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Everything posted by JackViolet

  1. Wow. Bull**** journalism at its best. Next we'll get a quote of Mika saying "Sorry I was late for the interview, I overslept a bit today, we got in really late from a show last night," and we'll get something like the following article: MIKA SUFFERS FROM NARCOLEPSY Turns out the Lebanese popster, who struggled with dyslexia and bullying as a kid, has another challenge to face. Touring has left the singer overtired and prone to bouts of narcolepsy, which have even begun to interfere with his schedule. Mika looked haggard and strung out as he greeted the press, an hour late to the interview, and seemed at the point of passing out several times in the ensuing half hour. Making his excuses, he said "Sorry I overslept really late from a show"--we hope he can make his gig tonight without incident! Crap, all of it. --Jack
  2. Ah, hahah, I'm glad he denied making that statement. I was just about to post that I don't buy it, because it doesn't sound like him at all. As for confusing people, not that he said that, but I would understand that--I like confusing people as well! The whole gay/straight divide is really old hat by now anyway: there are so many facets to sexuality, and it can be so fluid, that I would say coming out as gay is downright conservative nowadays. Undefined ambiguous is the thing to be. And in some ways, I hope he is straight (though this has nothing to do with what I think he may or may not be), just because a straight man refusing to deny or confirm his sexuality would be so beautifully refreshing. And in a way, the most sexually radical thing of all. --Jack
  3. I could use 4 tickets for NY, not that that's likely to happen. :/ Turns out my mother (whose birthday it is on the day of the show, but who hadn't heard any of Mika's music till this weekend) would actually be interested in going up there as a way of celebrating... and I find this out only AFTER the show has been sold out! --Jack
  4. I don't know if he'd do that, but yes, it is really him! yay. --Jack
  5. Hey Perez, welcome! Would you happen to have those photos of Mika from Japan that you just posted on your site without the MSPpainted hearts available? Not that your MSP skillz aren't awesome, but if you could link the unaltered pics, that would be so lovely of you! --Jack
  6. I loooove it, those kids are brilliant! It's been bouncing around for a while now. I am SUCH a fan of theirs. --Jack
  7. It's Allegra, but I also thought we weren't going to post these here. (They are all such beautiful girls, though.)
  8. Yeah, I didn't think so before, but she is always with him (radio shows, filmings, after parties, etc) more than any other mascot, and he always wants people to meet her and see how cute she is, etc. --Jack
  9. After seeing that video, I actually do think that maybe they're dating.
  10. http://www.mika.fan-sites.org/ This site has a ton of great screencaps in the gallery.
  11. He's not a vegetarian, he just doesn't eat beef. :-)
  12. How DID he guess that it was Mika's?
  13. Oh, I didn't think you were trying to insult him--I was rather a bit of an anime otaku myself back in highschool days (I did cosplay! and I still have several thousand dollars' worth of now-totally useless anime vhs lying around), but I just think his interest in such things is likely more that of a casual/moderate fan with access to spending money than a trueblue otaku. :-) --Jack
  14. Thanks Sou! That was a rather smarmy interview voice though... I think by now I get a bit irritated when they really try to play his backstory up so much. I mean, yes, he was a talented kid and didn't have the usual upbringing, but his music is about the now. And they tend to be waaaay into painting him as something he isn't really, like they really want to make his childhood "weirder" than it was. (Like how they initially ran with the story of his dad being held hostage and kidnapped or whatever.) I'll be happy when these little profiles of him just mention that yes, he's had classical music training and experience, and then just move on from there. --Jack
  15. Thanks for the research! I actually live in Jersey, so I guess I won't sleep much... --Jack
  16. Gosh, I bet you'll have to start queing at like, 5 am though... Well I will do it!!!
  17. Wow, sold out? That means my sister won't come with me after all... Hahah, but I guess that just means I'll be free to try and meet all you lovely people! I'd be worried about going to a show alone otherwise, but I'm sure I won't be alone! --Jack
  18. Wait what whoa? Do you just show up? Man I will be there!
  19. Whoa, thanks to this thread I went and looked up the Radio 1 podcasts with Mika, and goodness, they are hilarious! Mika's impression of Scott Mills is GREAT. I did not expect him to be that good. Second link here, for anyone else who hasn't heard it yet. http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/rmhttp/downloadtrial/radio1/scottmillsdaily/rss.xml --Jack
  20. It was posted already wasn't it? Hahah, everyone's so excited over this video! I'm happy that it comes out so soon. --Jack
  21. True, we all know that every important matter of the heart is really determined by compatible taste in chocolates! Or maybe it's the other way around? After all, if you both like the same candy, you'd always be trying to steal it from the other one! Maybe Mika's looking for someone who absolutely loathes kitkats, so that he can always get them all! --Jack
  22. That whole day sounds so lovely, even if tiring! (By the way, am I the only person who thought that they SHOULD have had diet coke and pizza for lunch?) Did you go to Radio1 too, or was it someone else? I wonder if Mika recognizes you now. Actually, I wonder jemmalee, did he recognize you at the shoot? You have met him a few times before, haven't you? --Jack
  23. Kitkats the candy bar? Very smart of him; they are delicious! (sadly not vegan, but still delicious.) --Jack
  24. Well, I do have to admit... I probably wouldn't. I tend to see elephants in bonnets and leotards. A tutu? That really is a bit of plain crazy. --Jack
  25. Why do you think he's an otaku? We know he loves tamagotchis and toys, so he'll definitely have fun there, but an otaku specifically? Oh man, I hope he visits Harajuku and Shinjuku and gets himself some fun new clothing there though... he would love some of the shoes they have (or so I imagine). --Jack
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