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Everything posted by JackViolet

  1. Aww, you kids. You think you have tight trousers now, but you are too young to remember the 70s. Believe it or not, I specifically chose a fairly conservative photo... in some others, you would not be having any doubts about what you were or were not seeing! So I say to Mika: I am not impressed with your tight trousers, sir! --Jack
  2. Well, if he's going to use my suggestion of Marc Bolan as his guru... And as far as I am aware, neither stage movement nor childmaking ability suffered. Mind, I am not sure I'd recommend taking it to that extreme. But, I will say that Marc never had a problem with his trousers coming loose onstage! --Jack
  3. Well, I've said it once and I'll say it again--Mika obviously does not wear his trousers tight enough, tsk tsk. When will he learn? He should take tips from Marc Bolan, who said in an interview that his trousers were so tight that even when a group of fans attacked him, they couldn't get them down. Which is good 'cause unlike Mika, Marc didn't bother with underwear. See, Mika? If you wear your trousers tight enough, you can skip the undies! --Jack
  4. I like how new people come in and ask questions that have already been answered up on the thread. :-D Also, I should not be allowed to post when I am drunk. (The random clothing photos? What in the world?) I was hoping some of the unreleased-but-recorded tracks listed there might be different from the leaked demos, because that would mean more Mika songs somewhere out there, but maybe not. Can we try to match up these titles with the leaked ones though, to see if they are all in fact the same? Deek told us that Ugly Boy is Lover Boy. You Made Me is already listed, so that's another one covered. Pray For You kinda sounds like Holy Johnny maybe, I guess it would make sense that it's registered if he's singing it at shows. The rest? There's references to rain in Sally, but it doesn't seem like it would ever be titled Rain on Me. If they are unheard extra tracks though, I really do hope they'll be relased in some form eventually... as b-sides if not on an album by themselves. --Jack P.S. Does else (who is old enough to know them well, I suppose) think that Sally (especially the lyrics) are reminscent of T. Rex?
  5. Damn right. If Deek says it's 17 posts, then 17 it is. MTV though?
  6. Goodness no, there aren't even any trousers on that outfit! That is just what I have lying around the house! Kind of like this! And I am definitely not wearing that either! --Jack
  7. Not at all! It is getting fabulous! --Jack
  8. I think we're all identity mad here! For instance, who are you? How does anyone know? How would I know? I am at least 3 different people before tea-time, and half as many after! --Jack
  9. Why, whatever do you mean? Deek never knows a thing he/she/they is talking about! --Jack
  10. Well then girls, I suppose you'll just have to start sewing him extra-colorful boxers! Then toss them at the stage whenever you go to a show and see if he wears 'em. You will revolutionize the age-old tradition of throwing undies at rockstars! I believe in you! --Jack
  11. Well, Deek already said that it was just songs that were recorded and unused. I have all the demos of course. But you can see the song titles too, if you just go to BMI and look Mika up in the composer category. It lists these songs right along with all the ones from LICM. --Jack
  12. Hahah, Emo Harry Potter might also be okay, so long as it's emo-glam. I was joking mostly, from when I saw a photo of a friend of mine dressed like that for a fancy dress party, but if I had to imagine... shaggy messy hair, 70s style sunglasses, tight trousers with stripey ankle socks and platform loafers, a glittery shirt, plus a bright purple vest and a schoolboy scarf! --Jack
  13. Awww, well that's disappointing! Thanks a lot! And we could have had a little whirlpool of crazy activity here. I'm still hoping at least some of these show up with the second album, because I want polished versions of them! And I do love "Loverboy," so I guess that's not so bad. :-) --Jack P.S. Yes, it's the right Mika for sure. But I guess we have most of these anyway...
  14. So in another thread, some people noticed that in the Milan interview footage, there was a song playing in the background that wasn't any one we'd heard before and wasn't a cover, and some people speculated it may be for a new album. I was looking stuff up at BMI.com and stumbled across a whole bunch of song titles attributed to Mika that I also have never seen before, and that I'm guessing might also go on the next album. So this is exciting! I guess he has most of it written. (Or... maybe not. Though I did hear he has half done!) The song titles are: 1. ANOTHER LULLABY 2. COLD HEART 3. GAVE IT ALL AWAY 4. LOOK DON'T TOUCH 5. PRAY FOR YOU 6. RAIN ON ME 7. TROUBLE IS 8. UGLY BOY 9. WHAT I WANT TO HEAR and I think YOU MADE ME might go on there as well. I also think that these are not necessarily final titles, but working ones, so maybe we've heard some of these songs before, but maybe not. I really want to hear "Ugly Boy," that sounds like an interesting song! Anyway, thoughts? --Jack
  15. Luke is cute and all, but his fashion sense is entirely too conservative for my taste! My type of guy (and I'm not even talking Mika here) dresses like a glam Harry Potter. --Jack
  16. Hahah, if that is true, and he indeed looks like Mika in that childhood publicity photo, you are a very lucky girl! Also, I never cared all that much before, but now that Mr. Deek has told us that Fortune looks like that, I very much want to see him. I think Mika was an absolutely adorable kid, and to see a younger-Mika in the flesh would be amazing. My sister and I used to look entirely different when we were younger (funnily, even when I had the short hair, she would be the one told she looked like a boy!) but now that we're grown up supposedly we look almost the same. I can look at her and imagine what I'd look like if I dyed my hair, etc. Siblings can be an interesting window of possibilities! --Jack
  17. Exactly; I loved reading those two accounts together! Well now we know--if you DJ at a club and Mika comes by, don't play his songs! Play... uh... a dance remix of Harry Nilsson or "Sunshine in the Rain" or something! --Jack
  18. Wow, that would be very exciting if that was a secret preview of his next album! Some of the lyrics, as far as I can make them out clearly, go: Put your heart back in your pocket... ...but girl, let me tell you more... ...He's gonna do what he's gonna do, he says, he don't love you anymore, So pick up off the flooor... (There are other bits I can kind of hear but I only posted the ones I was sure about.) If anyone can look this up and find out whose song it is... I'm getting no hits, so it may indeed be a new Mika song! --Jack
  19. Hey, I found these two articles about Mika's adventures at a club in Australia on Wednesday... hope it hasn't been posted yet? They're funny! ARTCLE 1 Off-key Mika's not always a hit Sydney Confidential June 01, 2007 12:00 THERE will be two very sheepish Brit chicks today when they learn they were treated to an exclusive serenade by pop greatness on Wednesday night, reports Kathy McCabe. British pop star Mika and his bandmates were enjoying a few quiet drinks at the Hilton when the duo, who had no idea who he was, tried to hit on his keyboard player. The girls followed the crew to an Oxford St nightclub and when Mika walked in the door, the DJ recognised him and put on a remix of the singer's smash hit Grace Kelly. "That's always quite painful when the DJ does that but the girls jumped up to dance and said 'We love this song' and started singing along in the most hideous way," he laughed. "I got up and started dancing and singing with them and one of the girls sneered and said, 'What do you think you're doing? F... off! Your voice is so bad!' "My band were crying with laughter." There will be no doubt who Mika is when he performs his only Australian show at The Forum tomorrow night. http://www.news.com.au/sundaytelegraph/story/0,,21828297-5006002,00.html ARTICLE 2 (From a blog) The Night I Met Mika Picture this: Stonewall, Wednesday night, Malebox. I'm DJing away in the cocktail bar when the barman comes over to me and says, "we've got the band Mika coming in in 5 minutes. Do you know them?" "Mika?" I said. "Yeah." "MIKA?!" "Yeah." "HERE?!?!" "Yeah" "NOW?!?!?!" "Yeah." By this time my voice has gone up into a register higher than Mariah Carey can sing and he's looking at me like I have a horn growing out of my head. I lowered my voice again and said as calmly as I could, "MIKA'S THE GUY WHO SINGS 'GRACE KELLY!!!!!' YOU MUST KNOW HIM!!!!!" He looked at me blankly while I had a miniature conniption. After a few minutes, Mika comes in and stands at the other side of the bar. He was tall. Had a bright T-Shirt on with a grey hoodie over the top. His hair was very long and messy. He had rockstar sunglasses on too. So I played the Bimbo Jones mix of Grace Kelly and... he looks over at me with a you're-so-cheeky-for-playing-this-song look and I gave him a smile and a wink. I hoped it looked like I was playing it cool and not that I was just being some arrogant, aloof queen with a twitch. So anyway, after a song or two, he came over to introduce himself! I know!! He asked about the remix I played and I asked about his tour and how it was going. We had a great little chat, until the conversation took a turn for the worse. Yes. I did it. I started a sentence with "now, I know people must ask you this all the time... but-" He was very patient as I asked him if he remembered our exchange of a couple of emails through MySpace just after the initial Popbitch mention last year. His response was, "oh yeah, I've been listening to your tracks. You're from the Bay area right?" Stupid me. Dumb me. Idiot me says, "no... I was the one talking about remixes." He looked at me and said he didn't remember. Why couldn't I just have said "yes! That's me! I'm so happy you remembered! Hurrah!" Anyway, we chatted some more about his concert here. He invited me but I said it was my birthday and we'd already planned a party (God, I've got a real knack for this) and then we talked about his American tour and how it was sold out before he toddled off back to his friends. After that I played some Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Kylie, Aretha Franklin, Dolly Parton and he was dancing and singing along with his crew. It was fabulous. Then, as quickly as he arrived, he was gone again. Of course, the media are all over it already. http://blogs.samesame.com.au/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=4751&blogId=457
  20. I didn't know they were friends, but I knew they liked each other's music, and had some similar favorite artists... and someone made a comparison between them and Velvet Goldmine's Brian Slade and Iggy Pop, so that was why I thought them as a couple would be a cute idea. :-) --Jack
  21. I like how the problems I may have with that song--the idea that a) skinny girls make anyone "feel like I wanna die" and b) saying that only a big girl is a "real woman," as if there is some kind of set of rules on what makes a woman "real" or not (every woman is a "real woman," after all!), and c) opening the song with food imagery is not very progressive--are not even mentioned in that article. All the articles written by women bring those questions up. That guy? He just wants to make rude comments about sexuality and fetishes. --Jack
  22. Don't be sorry, Julie, we appreciated having the chance to read it even if we hated it! Was it really Peter Robinson who wrote it though? I really want to email him! If--IF-someone does want to take issue with "Big Girl (You are beautiful)" and argue that it can be seen as offensive, this is how you do it. Whether you agree with this article or not, at least it supports its points and doesn't dissolve into debasing rhetoric. --Jack
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