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Everything posted by mariposa

  1. 5 Monate? Das ist doch recht lange. War bisher 1,5 Jahre in Frankreich und Belgien und 1 Jahr in Irland - und ab Oktober bin ich wieder ein Jahr in Frankreich (dieses Mal in Paris ). Die Ecke, wo du in Deutschland warst, kenne ich leider kaum. (zu weit im Norden ). Muss da dringend mal hin... Du wirst überrascht sein, aber ich bin seit Jahren ein absoluter Finnland-Freak . Ich LIEBE diese Sprache und höre viel Musik von finnischen Bands. War aber leider erst 1x in Finnland, hatte als Teenager immer vor, dorthin zu ziehen , naja, mal sehn, wo es mich in der Zukunft hinverschlägt... Ich kenne nicht viele Ausländer, die finden, dass Deutsch schön klingt...aber die Geschmäcker sind nunmal verschieden. Zum Glück! Für mich hat jede Sprache seinen Reiz!
  2. Ja, es ist immer die beste Möglichkeit eine Sprache direkt im Aulsand zu lernen Wie lange warst du denn in Deutschland?
  3. Thank u for all your vids, but especuially for this one! So amazing to see the look on Mika's face and how he tries to catch some bubbles!
  4. So it was your idea? Wow! Such a fabulous idea! You must be very happy it turned out to work so amazingly well! Congrats!
  5. Thank you Saskia for your amazing report! Sounds like yet another great Mika gig experience! And coolcat: thank you for translating this great great review of the gig. seems like the author was pretty much impressed with Mika's show, the band, the atmosphere etc. - Wow! @eRoks: I can't read Latvian, but I can see that the review/you gave him 9,5 out of 10 stars for this gig! Yay! Close to perfection, isn't it?! edit: Alright, I had it translated by google translate and I got to properly read the review now. Thanks for sharing! http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eroks.lv%2Fapskati%2Fmika_koncerta_apskats&sl=lv&tl=en
  6. ok, you may eat a bit first @Dreamy_Queen: Glad you had such a good time!
  7. from twitter Lauminjaaa @mikasounds You we're fantastic here in Riga! During the concert it felt like I've known you for years..That's how good it was! Brilliant! LilianaOzolina it's not possible find words for saying thanks to @mikasounds for amazing show in riga. dijaana My soul is fully filled with love and warmth. @mikasounds concert was the best ever! Happy ending <3 KatrinaKamilla @mikasounds Mika was just amazing in Riga! Paldies! I was 8 feet away from the stage. And right now I lost my voice but it was worth it :] Elinii @mikasounds Thank you for the wonderful and amazing concert in Riga! You all were great! I can't even describe it.. You are awesome! <3 ChocalateLV Your concert ( @mikasounds) here at Riga was great.Your voice is so incomparable and awesome! Fans her love you! Thank you for concert! -Fan saneandshining @mikasounds a hot hot fabulous night! Thank you! Nora_KK @mikasounds Thank you for this amazing gig! WOW! I could say so much but the main thing is plain and simple - THANK YOU. If someone wants to Nora_KK @mikasounds know why people all around the world love you and respect you so much - just go and see Mika live. You give 100% and more and Nora_K @mikasounds your fans adore you for that. Thank you Mika! Sweet dreams! P.S. Your Latvian was really thumbs up. )) elinaka Man jau nu @mikasounds koncerts dikti patika. Tāds šausmonīgi pozitīvs un jauks. Arlabunakti. Agnese_Bremmane Went to MIKA (@Mikasounds), since my friend bought me a ticket, liked the show, the interraction, lovely! I wonder - did he like LV/Riga KatrinaKamilla @mikasounds I cant stop talking about the concert! It was just outstanding and its really nice that Mika learned some words in Latvian :]
  8. Thanks for the new reports! I really enjoyed reading them. Well, looks like you got infected with Mika-gig-fever then. There's no cure @Marianne: Thanks for the answer. Such a shame I can't read the original poetic Finnish version
  9. Thanks for the translation! Does it mean that the crowd was singing along a lot?
  10. Oh wow, those sailor hats are indeed v. cool! Thank you for your reports etc.
  11. awww! lovely report! no gap sounds great, too! anybody could tell me what exactly Mika said in Finnish? kiitos! great vids (as always!) so cool your boys also enjoyed the gig!
  12. Thank you for the first reports, pix & vids! looks like an amazing gig! can't wait to learn more about it! @Statue: Thanks again for calling me when KA was played! I really enjoyed it and I heard a lot of people singing along and screaming!
  13. Hamel yesterday on the SAT1 Hamburg regional news (in German) =41&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=46032"]http://www.hamburg.1730sat1.de/aktuell-hh.html?&cHash=56b521bb10&tx_ttnews[backPid]=41&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=46032
  14. c'mon, I'm totally not. yes, I talked to him a bit. And he said he remembered when I gave him the pic from Munich to sign. Hoping now to learn very soon about some possible gig dates (maybe in France given that I'll move there in September?! )
  15. Well, I only got there at around 19:30 since I had an exam at uni until 6pm and then rushed straight to the station to catch my train to Karlsruhe. Hasibobberle picked me up there and we were at the venue in no time. Pretty cool atmosphere. Looked more like a beach bar or s.th. When we arrived Leator was already there and a few others - but not to many... (given that I was already scared if we could still get a good spot lol). Got adrink and waited in the evening sun until they let us enter the tent. And - yay - we made it to the front and waited for Hamel & band to take the stage... That's us! At about 20:30 the show started and the show was absolutlely fantastic! (--> I'm not fangurling , but it was really really really outstanding!!!) I think Wouter is some kind of musical genious...It's hard to describe, but his songs just got s.th. which is hard to describe. And live they are even better! Actually a lot better than the recorded versions! Here's the setlist: The atmosphere was great! People were dancing and clapping and singing along and always giving them all the applause their deserved. I preferd this show to his Munich show I went to see. People were reacting a lot more enthousiastic yesterday. And, oh my, the band is just excellent. Such talented musicians - incredible! Leator, Hasibobberle and me took turns recording the whole show - they will all be up on this channel (in HD) http://www.youtube.com/user/Tschedai (leators channel) Brings back memories of last night watching them The frst songs are already up. Moreover, I also recorded a few bits (not the same quality as the other vids, though). Here's We have today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsBCqStS-dQ (still processing) part of Farewell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VngprRAZmSc Oh, and during Filthy McNasty Wouter came down the stage and made Hasi shout out "Filthy McBNasty" After See you once again they came back for an encore (Filthy McNasty - and they did a second encore Farewell - which I hadn't heard live yet!) After the gig everyone left the tent and we asked one of the zeltival people where to wait for Wouter. You could get his international "Nobody's tune" cd version there. And so many people wanted to buy one that new ones had to be gotton! When Wouter & his band members suddenly showed up, so many people wnted to have their cds etc signed - he clearly made an impression that night. We stayed back for a while until most people were done and I had my cd and pic from Munich signed. We asked him if it was possible to take a picture in the very end and he agreed so we stayed back and waited for a while. It was lovely to see him interact with his fans. At one point there was a boy (maybe 10 years!) who came to see him and told him s.th. in English (learnt by heart), like two sentences about how he thinks Wouter is extraordinary. he then suddenly urned around and walked away. Such a cute moment So the "big pic moment" was there. Leator, Hasi, me and another huge fan (who came all the way from Munich) got our pic with Wouter - and it turned out a trillion times better than the one I got in Munich (I looked horrible in that one) - but I LOVE the new one. Oh, and I still can't get over how young he's looking. Well, I decided to "blame" it on his good genes. ha! Kinda sad I couldn't make it to Stuttgart today...But I will go and see him again - the earlier, the better!
  16. It was an awesome gig! So happy I went after all! http://twitpic.com/25y4yy
  17. great! would be really stupid if you couldn't make it.
  18. Did you check if there's a "Mitfahrgelegenheit" or s.th.? That's a pretty easy and not so expensive way of getting from one place to another?
  19. @Lonnie: Oh yes, he's really big in Russia, isn't he? I've been a big fan for the first couple of months after he had won eurovision, but then I somehow lost interest...Still listening to his album from time to time but very seldom. But I love what the press mad out of him and Lena getting along well :roftl:Especially in Germany they wrote about their assumed relationship all the time... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tj2y8Y6140
  20. Well, after all it looks like we will eb able to make it...Just to be sure I already bought my ticket - makes the decision easier That's really cool that this gig got added to his shows. Wouldn't have expected to see him again so soon. Oh, and I'm always up for that MFC Mika-Wouter double fans attending a gig together. Would be so amazing!
  21. Yes!!! Make sure to tell us how it went afterwards Might go and see him again in July I could help you out from time to time, too. Though these days I'm not online that much - so it's great to see so many people can help you out! @Deb: We should all go to Wouter gig one day - wouldn't that be awesome?
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