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Everything posted by JackViolet

  1. Not half as serious as a really good nose, I'm afraid! After all, you can (shhh, Sou, look the other way)--you can artificially curl your hair! It's much harder to curl your nose, even though it's all possible nowadays... And noses are so delightfully perverted, too! You can really judge a man by his nose... --Jack
  2. I also agree... as I said, if I get to meet him in DC, I am so going to tell him off for not taking a break! --Jack
  3. Yes, I am, and...? Anyway, I am glad that at least Eir and Kata realize the truth of the situation. How the rest of you can deny the depraved depths of Mika's pervyness after all the proof that's been posted here, I do not know! And I would like to add that if I ever talk about the cuteness of Mika's (or anyone else's) nose, it will be entirely in earnest. Noses are serious business, Yop! --Jack
  4. Ahhhh, Yoppapop, help me out here... you've got the proof, haven't you? --Jack
  5. Re: Dustin Hoffman--um, guys? I've noticed that people on this forum seem to really want Mika to be staring at women's breasts all the time, but I kind of think Dustin was just making a joke when he said that, to shift the blame for why he wasn't listening to his headphones like he was supposed to. That said, of COURSE Mika is a huge pervert. I mean, he's got half-naked curvy girls in bustiers dancing on stage with him. And then there are these photos... Audacious, isn't it? Simply filthy. --Jack
  6. Congratulations, Sou! That's lovely! It's so odd to think of some people being fans and yet only being able to get his album now... Luckily, I discovered who he was 3 days after his album came out, so I was able to go right out and buy it! I went to the Virgin store in NY where Mika had performed a few days ago, and if only I'd found earlier, I could have seen him too... but oh well! I was also so excited and silly, heh. I bought it and ran straight to my favorite coffeeshop, and then I showed it to the server, the guy who sat at the table next to me, everyone! And then I actually made the server lend me his computer so I could go online and write about how much I loved it! So I can appreciate your excitement, Sou! --Jack
  7. I actually know someone like that. And now I suppose Mika is one too! The humanity! Did you know he likes to swear and changes all the lyrics to the word "whore" in concert? And that he enjoys flashing people? Can he get any more lewd and vulgar? The sicko! --Jack
  8. Oh my god! Those lyrics are disgusting! I am shocked--shocked!--that any contemporary pop artist would refer to sex in any way, shape or form in one of his songs! I am also shocked that any young man of upstanding morals would even sit so close to a married woman not his own wife as to allow suspicion of looking at her to befall him! (It doesn't matter that he wasn't even looking in her direction in that interview--the proximity was enough!) This is disgraceful. Mika must be a horrible degenerate and deviant. I will toss out his album at once and replace it with something less filthy. Like maybe the new Fratellis album. --Jack
  9. Thanks, Jass! One mystery solved... --Jack
  10. I just realized that my signature makes this thread a little ironic. I am not obsessed with feet, I swear. I am obsessed with noses. --Jack
  11. Violet, it's from the end of the concert at Koko... but he actually said it about the ONE glitter ball they had there. What I'd like to know is what the "drunk 16 year old on a bus" quote is about... --Jack
  12. If deek is in fact passing forum info on to Mika, then Mika definitely knows about the bodyhair and underwear threads. So if he starts running away after concerts, you will know why... --Jack "oh mika i lovelovelove you will you marry me??????"
  13. Heeee heee, thanks. Oh, and violet_sky, you and everybody else is welcome to talk about how much you like his feet all you want--I am only striking out a claim against people saying that they are "weird" or whatever! I have seen much weirder feet, anyway. So wait, Grace Kelly, are you saying we shouldn't talk about the plaid pants? They seem pretty well claimed by the Tartan 5 already... --Jack
  14. You know now Sou has conniptions whenever anyone talks about Mika's curls not being natural, and how there was even a rule proposed that we Don't Talk About That for the sake of Sou's sanity? Well, if Sou can claim his curls, I can claim his feet, right? I don't really have any particular attachment to his feet one way or another, or a thing for them the way some people have a thing for his curls. (And I'd probably count myself among those.) However, I DO have a thing about people making a big deal of this photo and all the stuff people say about his toes. After seeing it brought up AGAIN (not on this forum, somewhere else), I am really really sick of it! Goodness, people, he has long toes! It's not that uncommon! And it's not a big deal! Can we let it drop now?! I am almost wondering if he's read some of the comments and they made him self-conscious and that is why he keeps asking people not to show his feet in interviews. Probably not, but if that were true, wouldn't it make you lot feel guilty, huh? So I'm just making this post as a preventative measure, to ask that we not bring this up anymore for the sake of my sanity, or else I might snap and explode in a cloud of toenail clippings, and that wouldn't be pretty! *wipes froth off mouth* Much love, Jack
  15. They didn't get hip size... but Mika's measurements as they got him was 32 inch waist, 34 inch inside leg seam! --Jack
  16. Trust me--if you get to the first row, you will be able to, um... grab his feet! Not that I'm suggesting you do. :-D But you'll be very close! I wanted Mika to come there muchly. It'll be interesting, too--whenever I've gone to see shows there, it's always been a goth/punk/alternakid crowd (mostly 'cause those are the music scenes I hang around), so I'm looking forward to see how Mika's audience will look! --Jack
  17. It may be too late for the demos, since they are everywhere now, and even casual fans have heard them... But I just wanted to clarify that my thread yesterday was asking about when various songs may get released, not asking anyone to share leaks or whatnot. --Jack
  18. It may be too late for the demos, since they are everywhere now, and even casual fans have heard them... But I just wanted to clarify that my thread yesterday was asking about when various songs may get released, not asking anyone to share leaks or whatnot. --Jack
  19. Yup! I love it because even if you aren't in the front at first, you can eventually push yourself through. Anyway, yeah, at the ground floor it's just empty space with a bar towards the back, and bathrooms, so some people hang by there. Then there's a balcony that goes around the sides. It's really not a very big place. --Jack
  20. Heee heee. This sounds like a great idea except for the following few things: a) If he does visit, with his schedule, he probably only glances over a few topics every once in a while, and I doubt he reads any threads b) It would be illegal for him to just up and use someone else's lyrics c) He probably enjoys writing the lyrics on his own, and might even consider them one of the primary points of his songwriting But other than that, you know... --Jack
  21. Awww, Clare. I may not "remember" them, but of course I know Adam and the Ants! Heck, Adam Ant still remains my makeup inspiration. You had good taste as a kid! --Jack
  22. Heh, well, the music I'm referencing was still made before you were born, so paying attention wouldn't have helped much anyway! Though the early 80s, despite being an awful decade, had New Wave, which was very worthy of paying attention to! --Jack
  23. Considering his touring schedule lately, I think the answer should be "the airport." -Jack
  24. Hurrah, Babs! I'm glad to hear someone knows what I'm talking about, with all the young-uns around here! (Mind you, I'm just a middle-ling myself, but we can pretend otherwise!) --Jack
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