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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. Meh, my opinion is that he can think what he wants to think about Mika - he's entitled to his own opinion, after all. Of course, I don't agree with him, but well, tough, not everyone in the world is gonna agree on everything. *shrugs*
  2. Ooooh, Mr. Wolf has just posted another bulletin: "and what I meant was Please lets put an end to over marketed, expensive heartless tacky rubbish, autotune, airbrush should i market myself to look OUTRAGEOUS and kooky or would it be easier if I sold records by playing safe and serene and for the family to save more record sales. Cliff richard. enrique iglesias. mutton dressed as lamb. what we all need in this time of super superficialities is gristle and bone and passion and soul and true stars that havent come from the end of showbiz academy jazz hands school I never got an education for what i do, I woke up with a passion to sing and write and communicate from the bottom of my dirty teenage heart and we should be more aware of what is fed to us as genetically modified music and what is organic music, this is not about gender or sexuality, its just a bad time for music and I cant stand on the sideline with a fake smile. Sure, everybody likes a good show.. and and entertainer but liberace had the flying limousine and hotpants. I went to hear my violinist Victoria Sutherland play Schuberts last piano trio yesterday morning, it was in st marys church on the strand right opposite somerset house where we played only about thirteen hours before. it was the first time in many months I heard a piece of music that totally seized my body with emotion. I suddenly woke up out of the forced ataraxy of the previous night. Franz Shubert died of syphilis and mercury poisoning at the age of 30 with almost all of his compositions refused to be played by orchestras or definitely unpublished, I demand justice for good music and firebrands who refiuse to compromise to be popular. Or at least a good meal or two in the process to keep them going. Stay true, free and fierce peoples and enjoy your summer.... xxx pw"
  3. Yeah I know, LOL! I still want to know what made him say that... No, I didn't get to in the end =( ah well!
  4. Naw, I guess I was too busy desperately trying to give him the koala biccies I got for him XD
  5. Ahhh, I love 'The Childcatcher'! XD 'Tis certainly not suitable for poor little innocent kiddywinks' ears... I always thought Patrick Wolf looked like something out of a fantasy book, especially with his uber-funky red hair (I love brightly coloured hair, haha!)... He is majorly spiffy indeed I don't think I've ever actually seen Mika angry. But yeah, Leos are generally rather scary when ticked off, I've noticed XD;
  6. *le gasp!* Well, fancy that! I wonder what happened to make him say that? XD; I'm intrigued! I disagree with him, though, because if Mika was truely a twat, he wouldn't have bothered apologising and asking me if I was alright after accidentally thwacking me in the face (the memory of which I STILL giggle over every time I think about it)! Maybe Mr. Wolf got burnt by the Leo fire XD (According to my astrology knowledge, Cancer x Leo = not a match made in heaven, hahahaha... this seems to be true of most starsigns next to each other [/geekage]) Despite all this, I still think Mr. Wolf is a genius XD
  7. Heh, yeah, I get ya XD Wahahahaha! XD I'm too slow to think of stuff like that on the spot, unfortunately!
  8. Haha, ja, 'twas me all along... Was that really meant to be provocative? I thought it was just Patrick Wolf being... Patrick Wolf XD; *gets a nosebleed at the thought*
  9. MY REPORT THINGER!! 8D (Sorry it's a little late, I didn't get up 'til about half 1 this afternoon, then I got a headache so rested some more, then I went into depressive mode... XD; ) I was dressed up as Tristania/Dark Lollipop Girl yesterday, and I had loads of people give me strange looks, ask me about my costume, and/or take a photo of me, and this was even before I'd reached West Kensington station to go to Piccadilly! XD I got there at 11, expecting there to be hoards of brightly coloured Mika fans gathered around... but I only saw Marianne84, standing around all on her own! I gave her a lollipop, and we chatted for a bit while we waited... and waited... and waited... XD (it probably wasn't even all that long, but it felt like forever!) then eventually, we saw hotdlp and Laura, and then a little while after that, we spotted a whole bunch of the others on the other side of the fountain. Soon after that, we headed on down to Somerset House. On the way, I realised that my shoes were stopping me from being able to keep up from the rest of the group (as well as generally killing my feet), so I ended up having to take them off. Then when we started walking again, my little paper bag, in which I had various foodstuffs for the day, decided it had had enough and died spectacularly. XD Luckily, Laura came to my rescue and supplied me with a replacement bag (THANK YOU once again!). We got to Somerset House at about 1 o'clock or so, shortly after which I almost got crushed to death by a falling barrier thinger XDDD (thanks again to those who came to my rescue!), and then we waited around and chatted and stuff. Alan Cumming rode in on a taxibike at one point, which was slightly unexpected! Later on, loads of jugglers, balloon people, people on stilts, ladies with ribbons, etc. came along to entertain us while we were in the queue, though to be honest, I was more entertained by the loud singing of various Mika songs coming from behind me. XD When we were let in, I ran as fast as I could with my achey breaky feet to the stage, and ended up right near the front! I was well chuffed XD and I started to get hugely excited while I was waiting for Patrick Wolf to come on. He was f***ing AMAZING, seriously. And he was his usual adorable self, saying thank you each time the audience applauded him, and telling us little stories about various things, like his near-dead keyboard that he got when he was 16 ("I think Somerset House is a good place to die!" XD). Some guy requested that he perform 'The Childcatcher', but he said, "Nooooo, too many kids here!" *LOL* I'd hoped he'd perform 'Bloodbeat', but it was just as good to hear 'Tristan' instead. Then Mika came on, and I was merrily singing along to every song and waving my second lollipop of the day (my first one died with my paper bag) around like a mentalist, even briefly getting hand cramps at one point! XD I was kind of amused by the smoke effect thinger that was going on during Over My Shoulder - my mind was going, "Ooooh, teh atmosphere!1!11" 'cause I think I was in too much of a silly mood to really appreciate what was going on, LOL. I was even smiling like a loon while singing along to the song! I enjoyed Mika's rendition of 'You've Got the Love', 'twas very good. Overall, I had lots of fun just generally being insane XDDD Afterwards, a group of us went to wait for Mika, and he eventually did come out, but he wasn't able to stay for long, so I didn't get to give him the Japanese koala biccies that I wanted to give him... I did, however, get an accidental thwack in the face from Mika, which amused me muchly. :roftl: I'm still amused that the only face-to-face communication I managed to get with Mika was him asking if I was okay after the thwackage and me replying "Yeah" while giggling like a loon, hahahaha! Ah well, maybe I'll get to actually talk to him and go into anime/manga/music-geek-mode in December... I walked around for a while afterwards trying to find a bus home, but eventually went "Screw it!" and got a cab instead. I briefly went online, then realised I was bloomin' exhausted, so much so that I went to sleep without even bothering to take my makeup off. XD And that's all, folks!
  10. Yo! Just got back from the concert not long ago. I'll write out my report-thinger tomorrow (well, more like later today now XD) probably... I'm too tired at the moment!
  11. Yup! I can't believe that not only am I seeing Mika tomorrow, but Patrick Wolf too! This makes tomorrow's concert doubly cool!
  12. Wow, can't believe it's tomorrow! I've just put all the stuff I need in my bag, and am currently worrying whether or not I'll sleep through the sound of my alarm clock (I probably won't, but I may set my mobile phone's alarm on too just to be extra safe *LOL*) So... some of us are meeting by the Eros statue/memorial fountain thinger in Piccadilly at about 11AM, am I right?
  13. I was briefly a reject. I was just too weird and nerdy for many people to be able to cope with. *LOL* But over the years, I gathered a group of geeks, nerds and general oddities, and it was like a katamari, rolling along getting bigger and bigger. By the end of the Sixth Form, it had merged with a few other 'weird' groups, and we took up half the common room! Ironically, though, because I'd gotten SO much weirder over the years, I ended up feeling sort of like the odd one out... my anxieties just took over, I suppose, and I even started experiencing depersonalisation and derealisation, probably as a defence mechanism. Though I have plenty of friends who are very kind and patient with me now, I think I'll always feel like the 'odd one out', even if my friends don't think of me like that.
  14. NOOOOOO NOT THE TELETUBBIES!! D= A Teletubby: Eh-ohhhh! Me: SPEAK PROPERLY, DAMN YOU!! *thwap!* You're not cute and you're not clever! I miss the days when kids could go to Button Moon with Mr. Spoon, or cheer on Fireman Sam, or enjoy another day in the life of Postman Pat (NOT the cartoon, GAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!)... *teh old granny XD*
  15. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away... (Well, more like in my parents' house in Kent...) ... I was sitting in the kitchen, probably having my lunch or something, and this new song started playing on the radio. I never really listen to the radio properly when it's on, and upon hearing this new song, I thought to myself, "Oh, it's Robbie Williams trying to sing high. That's nice." and dismissed it. *ROFL* Some time later, I read about this random Lebanese dude called Mika in a music magazine, and thought, "Oh, perhaps I should check his music out." Unfortunately, though, I kind of forgot about him almost straight afterwards. XD Fast forward to about the end of March this year, and I was in Virgin Megastore with my classmates. I saw Mika's album, and thought, "Oh yeah, I was gonna check out his music ages ago..." When I went back to Kent after the end of the term, I sat down with my laptop in the living room and YouTubed some of Mika's songs. I discovered that the song that I'd dismissed as "Robbie Williams trying to sing high" was in fact called 'Grace Kelly', and wasn't by Robbie Williams at all! XD Then I heard 'Love Today', and thought, "Hey, this guy's pretty good!" I listened to 'Lollipop' after that, which I ended up playing about a billion times over. Then I thought, "Hmm, I don't actually know anything about this guy... let's see if I can find some interviews!" After having seen the Popworld one where he skipped to the zoo, I just went, "Hahahaha, he's fabulous!" Soon afterwards, I listened to the whole of LiCM, and I was majorly hooked. ~The end!~
  16. I'm obsessed with music, and I like most genres Some of the other stuff I listen to: - Bob Marley - Queen - Inugami Circus Dan - Björk - Rammstein - Amadou & Mariam - Shiina Ringo - Lacrimosa - Brian Eno - Fiona Apple - Apocalyptica - Nookicky - Korn - Enya - Klaus Nomi - Joy Division - Rufus Wainwright - Malice Mizer - Jim Noir - Muse - Patrick Wolf - Madness - Közi - Radiohead
  17. If it does rain, I can probably fit a couple of people under my trusty brolly (which I take everywhere with me now because of this mental unpredictable weather)
  18. Well, erm... of course, me being me, I'd go into geek mode and ask something like, "What's your current favourite anime? =D" *LOL*
  19. Well, I dunno, but makes me think of Mika...
  20. 88%! O_O Bloomin' 'ecks becks! I was expecting to get something hideously low... (I'm a pessimist, LOL) Awww, I only got 65% when paired with my long-time love, the Internet... =/ And 36% when paired with technology?! This is an outrage!
  21. Um, wow. I didn't really pay much attention to that thread before, but reading through it, I've been laughing my head off. I guess there are some jokes that some people just don't get... Has that been happening due to the recent cancellations and illness thing and stuff? I must admit, when I briefly thought all the illness stuff might have been made up or something (there appears to be proof now that he is actually ill, just not with pneumonia), I did have some angry thoughts, but that was in a dammit-I-was-worried-about-you-because-you-rock-mah-socks kinda way XD;
  22. Aww, that drawing of Mika smiling is so freakin' cute! XD <3 Anyhow, my random thought: Why is it that people think you're sad if you love the Eurovision over here? You get some real gems in it, like 'Lane Moje' by Zeljko Joksimovic & Ad Hoc Orchestra, and 'Vukovi Umiru Sami' by Boris Novkovic. Then there are also TONS of absolutely hilarious ones ("WE ARE THE WEE-NERS!! [WE ARE! WE ARE!!]") XD Feh, I guess it's their loss.
  23. Well, it would've been 'Tommy Airline' by Tommy february6, but the Japanese edition has this stupid protection thing on it which would've meant I wouldn't be able to play it on my laptop (and my hi-fi's down in Kent) Soooo... it was 'Volta' by Björk, the Icelandic goddess
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