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Everything posted by elizabethlovesmika

  1. i thought it was hard to get into med school anywhere!! my bro told me a handful of ppl in his class dropped out the like first weeks cus they werent willing to do the work! haha thatd prob be me cus im suchhh a procrastinator!
  2. MY GOD that sucks! im sure ull do fine tho! my bro has to take some really big test like that too..i knew u had to be like at the top of your class to get to the profession that is in highest demand but i dont remember hearing of a test like that! ahh so scary!!!!
  3. ooo wow i hate tenth grade! i just wanna be out of high school it sucks mucho! i was happy today to find that i can get on this forum in my intro to computers class!! even tho everything else is blocked in my gay school! MIKA OUTSMARTED THE SYSTEM!! rock on!
  4. haha no dont go cus of that! im sure your doing fine!!! what kinda doctor do u wanna be? i was thinking radiologist maybe...im undecided! id definitly chat up my patients with mika talk! unfortunatly im only in 10th grade so thats a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way off!
  5. yoppapopp how r u on here so often if u r in med school!!!?? my bro is in med school and my other bro is in dental and my sis is in college and damnn they are always complaining that they have no time to do anything!
  6. heeeeeeeey i wanna go to med school too!!!
  7. ive heard mika say that hes made a song for a bubblegum commercial but ive never heard it and i cant find it so if you have it could you please share!!!??
  8. Mika:ok so feeding time is coming up in about 5 minutes INterviewer: ok MIka:I CANT HAVE IT DIE AGAIN! IT DIED YESTERDAY SO I HAD TO GIVE BIRTH TO IT ALL OVER AGAIN..precisely cus i ignored it and put it in my bag and was doing work so i keep it on now and just feed it because some things in life are more important than work! keeping your tamagochi alive is more important (giggles o so cutley) Interviewer: OK!....thats interesting..ok ive never heard of tamagochi though.. Mika: really interviewer: yah Mika: You know what? you should try it..it makes you feel at one with your feminine side...maternal side haha i know its not just one quote but this conversation was just too cute to keep to myself!!! if u wanna see the rest of the interview here it is ps what exactly is a tagamochi!? is it like a gigga pet?
  9. love the furry pants pics hahahahha too funny! i wanna see mika strip on stage!
  10. aw guys we all know scars on guys are sexy! especially MIKA!
  11. haha mikas too funny! i want him to post in something i have! has mika ever posted in mfc?
  12. LUCKYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS have fun! squeeze him extra hard when u have a hug for me!
  13. that site has NEVER let me on that forum i have no clue why ive tried on different computers too so weird...i love this forum tho its soo funny
  14. haha i have mika written on both my hands every day hes all over my books in my locker in my notebook hes EVERYWHERE computer and i usually use the back of the posters i do for school as mika shrines and turn them in ive had a few teachers question who mika was haha... we even had to put gloves on for disection and before i could even touch my frog i took out a pen and wrote mika and and drew a pic of him on my gloves haha hes the only sunshine in my life when im in school:wub2:
  15. i forgot his accent haha just hearing him talk makes me smile!
  16. i sat here for like 5 min straight trying to think of one thing i might possibly dislike on mika.......but i cant think of anything! this boy is just to perfect!
  17. haha im totally buying this watch..or having my friend buy it for me for my bday...i think its funny that mika probably made the sales of this watch increase by like 1000000000% hes just that cool
  19. omg gotta love the voice hair face haha body butttt hairyness his unique style his braces his multiple watch wearing his eyes his smile his being tall his skinniness EYES hell even his nose is cute AND HIS LAUGH MY GOD I LOVE HIS LAUGH!!! we kinda laugh the same...which is kinda weird cus ive always been told i have a weird laugh.. u cant forget his feeeeeeeeeeet hahahahhahahah:wub2: maybe im too obsessed?
  20. i wonder if i could start a new trend at my school if i bought like 50 pairs of braces and wore a different pair everday....im sure they would just all look at me as if i was mad and went goth or punk or whatever all those ppl think of ppl who rnt exactly like them..maybe couldnt tho cus nobody even knows mika at my school! which makes me O so ANGRY! just spreading the mika love day by day i should try it tho....never thought of the boobs thingy before...i had braces when i was lil....but no boobs then haha ill have to try and see!
  21. hahahahhahahhaahaha woa that was hillarious!....and kinda awkward at the same time! i love that he gets his boxers custom made hahaha i guess that blows the whole only grey underwear thing out of the water...unless he only gets them custom made with grey in the background.....i love his accent and laugh....and everything about him:wub2: THIS INTERVIEWER HAS SMOKED A LIL TOO MUCH HUBBLY BUBBLY!!!
  22. does anybody know why u have to be 16 to get in or u have to be with an adult? cus i turn 16 like july 8th so....i mean come on thats pretty close...its ok tho cus not gonna be goin to this concert.... my parents wont even let me go see him if hes in nyc! even tho its only like 6 hours away!!! i think my mika dreams will never come true because of them....thats the closest he will probably get to my rinky dink town.....so all of u lucky bunnies have funn at this concert! and if u know when another one is please tellllll after june 20 something.
  23. :biggrin2: thanks thanks thanks cant wait!!!!!
  24. thanks so much for these pics!! they made my dayy:biggrin2:
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