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Everything posted by JackViolet

  1. Goodness, of course he is not drunk! It's just the glasses! I mean, who WOULDN'T see an elephant in a tutu? --Jack
  2. Oh, that's the extracted Calvin Harris video, right? Hahah, I knew there couldn't be a video I'd missed! I kept well up on my Mika stuff yesterday. --Jack
  3. Hahah, some friends of mine were in Central Park yesterday and they saw that porterpotty and took a photo of it for me (they know I am obsessed). I replied that I'd already seen photos of it, thanks to you guys and the lighting-fast speed at which Mika news of any stripe get posted here. :-) I think that the next batch of fanclub wear should have the slogan: "Mika Fan Club: We know more about Mika than Mika--and that's no joke!" --Jack
  4. Okay now, all the NYC Mikafans--you gotta get your photo taken there!
  5. All right, so, yellow curtain, harem... what? Is there some injoke about yellow harem curtains?
  6. Wait, what do harems have to do with it?
  7. Yes, of course, if you get hired then you travel with the tour--sleeping arrangements and stuff are provided as part of the job! :-) --Jack
  8. Oh, I don't mean the additions--except maybe a bit on "Love Today"--I mean the musical arrangements. Like, the songs were played at a noticeably different tempo and such today, almost like alternate versions. :-)
  9. Yeah, I was noticing that! Though it's very difficult to both jump and sing like that. I still feel he should rest. I've been noticing that he always sings much better when he performs after a few days' break! Which only makes sense, of course. --Jack
  10. I loved his little "drum" solo! :-D Am not so enthusiastic about these new arrangements for the songs though... I mean, I know it gets tiring playing them the same way all the time, but I think I prefer them in their more "traditional" incarnations... Plus Mika sounds a bit tired/worn out... hmm. He should rest more! --Jack (Always always love "Lollipop" though!)
  11. Ahhhh, this was great! I love that little video.
  12. Hahah, it does... plus at first I didn't see the thread in the Events forum so I thought people were not talking, period! Jemma, your outfit was very colorful indeed! I guess those girls in the pink and blue corsets (who aren't Mika's usual dancers) were more people hired by the studio then... too bad, I really liked the idea of them dressing all of you up that way! Blue Eyes, thanks for the blog! That was really fun to read, and was exactly what we all meant when we asked for a report, I think! --Jack
  13. Ooooh, now that people are talking more, can I ask some more questions? I'm all curious about the costumes. We've already seen some in the photos, but you don't have to talk about what they actually looked like--I am just super curious as to whether they were provided for you on the site and how! Like, did they tell you to dress up, or did they dress everyone? And did they ask for measurements, or did they just have a range of sizes? I've always wanted to know how they get costumes to fit when they do a wide casting call like this! (can I be any more girly?) --Jack
  14. Well this is why most people aren't so much asking for the "concept" of the video as just your experiences with the filming and meeting Mika, right? --Jack
  15. Hahah, yes, that's exactly what I meant! I mean, I'd appreciate some details on what type of things they were told to do, because I don't think that would give much away anyway, but even if you want to keep that secret, surely you can share other things! --Jack
  16. This is true, plus it's not like sharing the experiences of the day possibly COULD give away the video, since there's still editing, etc., to go through. It's not like they just point the camera, shoot, and have the final product right there: all anyone could share at this point is the concept behind some scenes that may or may not end up in the video. There will probably be all sorts of other stuff intercut and edited in anyway, and the scenes will not likely look the same way they did on the street. So unless people were told directly not to talk about it, I don't see what the big deal is. Especially since your personal accounts of it are likely to be along the lines of "we got there early, then had to wait a bit. They put us into costumes and makeup: my costume was really sparkly! Then they got us into a big group and tried to show us what to do. I kept worrying my top was going to ride down on film, that would have been so embarassing! We had to do the same thing again and again and that got rather boring, but Mika was there and so it was great, he was so funny when he was giving directions, blah blah etc etc." Would that type of account really "spoil" anything? --Jack
  17. I don't think it's a problem to post these--after all, it's just photos of the shoot, not parts of the video itself. Plus it all looks terrific and is just making everyone more excited! And it's not like anyone buys the video--the point of a video is to act as promotion. This is only helping it. The only issue to consider is whether these photos were posted publically or privately, and whether people want their myspace pictures all over the net. --Jack
  18. Thanks for the link! Hahah, speaking of musicians and height, something's been in the water around the UK lately, eh? There's our Mika, and then there's Patrick Wolf (also 6'4") and then there's Calvin Harris measuring in at 6'5" even. Quite the gangly bunch. --Jack
  19. You can watch it on ABC's site in streaming format! Though it was what, 2 episodes ago for us now?
  20. Oh come onnnn! Ugh! It's like Fate is teasing me. I want to go to this show and yet I can't make the date and yet there's stuff like this, and people on my friends list on livejournal saying "oh, I have got an extra ticket, does anyone want it?" MIKA CHANGE THE DATE. Or do a surprise show in Philly earlier that week. Or another one in NY that's not that weekend. Or come back to DC for Sunday. Please? (yeah, right.)
  21. That's a good reading of it. Depending on your interpretation, there IS also a bit of a secret in the second part of the lyrics, but there doesn't have to be. But yes, it's obvioulsy about going a somewhat difficult time with your family, and no one wants to talk about that to the media. --Jack
  22. *blushes* Er... I am not sure I am comfortable doing that either. :-( I think I should just stop talking about it, I'm only causing people to get more confused and frustrated. If people have similar interpretations to mine, like I know some people here do, I think they'll get what I mean... and if not, maybe they should just try to listen to the song again carefully, because after all, it's all in there... --Jack
  23. Um... I don't want to share my guesses openly. Because if I'm right, Mika's already said he doesn't want to talk about the song's meaning. And if I'm wrong, I definitely don't want to have that kind of misinformation out there.
  24. Nah, I think it's fair that he doesn't want to talk about it, even if it fuels speculation. I understand him simply not wishing to give the example of making some personal things public (whatever type of personal things they are--and his family relations fall into this). Though I think there's also more to the song than that, and there are at least two, if not three, very good reasons why he would not talk about it. IF all my guesses are right, I definitely wouldn't talk about it either for any ONE of those reasons. --Jack
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