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Piperita Patty

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Everything posted by Piperita Patty

  1. Io ho capito che il vecchio DVD è come la 500 e che il Blu-Ray è la Ferrari ...più o meno... Però non ho idea di che cosa possa leggerlo...... ......il chè potrebbe essere un problema....
  2. NOOO!!! avoca!! We're gonna miss you!! So, we will do our best with pics, hehe....

    I hope there will be a near day when we'll meet again *cough* eh, Mr.M?!

  3. Scruto, scruto....e come ha detto Fred, qst è the MFC/Facebook, ancora più virtuale di un forum


    a prestissimo!!! :)

  4. The joy to speak with a close friend, really far from you....
  5. ma...credo sia l'astinenza, l'assenza di concerti, di blogs, di notizie che ha fatto andare fuori anche i mods..... Forse molti non si ricordano più cosa facevano prima di stare incollati qua, o non si ricordano che ci sono altre attività ricreative nella real-life, FUORI, dove anche Mika vive.... E si inventano nuovi aggeggi e discussioni.... Io se avessi tutto qst tempo farei un sacco di cose: -cimentarmi nel disegno non solo "per hobby" -leggere un libro dietro l'altro -frequentare corsi di spagnolo, arabo e teologia -più volontariato -finire finalmente la borsa che ho iniziato anni fa -suonare senza pensare he devo fare altre cose, perchè avrei tempo! -fare un pò di ginnastica -imparare a cucinare senza avere ripercussioni su me stessa -....un sacco di altre cose A volte mi verrebbe voglia di proporre qlcs, ma poi mi dico: 1)non è affar mio che cosa fanno le persone; 2)siamo davvero arrivati a qst punto?
  6. Oh, cielo!! Cosa sono gli amici e i muri? Siamo diventati una succursale del Facebook? Lo scopo di tutto qst penso non esista, ma in che cosa consisterebbe? Il tuo buon vecchio profilo diventa ora una sottospecie di muro-blog?
  7. Oh, that would be cool!! I love her voice...I really hope they'll sort smt together.
  8. Oh, Gosh! I don't think you are!
  9. I really really like his voice and the way he speaks. I just love listening to his American Boy cover, even if I still don't like that song, his voice captures me and the same goes for Black & Gold (and I have to say that I almost like this one:wink2:). He reminds me a person I know, especially in some expressions of his face I think he is intriguing in a malicious way, yet not objectively 'handsome'.....as far as I concern anyway.. But, he's got an INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL MOUTH!!!! (I am mouth obsessive, actually... )
  10. Well, you know, when you've lost an entire summer! And I told you, it took me "a little while" ..... 172 pages, people...you're a mad of chatting!
  11. wow! Great reports and amazing pics! I took me a while to read it all Thank you Sariflor and all the others who made a resuming of all the reports and vids and pics at the beginning of the threads, I think it bacame neccessary! I can't stop watching My Interpretation
  12. oi oi oi...when you slurp you have to cover the glass with your hand so that it doesn't make any noises! It works!
  13. http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=cJhIX5M8lyI vado và che è meglio, se no col cavolo...!!
  14. Oh, no. I was in the tribune, in the left side, but very very close to the stage and as the stadium now is all new and everything, the places are numbered, so I went there just at 7:30pm.... I would only queue early for an other artist I didn't! There were so many people (even Luciano, il Liga, ma neanche lui ho visto!), actually I thought he was still "maybe", BUT! if you say he did come with his "magic-thing", THAT'S A VERY GOOD NEWS!!!
  15. Guys, it was FREAKING AMAZING!!! Chris had got such a voice but above all I absolutely LOVE Johnny plays guitar he is gifted, men! I could feel the thrills on my skin! Songs were various: from Viva la Vida, to X&Y, to A rush of blood into the head tracks and finally Yellow as encore. They were full of energy ans so nice with the audience, also speaking some Italian Will sang Death will never conquered and it was SO good! During Life in Technicolor we all shaked coloured baloons up in the air and just before Chris starting to sing The hardest part , one of them went on his piano and he played with it, he put it under his T-shirt and said: "This is like Coldplay will be in 30years" and then he staretd to play, it was quiet funny, but just after he remove the baloon So this it was, song by song more and more exciting and wonderful thanks to the incredible power of the music they can build..... Yearning vibe!
  16. Oh, allegra! Proprio te cercavo! ....anzichè di track messages, preoccupati della tua PM box !
  17. Today they're coming to Bologna!!! I'm going to see them, I'm SO excited, this album has got INCREDIBLE vibes!! I will report
  18. già! Parlo de PMs, quando ne scrivi uno, poi a sx c'è un trafiletto (chiamiamolo così) con tutte delle opzioni e lì c'è anche Track messages...
  19. robi! CIAO!! ti/vi volevo chiedere una cosa a chi c'è e chi la sa: Che cosa sono i Track messages? I messaggi-bozza?
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