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Everything posted by JackViolet

  1. ...You're making me want to give people sex advice, and you shouldn't do that. --Jack
  2. You're saying I want Mika to end up with himself? That's a little too much even for me... --Jack
  3. Given to how he reacted to someone on the street asking if they could touch his hair, I don't think he would take too kindly to that request... --Jack
  4. Well, we all know who I want him to be with... Tall, green, and leafy. --Jack The virginity thread is the Q&A one.
  5. Oh Oh! You MUST bring one for him as a gift. My flatmate got some regular chocolate flavored ones on lollipop sticks once, and stuck them on our fridge... as a "reward" for cleaning the flat regularly. Plus a note telling us to make sure to wash the dishes and have safe sex. I almost licked one by accident though, because I thought it WAS a lollipop. --Jack ...maybe I should send them to Yop?
  6. There are ones in different shapes too, but that's rarer, and I don't think those are the kind he meant. :-) But anyway, at our age, we should know these things! --Jack
  7. Yup! There are all kinds! They make them glow in the dark, in different colors, flavors, etc. And sometimes the designer part is the brand, like some restaurants and stores will hand their own out, with customized wrapping. http://www.condomclub.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=customcdms&Category_Code=Custom&Product_Count=0 ...I'm sorry, I really do know about fruit and chicken. But I'm very innocent and good, I promise! --Jack
  8. Well, that's the sensible answer.... but are we sensible here? ;-) --Jack
  9. Nooooooo, Mel is a boy! A big boy! --Jack
  10. Well, that's because I'm so knowledgeable that I answered the question! How many times do I have to tell people he's not a virgin before they realize they should take the answer while they can? --Jack I know.
  11. We're not discussing, are we? It's a matter of simple fact and observation that Mika's pretty and witty. And that's all? --Jack
  12. Oh yes. And witty... and.... --Jack
  13. Except the last one maybe, I don't think he's been accused of those before... --Jack
  14. Poor Mika! The gay bi straight asexual kinky vanilla pervo virgin... with a thing for chipmunks, chicken and leafy plants. --Jack
  15. Hmmm? No... I just always loved the aloe vera bit. I can't let it die. I firmly believe in it with all my heart, you know. --Jack
  16. Me? Not at all! I have no idea what I'm talking about! --Jack
  17. I can live with that. --Jack P.S. Well. And aloe vera.
  18. But you don't care, right? I wonder what everyone here would say if the thread title was "Official! Mika HAS a boyfriend!" --Jack
  19. No, no! Make her pay for it then! Each time she wears it, she has to give you... an apple. Or a plastic necklace. --Jack
  20. Yup! I think I could even say he told me, and I wouldn't be lying! But really, it's one of my psychic talents. Fruit, and ... chicken. --Jack
  21. It's okay, I already answered it for you. --Jack
  22. Well, he's on the cover of a major gay magazine! What are they going to talk to him about, tea cozies? --Jack
  23. I'm here! He's not a virgin kids, sorry... It's just one of the things I know... like fruit. Such a silly question too! There's not always going to be music on! Plus you don't have to be drunk not to remember... trust me, there are other things to concern yourself with! But *shhhhh* I agree with Yoppa's first post.... --Jack
  24. I fancy him in a chicken suit! --Jack
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