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Everything posted by mellody

  1. i trust in mika's intelligence there... he'd be very stupid to believe he could stop us with this.
  2. aaah, finally after 2 days i can get back on the mfc! *hugs and kisses mfc* on the german forum we were already wondering, whether mika has bought the website only to shut it down, so us crazy fans wouldn't be so organized anymore. maybe he heard of the tour bus plans...
  3. hm, and after the mentioning of mikafanclub.com, the sound of the video suddenly is awful for at least a few minutes (haven't watched it til the end yet). i can't understand a word. so maybe then he's talking about how he's looking forward to us being official and about the reasons for us having to wait so long for a message...
  4. thanx for posting! i first watched the award thing and didn't even notice the new haircut there. only saw it on the pix and in the interview... well, he still looks good, and the hair is still fluffy, so that's alright with me. and i like it that he mentions the mfc in the interview.
  5. ah, i didn't even know the whole interview was on youtube, searched for it but as it's written in the wrong way, i couldn't find it. you can still find the original high quality version on the ZDF website, but there isn't a direct link, you have to search for it. go on http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek/content/9602?inPopup=true and enter "mika" in the search field on the top right. the interview has the title "Mika: Gewinnen ist nicht alles". activate the checkbox and click on the orange play button at the bottom of the list. in the next window, choose your player and your bandwidth (in the 3rd one, which is DSL 2000 or higher, you can watch the video full screen in good quality).
  6. funny cat video compilation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNsUZPvtksk some are not really nice, esp. the first one, but there are some really cute and funny videoclips in there too.
  7. seems like spider pix are a good way of keeping people from off topic discussions. if a thread gets too long because of OT talk, just post a spider pic instead of closing it for a while, and everyone will leave. sorry fred, here something hopefully more suitable for you: and
  8. aww lollipop monkey, your dog is so cute! normally i like dogs only when they're puppies, but this one's just too cute! fluffy! ah, good to know that i wasn't in life danger. though if you say one might "land on you", do they jump?! yup, like this one... (luckily behind glass) (tries to turn ex-not-official-now-pet-thread into spider-thread ) ya think so?? scnr
  9. yup, good zoom function. but you get used to large spiders when you're in sydney for a week - the first 2 days i tried to stay as far away from any spider as i could, but as they're hanging in every bush and tree (though those were not as big and hairy as the one on the pic), i gave up and just trusted them to stay where they are when i walked past. luckily they did. and yes, it was a phone booth. i was talking with my boyfriend on the phone and made the mistake to move the phone book a little bit... suddenly a huge hairy leg appeared behind it! first the spider stayed behind the phonebook, so i kept talking with my bf, a little bit distracted though, standing as far away from the spider as i could and always watching it, ready to hang up and run. after a few minutes though, it suddenly came running out from behind the phonebook and to the place where i took the pic. guess it just wanted to get out of the sun, but i started shrieking and jumped back, and only when i realized it didn't move further, i took the phone again and said bye to my bf - guess he understood, and also guess he had a slight hearing damage after my shrieking. no idea if this one was poisonous... anyone from australia here who knows?
  10. this was my cat schnucki, unfortunately she died about 2 years ago. cats sometimes choose strange sleeping places! and this isn't my pet, but a spider i saw in sydney - if i ever found one of those in my flat, i'd move out! it was the biggest spider i ever saw outside of a zoo!
  11. about a fee, i wouldn't mind if there was one if it's necessary - but not for the forum itself, just for the additional benefits, if there are any. cause it would be unfair towards people who live in countries where mika doesn't do concerts, that they have to pay for benefits like secret gigs and stuff like that, if they can't go there. so if they want to set up a fee, i'd suggest a separate part of the forum for paying members, so everyone can still discuss on the normal forum like we're used to it, but the paying members are the "fanclub members", who get the benefits. of course it would also be good if they offered different payment options, like in different currencies and different ways, and not just for example credit card payments in US dollars. of course they could also say that the fee is optional for those who joined before a certain date. i guess most of us who are able to would still pay (i would anyway).
  12. hi marion! na dann wünsch ich dir mal viel glück bei deinen prüfungen! eingelebt, naja.... immerhin ist das jetlag endlich weg. aber die temperatur-unterschiede hab ich ja hier jetzt auch, ein tag mal 20 grad und sonne, dann wieder 0 grad und schneeflocken, klasse. wird zeit dass es endlich frühling BLEIBT! heut is hier föhn, also relativ schön und klare sicht auf die berge... aber eiskalt und windig, und ich schätze mal, hinter dem föhn nördlich von münchen ist's wahrscheinlich ziemlich eklig. gehst du eigentlich auf eins der juli konzerte? ich bin wenn dann in amsterdam... aber is alles noch sehr unsicher, ob ich mir das leisten kann und zeit hab. übrigens, bei dem thema fällt mir grad ein, dass ich am wochenende geträumt hab, dass mika auf irgendeinem festival oder charity-konzert in frankfurt auftreten wird - also im traum hab ich ein plakat dafür gesehn. blöd dass es nur ein traum war!
  13. hi, wollt mich auch mal wieder melden hier. bin in letzter zeit irgendwie viel zu selten im mfc, bzw. wenn dann les ich nur und poste nicht. wie gehts euch denn allen so? läuft der simpsons film eigentlich jetz grad im kino, oder war der schon? irgendwie hab ich mal vor nem halben jahr oder so ständig vorschauen gesehn, habs aber glaub verpasst als er dann lief. wobei ich denk ich auch warten kann, bis er im tv kommt... find die simpsons schon auch ganz lustig, aber inzwischen schau ich mir nimmer jede folge an wie früher, weil ich viele eh schon kenn.
  14. well, here it's not unusual if it snows in march, but as spring has already started in february this year, i was quite shocked when i returned from sunny australia with 28 degrees to minus 2 degrees in munich... and since i'm back, the weather is changing weekly from spring to winter (although there isn't much snow, anyway none that stays on the ground... it's just f*ing cold ). i knew that strange weather is typical for april, but this is ridiculous. well, let's be happy that at the end of february there wasn't any snow in london.
  15. wow sariflor, i think that's more snow than we had in munich the whole winter! so did i get that right that the post we are not supposed to wait for cause no-one knows if and when it will happen, is likely to be posted around 10 pm english time?
  16. hi noni, hab grad gesehn du bist hier ja schon ziemlich lang angemeldet, aber postest nicht viel... vielleicht hast du ja lust, mit den anderen deutschen fans im deutschsprachigen thread zu quatschen? den findest du hier: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13559&page=91 ...auf jeden fall auch von mir nachträglich noch herzlich willkommen im mfc. wenn du fragen hast, kannst du dich gern per pm an mich wenden.
  17. i hope that wasn't me... i agree with you, it was really mad on tuesday (and to christine, ok, maybe some of you knew that it would happen, but i didn't - neither on tuesday nor on thursday), and i felt totally foolish afterwards. when i realized the chance to go on stage, my brain just stopped working, although normally i tend to first think and then act, but in this case it was the other way round. i never would've stormed towards mika on stage though, and i also don't think i'd have tried to get to the front from 2nd/3rd row, at least not without asking people politely to let me through, if they didn't want to get up. on thursday though, it was a lot better, like i mentioned in my last post a few pages back on thursday when we got down from the stage, security told us to go left/right to the side, and there the barrier was open, so we could get back into the crowd. you're right in a way, but i wouldn't say to people they behave like babies, just because they experience such situations in a different way. it's not about stage invasions, but about concerts in general - sometimes it's just mad and people are pushing... for me personally i'm not happy with it, but i can handle it. but i know that especially people who are smaller or of slighter build than me, might have a really big problem with it. i also have to say though, that if a concert was totally hell for me if i was at the front and getting pushed, i would go back or ask security to pull me out. it's not good and not fair of course, but if i hear someone say "i felt like dying", i'm thinking "well, seems like you would've preferred that to giving up your place?". except for the rare situations where security is so bad, that you wouldn't have a chance to get pulled out, and people are pushing so badly that you're like in a vice and can't even go backwards. i've only had this situation once in my life though (and i've been to dozens if not hundreds of concerts), while queuing at a venue which had a huge steel fence at the entrance and people were squashed against it so they could hardly breathe and with no chance of going anywhere. usually though you have normal barriers and enough security guards who can pull you out of the crowd if you don't feel well. so ideally, if they do the stage invasion, they should have a lot of security guards (i think there were more in london during lollipop than during the rest of the show), some taking care of those who want to get on stage, and some taking care of the crowd, looking if anyone wants to get pulled out because they get squashed. then i don't think it would be a problem. or, like someone (petra?) said, the queuing at the side where the barrier is open would also be an option.
  18. oh yeah, i was a huge fan too... i even started a german fanclub, which lasted for almost 2 years. but then i abandoned them for take that, when i found out that they weren't as nice and innocent as i thought they were (when i found out the same about TT later, it wasn't such a big shock anymore ) i used to like joey-joe, well seems like i already had a thing for curly hair when i was 14!
  19. yup, agree with that too! flowers in general are ok, but the ones on the crowd mics were totally in the way! i think he might need the crowd mics to hear in his earplug how loud the crowd sings, and i think the mic/mic stand itself wouldn't have been the problem, it was mainly those flowers! and about the stage invasion thing, the 2nd night in brixton i think it was ok, obviously also for those in the crowd, like christine said. but on the 26th in brixton, i guess it was a spontaneous decision at the end of the song, it was totally unexpected and people were in a hurry to get over the barrier, so some fell (although i think no one was hurt) - and in fact, when i climbed on stage, martin just kicked a balloon right in front of me, his foot was not far from my face. i don't know about the others who got on stage, but on the 2nd brixton gig when the stage invasion started at the beginning of the song, i was a lot more calm and aware of what i was doing and took my time to climb over the barrier and look out for kicking feet before i got on stage. i also saw no one falling over the barrier, like the gig before. so, as christine said, it is a risk, but it can work if it's well organized. apart from the security risk if it's not well organized, the stage invasion is a great chance for anyone who always dreamt of being part of the lollipop party on stage (like me ). to party on stage with mika and his band, in front of thousands of people, is such an amazing feeling - not because you get close to mika (actually i would've seen more of him if i had stayed in the crowd ), but because you can be a part of the whole thing for a few minutes. it was my best concert moment ever, and i wanna thank mika for this. what else can i say about the shows in general? well, i like the fact that in most shows there is something special, whether it's something mika and his band say or do, or just the brilliant atmosphere, which is always a result of mika AND the crowd - if both are in a good mood, mika's shows are the best fun from the beginning to the end, no matter how many times you've already seen it. i love this vibrating energy that mika can produce together with his crowd, and also the calm moments of the show. the shows are like his music, sometimes calm, sometimes energetic, but they always give you a good feeling and positive shivers down your spine. i might find a few points to criticize if i analyze the show bit by bit, or if i watch it on video, without the atmosphere there... but the main thing is, that i have a brilliant time while i'm there and still feel good afterwards, and that has been the case at almost every mika show i've been to, so there's nothing to improve from my point of view, as long as he keeps the energy and connection with the crowd.
  20. why is everyone using the christmas tree smiley on here? is that a hint on "we might have to wait until next christmas"? and why does the system keep logging me out all the time today? interesting thing about the "top of next week", that not even the native english speakers know what it means - jerry's secret language!
  21. btw, what does "top of next week" mean? never heard this expression, does it mean beginning, middle, end of next week? or some time next week?
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