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Everything posted by Veerr

  1. Happy Ending! It's beautiful! Especially the balloon thing.<3
  2. You scored as a "Lollipop" You are person-butterfly, outgoing, simple, very humorous. Though many people may think you are too happy and see the world in pink colors. However, even though you are a bit crazy and may jump around and laugh without stopping, you see what's going on around you clearly - you just try to make it look sweeter for yourself. ("Lollipop" 85% "Relax (Take It Easy)"60% "Love Today" 55% "Stuck In The Middle 50% "Grace Kelly" 50% "My Interpretation" 40% "Billy Brown" 25% "Any Other World" 25% ) It's kinda right... People do think that I'm much happier then I really am.
  3. Mijn kaartjes zijn er, al liggen ze nog bij mijn vriendin. Krijg ze morgen.xD We moeten gewoon iets afspreken dat iedereen opdoet ofzo. OF we plaatsen gewoon foto's. ;-)
  4. YES! I have the same problem with mine (I BOUGHT THE MIKA WATCH<3) I have to leave it in the bathroom when I try to sleep!
  5. Does anyone already have the tickets?
  6. I think that I'm pretty annoying if I don't have enough drama lessons. Very very annoying. My brain explodes from all the stupid ideas that I get.
  7. I don't think I'm an artist on this moment, but I want to become one in the future. My passion is acting, because you can be a whole different person. It's almost magical to react like another person, to think as another person, to be another person. Near that I'm totally in love with the environment (?) behind the screens in a theatre. It's amazing to feel all the adrenaline and to get an applause. Wonderfull. I hope that I at one day become good enough to earn my money with acting, untill then it's my favourite hobby. <3
  8. Does anyone have cute Ka-Chingggg pic's for me?
  9. I'm searching for a looooot 'Ka-ching-moment' pictures! So come on guys!
  10. Veerr

    Which vid ??

    Grace Kelly, it's a beautiful clip. The only thing is that Mika on some moments in that clip a little arrogant looks.
  11. I'm not going to this concert. *cry* But two days later I will see him in belgium!!!
  12. Yeah, I expect my tickets in like uhm.. a week?
  13. YEAAAH. Cool.:shades: I'll go in Amsterdam ór in Brussels. Must see which is better for me. xD
  14. YEAAAH. Cool.:shades: I'll go in Amsterdam ór in Brussels. Must see which is better for me. xD
  15. Yaaaay! If I find someone to go with maby my dad will drive us to Brussels!!!!!!
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