the time we all tend to overreact - like I said earlier, we need to take a Chill Pill and kick back - there really is so much crap in the world - so much hardship, sickness, wars, disease, etc. LIFE IS TOO SHORT! If you spend your life getting upset at all the little things you miss it!! Believe me, this I know for sure - I've seen it up close and personal! Let's enjoy the positives - LIKE MIKA - that's what we're here for, right? It's so admirable that everybody jumped to his defence today, no kidding... we ARE a caring bunch, if nothing else.... But bottom line: there are gonna be more nay-sayers out there; get used to it! We need to turn the other cheek. In the overall scheme of things Petro is one sorry little person with a gripe and an attitude. We can live with it.
  14. Cool Cool and Cool !!! What happens when it gets sick?????? Jeez, i've spent most of my life being surrounded by "sick" - don't know if I'd want to take on more... wonder who dreamed this toy up...???? My cat's name is Cali - she's a calico - hence the "calico" in calicojasmine. She'll be 9 y.o. on Aug. 28th. She's an SPCA cat. I adopted her a few days after one of my favourite AIDS patients died (I'm a medical social worker) .She's an amazing cat!
  15. You're so welcome! I really hope you get the watch! Can't wait 'til I get mine - anyday now... good ol' FEDEX delivery truck....
  16. What do you feed it? I rememer hearing in one of Mika's interviews that he had to feed it, etc. so it wouldn't die. Okay....... So it sleeps.... okay........ what does it do when it wakes up? Cry? Ask to be fed? Does it pee or anything like that? Sorry, inquiring minds need to know.... I'm just a regular person, I have a cat..... but she's more like a kid than anything else..... Yes, I'm very well aware of Mika's teasing tendencies with the braces - little brat! Today I stumbled upon a website that had all kinds of colourful braces - I'll have to check my history and see if I can trace back to it. When I find it I'll PM the address to you, 'kay?
  17. No kidding, eh? I'm chuckling now, in retrospect.... But, y'know, in my life I have seen so many ridiculous things ... this one doesn't even get to the top #20 - that's what happens when you do social work in the emergency ward and the aids ward of an inner city hospital.... hahahaha... "Welfare Wednesday" and the full moon..... try that one on for size.....
  18. Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sweet 16! Just remember to drive carefully.....
  19. Oooooooohhhhh - pllleeeeeaaasssseee tell me about the tami - I had never even heard of the beast until I became a member here - never seen one yet. All I know is it's some kind of japanese electronic toy and Mika had one that died What the h*** is all the fuss about? p.s. I have braces (known here in Canada as "suspenders") 'cause I used to use them to hold up my ski pants! Funtional, not fashionable. Had I known then what I know now........ kerchinga!!!!!
  20. Yeah, I can look into it. BTW - what is a "Mika Nuggler"????? p.s. I left you a message in the "Mika's Watch" thread...
  21. Hey, what WOULDN'T we buy of Mika's?? (Wait a sec, on 2nd thought, don't go there,.... LOL). Finkster, I think you and I are on parallel universes today.....
  22. Yeah... But I'm sure there must be some way that is has to be done officially..... we'll have to check it out.... sounds like fun, tho!!!
  23. Hey Avoca and everyone else who contributed to these fantastic pictures: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !! They are simply awesome !!! Now... I have a serious emergency on my hands..... Gotta run out to Staples..... major shortage of ink in my colour Canon printer.........
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