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Everything posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. Thank you! Just saw it, I love that there is more of Mika dancing in it!
  2. No, I don't think it's his sister. I attached a pic of her. She has a completely different bone structure. Thank you for posting the vid, though. I hadn't seen it! That is definitely Mika because of his mask, ice, voice and giggle. "Speak up, speak up!"
  3. rilo8913, it was, really and truly, so much fun! He said that about in the beginning middle of the concert, I think. I would love someone to help me to remember it straight. Please don't quote me on that. I hope there are more detailed reports, too! Especially so that we can piece together the parts to get the whole. Jack: I think Mika is seriously the sweetest person I've ever seen/known. Yes, I think Mika was mainly mad because his audience had to wait so much. He said "at the expense of whoever" because it would be most likely the venue who would have to pay, not them. But, honestly, it's not right to host a rave party that overlaps into another artist's gig, especially since they need that time to set up the equipment. It's not fair. Then, complications arise. The artist is late, the audience gets impatient. I don't think he signed anything afterward. :-( I really wanted an autograph of his, too!
  4. Hello and welcome to the MFC forum! I believe I speak on behalf of everyone when I say (write): we are happy to have you. I hope you enjoy your stay! Please make loads of posts.
  5. I agree with you. I think it's worth a thread, ha-ha.
  6. Hannah, thank you so much for the story, the pic and the vids. It is so nice of you to take the time to write and upload and everything else! I don't think the pic of you and Mika is as bad as you say. :-)
  7. Wow! Awesome pictures! I came in at 7pm and was waiting in line, but my feet couldn't take it anymore so I sat down. I could see him well, but not up-close. I got pictures with three Lollipop girls. I might upload them later today, most likely by the end of this week. Because I'm not good with technology. >_<' So, my story from start to finish: Got there at about 7pm. There were two lines: One for people with tickets and one for people without. Went to get to the lines with tickets. As I passed by the door, heard Mika live singing "Relax, Take it Easy," so I knew he was already there. Waiting, waiting and more waiting. :-) Saw the Lollipop girls skip by. Said something to that amount, "The Lollipop Girls!" Really excited. But they passed us seemingly to go to the end of the line. Then one came directly to where I was sitting (on the pavement, lol). and went†Would anyone like a Lollipop." and there was a whole 3 secs where no one said anything but me. "Yes, please!" She seemed really nervous. Poor girl. Then, I asked for a pic after she had gone off for a bit. Oh, the lollipops being passed around were Dum Dums. Then came another Lollipop girl, the same one that had gone with the previous Lollipop girl and also handed out Lollipops. Then, I beheld the original Lollipop girl (the one who had a pic with Mika on the JetSki) was going through the line explaining why Mika and Sara Barellis (sp?) was late. She still hadn't gotten to us, but I mentioned it to my mom. My mom immediately went, "Let's go take a photo," and rushed me through them. Original Lollipop Girl (ORG) was talking about why Mika was late, but I couldn't make it out then. She did look at me a bit fearfully, probably thinking I was a crazy fan. We got a pic, and then went back to our place in our line. Once there, she was slowly coming our way (talking). Then, she went to the next group, skipping me. (I presume she thought I had understood what she said before. As aforementioned, I hadn't.) She asked something along the lines of, "Have you heard why Mika was late?" to the blonde sisters. They were like, "No," and didn't seem at all interested. I went, "No, why?" Then she explained, but I think I have it out of order "Mika's flight was delayed because of the weather. (It had been raining… Sara Barellis (opening act) was delayed too in California. Last night, they had a rave party (at the venue), so we haven’t been able to put our equipment for the concert. (There were other more specific problems, but I didn’t understand them, sorry). But Mika’s here now… Sorry you guys had to wait so long. Do you have a lollipop? Me: Yes, sorry. Could I have another, please? ORG: Since you’ve waited so long, you can have as many lollipops as you like!†Me: Yay! Thank you! BTW, I was hungry. She probably thought I was greedy, ha-ha. Then, she went off to the rest of the line. Waited in line until 10pm-ish, I think. Finally sat down at edge where I had a good, but not close view of the stage and Mika when he would come. Sara Bareillis until 11pm. Then, they had to set up the stage for Mika, so more waiting. (I laid my head on my arm because I was so sleepy at this point, hadn’t napped all day.) Mika came through the “veil†(not sure what it’s called), sort of ducked his head, and then went back in. According to the article, it’s because his fly, er, was ruined. Then, he came back on. When Mika came on, he said “Buenas tardes, Miami!†And everyone screamed, including me. I couldn’t hear myself, though. It was great! Songs Played/The Order of the Concert: I am pretty sure I have the opening # and the closing # right, but not so sure about the other ones. I might be missing some, too. Could someone help me, please? 1. Relax (Take It Easy) 2. …(it was a happy-sounding song, I’m sure of it!) 3. Any Other World 4. Stuck in the Middle 5. Happy Ending 6. Sweet Dreams 7. I Want You Back 8. Holy Johnny I have to say, I was so proud that I knew the lyrics to "Holy Johnny." I didn't hear anyone else sing them at all! 9. Love Today 10. Lollipop Things that stick out in my mind…: Mika (paraphrased): Last night, there was a rave party and so we couldn’t get our equipment on time. So now, you guys can do whatever you like, as long as you like, at whoever’s expense. (He seems angry. Angry! Mika is scary.) I will probably remember some more bits of the concerts late on. If I do, I will do my best to post them ASAP!
  8. OMG! This is a great review! I went to his concert last night. I had suspected he had broken his zipper, but I wasn't sure. But I do remember him stepping onstage, everyone screaming, and then he sort of ducked his head and went back inside. BTW, the concert was fantastic!
  9. I thought so, too. Well, he *is* the savior of pop!
  10. Muahaha! Yes, I know I am planning to send her a new friend request on myspace, haha. Please accept. And thank you so much for doing this.
  11. Is this only available in the UK/London? Would someone be so kind as to tape it, then upload it on youtube, pretty please?
  12. Welcome ircazo! I am glad you decided to join the MFC forum! I started out like you, just reading the posts until finally I wanted to really join in so much that I chose to do it! I hope you enjoy your stay and I encourage you to make many posts!
  13. loud Mika ..You are the kinda person that is ''Loud'''!! hahah lloll. and you love to sing. Enjoy what you mad and do! I do love to sing, but I'm actually quiet.
  14. Hello and welcome to the MFC! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  15. LoveLoveMIKA


    Hello and welcome to the MFC! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  16. Welcome back, JUlie! I hope you don't have to spent another week without the MFC, ever! I missed you!
  17. Yay! Finally saw them! Happiness. I have a question, though: What's kite-surfing?
  18. LOL No choice! I'll have to check later. >_<' Fudge it! (The waiting, I mean.)
  19. Thank you, bucketloads! *Is cheerfully waiting for them to be approved so that she can take a gander at them*
  20. I think Mika's stronger than that. He doesn't seem to be letting it get to him at all. As long as he continues to not let it get to him, I don't think there's any real chance he'll end up doing a Britney. :-) I guess people are just curious, that's all. And somehow, they think they have a right to know. I mean, I think no one who is sane and decent would go up to a stranger and ask him/her if s/he were gay, but yet when it comes to celebrities, people act as if they're close-enough friends and ask. When they, in fact, are practically strangers -- they really don't know them. It's a weird dynamic. Plus, it sells. I understand why this magazine is interested in Mika's sexuality because it's, well, a gay magazine (or a magazine that's aimed at a gay public who may be wondering about Mika's sexuality). So, I don't hold it against them at all.
  21. Thank you for sharing! I love "Meeting Mika" stories! God willing, I am going to the Studio A concert in Miami and I will share mine (if I do meet him, lol). It was good and very amusing. Mika seems to be always so nice. God, I love "Meeting Mika" stories! It always cheers me up!
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