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Everything posted by calicojasmine

  1. HAHAHAHAHA:roll1: Maybe we should start our own club? The Lazyeyes?
  2. Thanks, Yop, but I'm still feeling so bad about the "A" word I used yesterday.... And yeah, we do overinterpret... but we are all such nice people... and so caring that we care to the extreme.... that's why we all seem to have the tendency to tiptoe around and try not to step on anyone's toes. That's MY problem - I care too much all the time! And babspanky - I am Canadian - which is probably just as bad - if not worse!!! I was brought up apologizing for breathing and taking up space!!! I kid you not!
  3. I thought you may have been referring to him because his apology for his rude and inappropriate video did not sound sincere at all. I did not mean to be presumptuous about your thoughts or statements. It was just a coincidence, that's all - that we are all apologizing, then this guy and this video happens at the same time. Sorry if I overstepped. Here I go again, apologizing. Maybe I should just go and crawl under a rock now. Might be a lot easier than all these apologies...... Sorry, everybody, that I got up today.......
  5. Don't forget Petro the Loser on youtube - the Apology of the Millenium!
  6. Yeah, I think I saw a bit of that thread - great idea! Yesterday I really tried to state my point as delicately as I could, guess that word was just a little too strong, but these are the chances you take when you write, unfortunately, especially in a forum where there are so many people. Thank you for understanding. We all really do have Mika's best interests at heart. And as for Yop's "sarcastic" and "sincere" remarks I actually just realized that she was also referring to that dough head Petro on youtube's apology which was the biggest joke of the millenium! The guy is insane or, if not, well on his way to dementia! What a loser!
  7. That guy is insane - and I told him so....
  8. Well, it's either one or the other - you can't be BOTH - I AM being sincere !!!!
  9. Ooops, my big mouth got me in trouble and I am very, very sorry. I had really tried to say that as diplomatically as I could. I guess "arrogant" was the wrong word. Caz, I do know your heart is in the right place, and I tried to express that yesterday. Everyone's heart is here. I think it's a prerequisite to be an MFCer. We are all concerned about Mika. It's just that we have to respect his boundaries. That's all I was trying to say. I'm not firing darts at anyone. I mean absolutely no harm or disrespect and I offer you my deepest apologies. Believe me, hurting you, or anyone, for that matter, is the furthest thing from my mind. Again and again, I am so, so sorry.
  10. Y'know how you go to the beach and it's a gorgeous morning, the sun is shining, the surf is up, the sun is warm on your face, the day is great and just beginning, it's the first day of your vacation and you haven't a care in the world... youre walking along and suddenly there's something cold and slimey and really, really gross betwen your toes....... You look down and there's this dead jellyfish that has attached itself to your foot. You are grossed out beyond belief!!!! You think you just want to puke for the next 2 weeks...... That afternoon you don't even remember it.....or at least you really shouldn't......
  11. Actually a "lazy eye" is an eye condition known as "amblyopia", a condition not corrected by glasses or contact lenses. It can result in reduced vision and can be caused by the eye turning out, which is what happens to me whenever I get tired (which is all the time, LOL). There is a lot of information on the internet, just look under "lazy eye" or "amblyopia" (I looked under "lazy eye", that's it! simple!) BTW - I totally agree with you guys - this video is absolutely adorable - as usual! Of course I bookmarked it! Mika could have the bubonic plague and make that sound exotic! Knock wood! Hey, Finkster - thanks for saying I sound fun - but if you really knew me you would say I was crazy for sure!!!
  12. You're right about that - the age thing and loving Mika!!! I've been wearing glasses to read since I'm 18. That's right around the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Now I have "progressives" for reading/computer/shopping. All very "state of the art". Cost a small fortune! Doesn't do a thing for the lazy eye but that's the very least of my problems in life!!!! All this makes me sound like I'm 'way over the hill..... well, at least I'm not a senior citizen....yet....
  13. I think everybody needs to take a Chill Pill. Now.
  14. Mine's never been corrected. My oldest brother also had one (left eye) and it was so bad he had to have surgery. That must've been at least 30 years ago. Or more. God, we're old...
  15. Like I said on the youtube post, I really am surprised at the quality of the stuff they accept on that site. Maybe I don't go there often enough... maybe there is a lot more crap than I was aware of.... Now that the initial shock has worn off, I'm feeling a bit calmer and seeing this guy more as a loser than as an actual s**t disturber, someone you should feel more sorry for than get angry at. DON'T WASTE YOUR ENERGY, PEOPLE!!! He's pond scum. Forget it. Making angry, vindictive videos is just stooping to his level! Let's move on... Don't want to feel sappy but - FEEL THE MIKA LOVE !!!!! LOL!!! LIFE IS TOO SHORT!!! Have a great day everyone!
  16. I meant to tell you guys, I loved that watch so much I ordered it the other day..... If there was one actually designed by Mika I would stand in line for it!!!!
  17. OKAY, CONTROL YOURSELVES.... Speaking of the lazy eye - it's his left eye - just like me - so who really cares??
  18. Hi Guys! Just saw this guy's ridiculous song... what can I say??? There are a few crazies in this world.... I posted a comment ... my name on youtube is magentapyramid - it hopefully is posted now... what do you expect from a low-life, talent-less, redneck anyways? DON'T GET ANGRY - GET EVEN !!!!!
  19. HAHAHAHAHA LOL LMFAO:roll1: I write for 20 minutes - you say it in 2 seconds!!!! Funny but true!!!
  20. Man oh man - if this thread is not a testament to MFC's altruistic tendencies, I don't know what is! Everybody here should be very proud of themselves! You guys all have SUCH big hearts! To want to help someone you don't even really know is exceptionally generous. Of course we all love Mika, yeah we're concerned for his health and well-being. But I have to agree with Yop on this one. WE ARE ONLY FANS, PEOPLE. It is arrogant, in the very least, to assume that we can control or influence Mika's life, decisions or career in any major way. Mika has spent his whole life honing his skills, perfecting his craft in order to do what he is doing today. To deprive him of that, or even suggest to him to cut back on that, is unthinkable. Who are we to dictate his path? I'm the first to acknowledge that his workload is excessive - hell, it's more than that, it's BRUTAL - but, as previously said, it was a sacrifice that he was prepared to make in order to launch his career. I, too, hope it won't have negative repercussions - and, as I've disclosed before, I've personally experienced burnnout in my career (and it was no walk in the park, believe me!) but we cannot prevent it from happening, if it was meant to be. Again, I hope to God the course of his journey will be smooth and care-free, but sometimes obstacles in our way are a message to be learned and a warning to be heeded. Mika is an intelligent and creative, talented man; he is also his own man - he makes his own decisions. He is also surrounded by a very loving and caring family as well as a supportive team of colleagues. Do you want to bet that they all have his back? I know everyone here has his best interests at heart. I think everyone here in the MFC forum is absolutely wonderful. In the short time that I have been here I have come to regard you guys as family - no kidding! You are all so giving and caring - not just towards Mika but towards each other. It is admirable. But I think sometimes we tend to push the envelope and take it too far. We have to set boundaries. Sending him birthday cards, scrapbook, etc. is appropriate. Booking his free time is not. We all mean well, but I think we're going over the top. Mika already has one mother. Don't you think he might even start to get a bit annoyed with us? I really hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes here. I really, really understand the great intentions behind all of this. I feel the same way - I'm worried too. But you also have to learn in life when to let go. Folks, I think that time is now.
  21. Knowing Mika as well as we all do, I think if we acknowledged him in ANY way would be sooooo appreciated by him!!! He's just that kind of guy! I think everybody's ideas are just great because they show him how we all really feel about him. It's easy to be sweet to an absolute sweetheart! The only point I'm trying to drive across is that we don't want to have to be sending him get well cards in the hospital or something. Hopefully, his OCD, his drive, ambition and love of music will balance itself out and he'll find more stability in not only his career itself but in the whole process of establishing, promoting and furthering it....
  22. EWWWW - I see a sparkle in someone's eyes..... Are you 1st in line????? Hold my place???? The later it gets the badder I get..... (where's the perv thread? )
  23. It's such a nice idea, though - but I'm sure he has more money than all of us put together!!
  24. Exactly.... talk about superficiality and being only skin deep (pardon the pun - sorry guys...). No, that's only the tip of the iceberg... there really is a larger issue here.... and it starts and ends with Mika... really...
  25. Jack, yesterday on another thread I also directly asked him to Relax, take it easy - 'cause he had 2 days off before his next gig in Paris. You're right, though, it could get really obnoxious if we all started harping on him to take care, wear his woolies and drink hot drinks (being silly here). I mean, he already has one mother!!! He may have to learn the hard way - like I did - which would be horrible, but unfortunately, that's life in the big city.... Sorry, sounds harsh, but true...
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