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Everything posted by mariposa

  1. love this pic! T4p! lovey pix, Maggy Made me go Judging from the pix the makeup looked amazing So, well, since I was in Paris anyway I decided last minute to go to the venue anyway (where I met johnny06 and one of his friends) - just in case. Was quite an experience to see all the VIPs enter the venue. Since we didn't have any tickets (and seeing the venue we immediately knew it wasn't even worth trying to get in), we decided to leave the venue as soon as the gig had started and spend the evening somewhere else - was still a lot of fun! Looking forwards to seeing more footage of last night's gig though...
  2. Is it already online somewhere? Would love watching it! Sounds great from what everybody has said so far...
  3. I only just managed to pick up my ticket for this gig from the post office - and had a shock. On my ticket it says "catégorie 1 - assis placement libre" though I would actually never chose a seat for a Mika gig So I guess I must have hit the wrong button by mistake when ordering my ticket back in autumn. HELP So now I'm looking for someone who is willing to swap tickets. I'm looking for a standing ticket, you will get my seated ticket (GA). Please contact me via PN if you're interested. en français Je viens de chercher mon ticket à la poste et en lisant la lettre j'ai eu un choc - j'ai commandé un ticket "catégorie 1 - assis placement libre" par erreur. Je préférerais un ticket débout. Donc, si qqc aimerait échanger son ticket debout (car cette person cherche en fait un ticket assis) pour mon ticket assis ça serait génial. Contactez-moi par MP si cela vous intéresse. Merci.
  4. I only just managed to pick up my ticket for this gig from the post office - and had a shock. On my ticket it says "catégorie 1 - assis placement libre" though I would actually never chose a seat for a Mika gig So I guess I must have hit the wrong button by mistake when ordering my ticket back in autumn. HELP So now I'm looking for someone who is willing to swap tickets. I'm looking for a standing ticket, you will get my seated ticket (GA). Please contact me via PN if you're interested. en français Je viens de chercher mon ticket à la poste et en ouvrant la lettre j'ai eu un choc - j'ai commandé un ticket "catégorie 1 - assis placement libre" par erreur. Je préférerais un ticket débout. Donc, si qqc aimerait échanger son ticket debout (car cette person cherche en fait un ticket assis) pour mon ticket assis ça serait génial. Contactez-moi par MP si cela vous intéresse. Merci.
  5. Je sais que d'habitude je ne passe pas souvent par le thread français, mais en lisant ton message j'aurais quand même voulu y répondre. Merci bcp de nous passer son bonjour! Depuis que j'ai lu son tweet avec l'info qu'elle sera à l'hôpital il y a quelques jours j'ai très fort pensé à elle. On pense tous et toutes à elle.
  6. Hi! Well, I don't know if you had already talked about it in this thread (I mean, I can read the word "circus", but that's about it ), but I was just wondering whether you have already been to a gig at the Circus? What kind of venue is it? How many people do fit in there? Ah, I would so love going to this gig, let's hope that they won't let me have an exam the LAST day of my exams period. Btw, it just occurred to me that Mika might even be talking a few sentences of Finnish that night. I so need to make it. *sighs*
  7. Ah, they call Mika the new "messiah of pop" lol, but they also use the term "glamour boy" But all in all a very very positive review (almost enthousiastic ) - Yay!
  8. was wondering the same....so...hmm. I guess I will just be the mouse then. I mean, I love sleeping...But don't wanna miss out on the entire gig
  9. Ahhh, cool. Thanks for posting, freestyle! The atmosphere in the crowd was amazing in Munich for "Kick ass". People even kept cheering afterwards and yelling "Mika, Mika, Mika!". Haven't seen this happening at other venues. So, thank you!
  10. Thank you. Might be considering getting this one then when I will buy a new cam. Well done whatsoever It's fun watching it again!
  11. would love to know that, too. I know I'm late, but would still love to take part in the project.
  12. lol, ok. That was actually quite funny when the whole stage was covered in smoke all of a sudden (and I was wrong then - knew it ) Jeeny, your pix are absoutely AMAZING!!! THANK YOU!!! These are my fave ones http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/1547/p1050408.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/i/p1050404r.jpg/ http://img2.imageshack.us/i/p1050395d.jpg/ http://img202.imageshack.us/i/p1050371y.jpg/ http://img695.imageshack.us/i/p1050336b.jpg/
  13. Was it "Henry"? Somehow this name comes to my mind, not sure though. My mind could be playing tricks on me...'cause me, too, have been taking drugs since Munich to make it to the Stuttgart and Basel gigs Didn't hear anything about the Phantom of the Opera...Anybody got that? I'm curious now.
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