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Everything posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. I was thinking the same thing about the demos -- it's too late now. I too would like to know what various songs may get released and I am not asking anyone to share leaks either. :-) Titles only, really. :-) I don't want to irritate Mika, either. 0_0 The horror!
  2. I was thinking the same thing about the demos -- it's too late now. I too would like to know what various songs may get released and I am not asking anyone to share leaks either. :-) Titles only, really. :-) I don't want to irritate Mika, either. 0_0 The horror!
  3. Sure, why not? It's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSkAujKl3OY&mode=related&search= or if that doesn't work, please... 1) youtube.com 2) Search: Mika interview radio canada 3) Click the one made by "mikaobsessed" -- s/he is the one that has the translation 3) Click "more" for comments/translation -- The translation, including his height, is there according to Mika, himself. :-)
  4. LOL. I'm obsessed with noses, too. But, honestly, I think that if one has nothing nice to say, one should say nothing at all. Am I alone on this? Thinking about it, I wouldn't like someone to speak badly or negatively about any part of my body, especially if it's not to my face because then I can't defend myself. To preach it, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and focus on the good (for instance, Mika's curls for me, anyway ) You made a good point: Maybe Mika doesn't want to show his feet in interviews and/or otherwise because he knows about those comments. If so, that's sad. And Mika's so nice that he really doesn't deserve anyone talking badly about him. I'd understand if he were mean/rude, and even then it's still wrong, but he isn't -- he's nice.
  5. According to an interview with Mika, he himself said he was 6'2'' (6 foot 2 inches)... but taller if you count his hair. I hope this helps!
  6. Thank you very much for posting!
  7. No, I have the same... fetish! LOL. I can't explain it. Ah
  8. No, I think he should have gotten an interview with Beth Ditto, as well. But you know what? He's probably not an important-enough journalist to be able to get an interview with her, so he has to speculate. I *hate* how he puts her on the spot -- like, because she's intelligent, she will not like Mika's song, but if she does like it, then it makes her un-intelligent. -- That's what he's implying/saying. I think he was incredibly insensitive, caustic and rude to all "big girls" with his descriptions of them. I was like It must be a male journalist. Watch him have a "big girl" for a daughter. I'm sure he would be nicer then!
  9. I don't think I've been accepted to it either. *Shrugs* Actually, I think loads of people haven't, so it's nothing personal it seems... Guess I'll have to be content with being Mika's friend. :-) About the thought of Mika helping me get through the day... Yes, I definitely feel it helps. Somehow, the thought of him makes me really happy and warm inside. I suppose it's because he's so sweet, adorable, kind and I'm infatuated with him. He inspires me... for many reasons. Especially because he never compromised his personality, which I think I have done in the past. --> to me, of course. I love how he's embraced everything that's made him different from everyone else or "weird" as he calls it, "too weird." I really look up to him for it. I'm glad he's stopped apologizing for it. It's the right thing to do. LOL. And look, some people, like me, think he's amazing. Let's see, other reasons: - He dances, even though he acknowledges that it might not be pretty, but it comes from the heart (most important to me). - He doesn't give up easily - He quit the London School of Economics to do what he really wanted. I think this takes guts, even though he said it was due to a moment of OCD. I wish I had quit Biz in my first year. But now I have. - IMPORTANT: Music. I love/like every song on his CD. No joke. That has never happened before with any other artist/band. I agree with Mika: it's really good+. - Fashion/Style-wise: Braces and playing with them, white shirts, white shoes, curly hair... - Looks: great Lebanese eyes, the slope of his nose, lips and teeth. Legs! - Mannerisms: Eyebrow waggle, covering his eyes when embarrassed, the "weird" sounds he makes with his mouth, - Voice/accent - And others :-) He's a great musician, singer/songwriter and 2007 is his. Savior of Pop, indeed. I hope he stays as down-to-earth ten years from now.
  10. oooo! He's beautiful! Strangely enough, I had a feeling/impression that he was and I was not mistaken! I am sure the girls in your village must be jealous of such a beautiful toddler boy!
  11. I literally giggled aloud! My mom is shorter than me, too. 5 foot and she really hates it. I find her height adorable, though. :-)
  12. I dunno. I'm short 5' 2'' (158 cm??? Not sure.) Which I don't mind. But people are insensitive about it, for instance: Guy (5'9''): Wow. You're short. LoveLoveMIKA (without high heels, as Guy has seen her in always): *blink* Yeah. I know. Your point? Guy (5'4'-ish): Wow, you guys are really short! I mean, I know I'm short, but you guys are even shorter. LLM and friend of same height: Hahaha. No kidding.
  13. Really?! I had a cousin like that, too, and I was , "Don't defile my Barbies!" and yanked them away from her hands -- she used mine. >_< I didn't know it was sex -- it just seemed wrong to do with Barbies. LOL. I thought that was really dirty-minded of her. She was about 18 and I was 9.
  14. Did he really say that? That he wanted people either to love or hate him and no in between? I thought he said that is what would happen, regardless of whether or not he wanted it. Sidenote: Let's be mature, you guys (& ladies, mostly ladies). Not everyone has the same taste in music and so not everyone is going to like everything (Mika). But Mika has been loved in other places, right? He's No. 1 in ten countries or something like that, which is shocking to me. Not many people have. I'm sure Mika will have many more fans, and I agree with whoever said that Grace Kelly should've been played, since that's the one that most everyone seems to like. So, it really wasn't fair.
  15. He's on the very tips of his toes! How?! *is very impressed* I can't do that... (Muahaha... I was listening to this song and ironically, the singer said "so unimpressed," which is the opposite of how I feel, really.) Wow, he can't have been on them (his toes) for more than 1 sec, and that's pushing it. Whoever took the pic had excellent timing.
  16. Yes, I don't like normal, shortish names. Mika's doesn't count because it's wonderfully unusual. Oh God, how I love the name "Zachary." I think Humphrey's a lovely name. :-)
  17. I think I'd buy a Mika doll! But, maybe it would be best to wait awhile until Mika's popularity grows to a point where so many people would buy the doll. :-)
  18. I suspect that he does. In his official myspace photos, his hair looks lighter and my cousin (a guy!) pointed out that he has highlights. I hadn't noticed it. But, Mika's hot either way. Personally, I prefer the dark hair. It seems like his natural hair color, and so, makes for a more natural look (again, personal preference). And it makes a great contrast with his light-colored skin.
  19. Wow. I had no idea, seriously. Maybe I'll do like Mika: If I have a son perhaps I'll name him "Alice." Maybe. But, maybe the father might have a say, you know? Unless, of course, It's Mika and he doesn't change his mind... Ah, but it is best not to get my hopes up.
  20. Mika has surprisingly nice, long legs... You know, it's only natural to think they would be too skinny, but no, not at all. That's not at all the case. I. Am. So. Happy. I am so happy he's wearing shorts. Yay! Mika, if you're reading, I think I speak for all the MFC-ers...please continue to wear shorts and more often!!!
  21. LOL. For the record, I don't think wanting a particular group to "embrace" you is self-absorbed or him wondering why they don't embrace them. I think anyone would wonder why a particular group would not embrace them and maybe even fear if I offended them in some way. I think Mika is confident about his music in a way... But then again, we're not sure Mika has said this, are we?
  22. Someone said it wasn't... something he said. :-)
  23. A big thank you to whoever/whomever made it! I've put it on my iPod.
  24. Grace Kelly from start to finish, although I may have heard "Love Today" on a cell phone commercial, but with/without recognizing it. I don't remember. Not sure the second one counts, though.
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