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Everything posted by calicojasmine

  1. Well, it's not rocket science. Sooner or later, the s**t hits the fan! Too many cancellations, too many illnesses, too many injuries, etc. There will be complaints, flack, unfortunately bad press. I hope it doesn't get to that point but when the machine breaks down there will be repercussions... Mika seems like a very smart guy and a good manager. I think he'll figure it out. I just hope he does before there's too much damage... or ANY, for that matter...
  2. My sentiments exactly. Isn't he the same guy that claims to have OCD and once he has things his way he doesn't want things changed? (I'm not quoting here, just paraphrasing, you get the gist of it.) He's totally driven, he knows what he wants and he goes after it. Typical "Type A" personality, if they still use that (or am I horribly dating myself?) It's admirable and it's very, very dangerous. I look at his schedule and it's like looking in the mirror. It's pretty scary, actually. I'm not, in any way insinuating I'm creatively or talent-wise in any league of Mika's, I just recognize the driven, dedicated behavior to the extent where you become so obsessed with success you actually begin to self destruct. THAT'S the REALLY scary part!!!!!
  3. What a great interview! Thanks for posting!! I'm beginning to think that I either lived near Mika or I'm related to him. That thing about being being a fat bear in Canada and here I am having lived on both coasts of Canada. Also can totally relate to the dog attack - my parents' dog bit my upper lip when I was 4 years old!!! I read in another thread about his left lazy eye (me too). I know I know.... The rest of the interview was hysterically funny too...
  4. Y'know, I think the spa idea is great.. I think everybody's heart is in the right place, but when push comes to shove Mika is a big boy now and it really is up to him to call the shots and dictate when to set the boundaries. After all, this IS HIS CAREER, he has been very forthcoming about his music since the very beginning (i.e. the original message of Grace Kelly!!). We can all make suggestions until the cows come home, so can his management and his band AND HIS FAMILY but ultimately IT'S HIS CHOICE! I know it must be pretty heady stuff for him to be this popular this fast and so far it hasn't all gone to his head, or so it seems, anyways; I really, really hope he doesn't drive himself to sickness, because I have said previously that I do know what burnout is about and it is a miserable state, a really difficult state to bounce back from, and definitely not one you want to start your career with. Let's just hope he gets the opportunity to mix personal with professional and Relax, Take It Easy!
  5. Exactly!!!! Well said Cazgirl! I am personally well-acquainted with burnout! Not fun! You never quite recover....
  6. Hey you guys, I've been super worried too - but unfortunately, I think their thinking is that the Mika train must go on... I just don't want to see it crash and burn in the process... *shudder*
  7. So maybe if we BOTH ask nicely he'll come to Vancouver and give us a great concert... What do you think?? Shall we try??
  8. What are you complaining about?? He hasn't even been out here to Vancouver once!!! Sorry, don't mean to sound mean, I'm just getting a little down and out, looking at the tour schedule all the way into December and no sign of anything here - it's getting really depressing!!!!!
  9. Oh, I hope you do! Would love to meet you! What fun! Can you imagine that and a Mika concert too?? MIKAGASM!!!!
  10. I live in a very beautiful part of the world, too - North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada... I live on a mountain by the ocean - gorgeous views, possible to ski and golf in the same day! Not too shabby... People here are very friendly, temperate climate, easy way of life. Just trying to figure out how to get Mika here.......
  11. He really is a kind of magic - to so many people - and more and more of the time... just keeps getting bigger and bigger - almost larger than life..... a little scary, sometimes....
  12. Thanks for that wonderful story. I find it so amazing how the little "Mika intrusions" happen at the most significant moments - almost like they're meant to happen and help me make crucial decisions, etc. If someone other than a Mika fan would read that they would probably think I'm nuts or something, but I think all you guys in here would understand what I'm getting at. There have been moments where I've been out and about in public with my i-pod on, and maybe a little depressed or anxious or distracted, and then one of his songs would come on at a point when I'm thinking something particularly dark, or making a difficult choice and it's almost like a hand on my shoulder and a voice in my ear and a whisper - "Hang on, there's more, you know".... Sometimes that's all you need to hear to hope.... when you're in the dark and you finally see a light in the distance... and you hope it's not just an oncoming train! Kidding!:biggrin2:Well, no, just about the train..
  13. I really liked it! I think it looked fun, real and charming. Certainly not your "big production" type deal, but that's what made it so distinctive. I also liked the bystanders' reactions.... So genuine! And Mika as a type of Pied Piper - just so different and creative. All in all quite well done!
  14. WOW:groupwave: THAT WAS FANTASTIC!- MY FIRST TIME SEEING IT - WAS JUST GREAT!!! Today must be my lucky day - when I checked the I-tunes store earlier (Canada) I noticed they finally had the Love Today music video which I immediately downloaded! YAY!!!!! I'M ON MIKA OVERLOAD !!!!
  15. OMG!!!!! :shocked: My eyes are falling out of my head and I've got the worst case of tachycardia! Just catching up on the mikagasmic pics amd I'm falling out of my chair!!!! YIKES!!!!!! ARRGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! TIME FOR THE ER!!!!! I think I'm getting too old for this - the old ticker can't hold up anymore ........ Nonetheless.....THANKYOU EVERYBODY - GREAT JOB ON THE PICS Time for a cold shower - then maybe a long, long nap.......
  16. Well, now I love Mika on a whole new level - the holocaust, unfortunately, was very close to my family. I have lost relatives, also had relatives overseas fighting in the war, taken prisoner, in concentration camps, etc. Watching Schindler's List was like pouring salt on old wounds, however I applaud Steven Spielberg's courage, talent and genius in his handling of this sensitive, horrendous subject.
  17. Thanks so much crazybusiness - more eyecandy for the scrapbooks!!!!
  18. Hey all you guys - I've just been kicking back, reading your reports and absolutely loving the pictures from the concert last night! It looks like you had the most amazing time of your lives - I am so happy for all of you! Mika looked like he did more than just perform! What an unbelievable talent! And all of you looked so great too - yay MFC! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience. Oh - and BTW thatpinksock - HAPPY BIRTHDAY June 13th - was mine as well, but by the looks of it, yours was much, much better!!!!
  19. Thanks Natie and Sunshine, for your glowing reports of Mika's Boston performance. I would've LOVED LOVED to be there for many reasons, obviously, but especially because it was my birthday. So you guys made it the next best thing. Sunshine - he sang Holy Johnny to you !!!! You go girl !!! And he remembered you from Club Soda! Now all you need to do is win a Pulitzer Prize or find a cure for cancer and you life will be complete!
  20. Whoa,whoa, whoa - my ears are burning bright red - what's the scoop here! If it's any help to the argument here, I am an anglophone (mother tongue is english). I was educated in french, and by the time I was in the workplace I was fluently bilingual. But I left Quebec in '78 and have been in B.C. since. I am no longer fluent (if you don't use it, you lose it!) So I don't know what you guys were driving at, but I'm more of a Westerner now than from Quebec. To be quite frank, one of the main reasons I left Quebec was due to it's climates - weather and political! Back in the day when the mass-exodus out of Quebec was taking place the really contentious issue was separatism, something most anglophones were dead-set against. Rene Levesque and his Parti Queecois had a strong following, and many people left the province because of it. My attitude was: I'm still young enough to have some say in what my future holds for me. I'll be damned if I'm going to be dictated how to live my life and what language to live it in.
  21. Now do you want to know how I REALLY feel ????? LOL
  22. Aw, whaddya expect from tone-deaf, talentless, tasteless, white trailer trash boors who wouldn't know quality music if it came up and bit them in the ass!
  23. YYYOOUUCCCHHHHH!!!!!! That's gotta be a little painful and inconvenient!!!!!!
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