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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. If I was in a happy, loving relationship, then hell no! I don't think I'd even consider it if that was the case, 'cause I doubt I'd even be interested if I was already in love with some other guy. (Hell, even when I've only had little crushes in the past, I completely lost interest in other guys...) (Ooooh, 500th post!)
  2. I feel kind of... blegh. Got home from uni around 6, then looked at my e-mail and discovered my Shan Buddhism floater course might be cancelled 'cause I'm the only person doing it, which could mean I'd have to do an extended essay instead, despite being rubbish at essays. Then I looked at the messages on my phone, and it turned out that I got one from a friend saying it'd be best if we ended our friendship. And then I saw people being rather angry at each other and stuff... These three things all got together, sat round a table, plotted to at least subtract from my previous good mood, and promptly carried out their wicked plans. Blagh. Evil dratsabs! (Hee, 'dratsabs'! I like that. How I love to play with words, wheeeeheehee...) MIKAAAAAA!! I DEMAND A HUG!! >x( (LOL. I never seem to be able to stay serious while being depressing, probably because I automatically try to 'de-depress' what I'm saying for the sake of other people's sanity XD)
  3. Something that I really like about both Mika and his music is the way he manages to project a kind of non-annoying optimism. You see, a lot of the time, when someone's optimistic, I'll find that they're kind of blindly optimistic and don't want to see that there are actually lots of things about life that are pretty damned depressing. Mika, on the other hand, has his "hyperreality", as he calls it, which acknowledges that bad stuff can and does happen, but also works to inject a bit of fun and colour into life. Because of this, I find that his songs make me feel good, even when I'm feeling horribly crappy, which is a MASSIVE help, 'cause I'm, well... (how do I put it without being depressing? XD; ) ... not the strongest of people. He just kind of seems to radiate positivity in a way I've never really seen before, and I just think it's great, y'know? (Did that make any sense at all? XDDD; ) Also, eccentric people rock mah socks!
  4. Some of my favourites: Lacrimosa Björk Uematsu Nobuo Frank Klepacki Kanno Youko Joy Division Muse Brian Eno Madness
  5. HOLY MOTHERFUDGE. I come home from uni, cook my dinner, then I see this! What a fabulous end to a rather long-ish day! I dig dig DIG the hair x 50 bajillion. He looks so classy... aiaiai...!! *fans self* It's really quite an achievement to provoke a reaction like this in me now that I seem to have gone almost asexual... =O
  6. Hahahahaha! *gets a mental image of Mika trying to fatten up on mince pies*
  7. I don't think he ought to do a whole Christmas album, but it'd be cool if he did his own Christmas song. Then I could add it to my excessively long list of songs made for that time of year...
  8. *is roffling at the mental picture of Marilyn Manson doing ballet* :roftl: Hmm, a Marilyn Manson-ified 'Stuck in the Middle', I wonder what that would sound like...?
  9. Whyyyy do I have a Christmas song stuck in my head? WHYYYYYY?? Urk. Got lots of kanji to study today, as well as various other homework to do. Moooo. I just wanna go back on Final Fantasy VII XD Cloud's now Level 60, and I STILL haven't completed Disk 1! And I've mastered a whole load of materia... Jenova-LIFE is gonna get severely pwned, especially since I think Cloud will have his Limit Break at the beginning of the battle, mwahahahaha! Meteorain = major pwnage!
  10. Yeah, the band's also called Marilyn Manson. They used to be called The Spooky Kids, then Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids, then just Marilyn Manson, IIRC. I quite like what I've heard from Antichrist Superstar, as well as some of their other singles... I should probably listen to more of their stuff. =D
  11. Cloud is now at Level 48. I haven't even talked to Cid in Rocket Town yet! =O Jenova-LIFE is gonna get pwned like SHOOP DA WOOP XD ... I need to go to bed. @_@;
  12. I remember when I first played Final Fantasy VII nearly 10 years ago, I had Cloud at about Level 30 by the end of the first disk, and I thought that was amazing. Now that I'm playing through it again, I'm just about to do the Nibelheim bit on Disk 1, and Cloud's on Level 38! I'm hoping to get to Level 50 by the end of the disk... plus I NEED to get Aerith's ultimate Limit Break, because despite her physical weakness, she is teh pwnage at magic, and her Limit Breaks are motherfudging amazing. I don't think I realised before just how much of an asset Aerith is during battle... but then, I was rather young when I first played it. (I would've been 10 at the time, goodness me...) Ah, FFVII, how I love thee...
  13. For me, it just depends on what kind of dance it is. If it was something like industrial/EBM, then hell yes! If it was more like this Armand Van Helden stuff, then no... well actually, maybe, 'cause Mika sings nicely XD
  14. Nice singing, but GAH CLUB REMIX. >_< I mean, it's not awful, but I would've preferred it if it had been more of a slow-ish industrial/EBM version rather than this club-tastic techno... I think that would've been less annoying xP So saying that, this version might grow on me a little...
  15. Ecky-what? XD *asks Wikipedia about it* Ooooh, maybe I should give that a go! Thanks!
  16. I only really have it with my cereal, though I do rather like my cheese... Gaaahhh, I hope milk is not the culprit in my case! I don't like soy milk, it's manky...
  17. I have a permanent all-year-round cold, which is annoying, as the fact that my throat is always full of... manky stuff o.O means that I can't really sing properly, and for someone who's obsessed with music and who dreamed of being a professional musician as a young girl, that's rather depressing. Plus I keep getting loads of headaches recently, and I can't just ignore them and get on with stuff, because if I do, they'll get worse and I'll start to feel all sick and vomity and stuff. Mehhhhhhh! And I have really sensitive eyes that weep at anything! Double mehhhhhhh! To be honest, I think I could go on forever about stuff that's wrong with me LOL, but I think that's enough whinging from me for now XD
  18. LOL yeah, I tried to do it not long ago and just ended up hurting my hand :roftl: owwie!
  19. Kanji are driving me insane AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH. Ah well, only 4 kanji lessons to go after this! Not like I'm actually gonna remember all fifty bajillion by the time I have my so-called 'Welcome Back Test', but at least I'm pretty sure I'll pass now XD If it all goes wrong, though, and I fail my Welcome Back Test, I'll get booted out of uni! Noooooooo! But that shan't happen. For I shall pwnz0r teh Japanese teachers with my l33t Nihongo skillz! ... sort of.
  20. I like classical music! I really like Renaissance and Baroque era music in particular (lutes and harpsichords FTW!), but there's great stuff from all eras, I think. I love stuff that's in the minor key XD (Actually, Shostakovich did some gorgeous pieces in the minor key, ahhhh...) and I also like modes, whole tone scales, and serialism if it's used effectively (it can sound awful otherwise) - basically, 'weird' tonality is good LOL! And I think that classical countertenors are majorly spiffy
  21. I was just doing some kanji revision while listening to my Urusei Yatsura TV Themes CD, and I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if I could sing 'Cosmic Cycler' with Mika?"
  22. I think if I'd never heard of Mika and then randomly ended up talking to him at some point, I'd probably be like, "Yay, a fellow weirdo! =D" XDDD But anyway. Before I'd heard Mika's music, I didn't really give a damn about him... his looks didn't do anything for me, so I had nothing to fangirl over. But then I heard his music, thought it was pretty crazy and cool, and then I saw a couple of interviews, thought he seemed pretty crazy and cool, and then the (TAME!!) fangirlage commenced! XD If he'd looked like, say, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, but ultimately seemed to be rather boring, I would've just seen him as eye-candy, and any fangirlage would've been brief. But because he seems like quite a nutcase (I mean that in a good way XD) AND is talented too, the (TAME!!) obsession has lasted quite a while! That's what started my Björk obsession too, as well as my Brian Eno obsession
  23. 1982: McFly - Town Called Malice (The Jam) 2001: Girls Aloud - Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *throws a fit* It'll be interesting to hear Mika cover that song, though... (and The Editors are covering The Cure, ahhhhh!! )
  24. Woo, this sounds fun XD Could you add me to the list, please?
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