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Everything posted by kjoshi

  1. Man...can't wait to hear from Cazgirl now it's 2:30am...it's time for me to go to bed...Hopefully I'll hear about it tomorrow morning (morning for me i guess)
  2. Where are these demo sonds available??? I would really like to listen to them
  3. I wonder how the gig that Cazgirl went to! I'm so curious to find out if she got to meet Mika!
  4. I love when threads like this pop up! They're very funny and always very true!
  5. Thank you so much for the translation. it was a great article and i enjoyed reading it very much!
  6. I am soooo jealous. I told my mom about it and she actually considered going! Becasue my sister is going to summer college in London...she was like... that might be possible because I want to check her school and it's been a while since i've seen your aunt ( she lives in London), me and her can hang out and go shopping or something while you guys are at the video thing...but then she said we were running low on the funds! ugh! For one amazing moment I thought I would be able to go...the next thing I know that moment vanishes!!!
  7. Well I was planning on having just a little bit before I went to the concert so I could be on a happy buzz...but I'm def not doing that anymore. I don't want to risk anything!
  8. Grr....it's 7am and I still haven't slept yet...I hate college! But Caz good luck!!!! I really hope you get to meet him! Be stubborn don't leave until you get to! Got my fingers crossed for you Oh and I want to hear about it all after you get back tonight!!!
  9. Grrr I really want to be in his video!! I want to be an actress one day so this would have been a great opportunity...i seriously considered asking my mom for a plane ticket until realized how stupid that was. I want to be in his video!! Can I cry now??
  10. I really hope their night didn't end as badly as how it started when they go there! I'm dying to know if how the rest of their night went!
  11. Haha It is in Canada!!!! That's why after school's over me and my cousins are making a trip up there!!!
  12. You're soo lucky!! I'm 19 but in the states you have to be 21 to drink:thumbdown:
  13. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha...i feel like i just won! Ah! YEs!!!! Good job!!!!!!!
  14. Jeez!! Still no news! This is making me a little mad! I really want you guys to win!!!!!!
  15. Oh dear...I'm in a the states and I'm still going crazy! I thought by the time I woke up you guys would know!
  16. OOOO I have seen them before...I never noticed that they were posted by MMM
  17. Nevermind...I'm an idiot! I got it Thanks
  18. I'm sorry...I never ever get this download stuff... I went on the link and I didn't know what I was suppossed to click on after... Help someone...
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