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Status Updates posted by Clare

  1. Hello there Daniella. How's you?

  2. :thumbdown:Helloo there Leona. Well sort of.


    I was just full of cold and germs.

  3. Hi there Sparkly1. Though I'm not too sparkly today. Got a bad cold. I'm on facebook now. Would you like to add me?


  4. Leona. Helloo there.

  5. Yes. What have you done this weekend?

  6. Yes I'm ready for the weekend big time. In fact I have been volunteering today. I have done four talks about Disaability Awareness. Three this morning and one in the afternoon. I was at the School in Sleaford where Dale lives. I was very nervous this morning because I had to do the talks completely on my own.. But I'm pleased I've done it, and the teachers said I did very well. I got given some chocolates as a thank you present.

  7. Do they? How old are you?

  8. You will. The older you get the faster the years go by.

  9. You will. The older you get the faster the years go by.

  10. Thrilled? I'll be 35 (groaan)


    Dale's fine thanks.

  11. Yes. In one an a half months time it will be my Birthday.

  12. Yes I'm well thanks.

  13. Fine thanks. It's been sunny here today. How is it in Portugal?

  14. Helloooooooo Neiobi. How's you?

  15. Hellooooooooooo there. And how's you today?

  16. That's good. How's that naughty boy Bailey?

  17. That's good then.

  18. I'm fine thanks. How's the Uni work going?

  19. Hello Sarah. Nice to see you. How are you?

  20. Yes thanks. I went into town today. It'll soon be Dale's Birthday. I went to get his present.

  21. Yes thanks. I went into town today. It'll soon be Dale's Birthday. I went to get his present.

  22. Yes I've had a good day thanks. What have you been doing lately?

  23. Hey helloooo! How are you today?

  24. I have just found your friends request. Sorry I was slow.

  25. Hey I just found your friends request. You have been added.

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