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Everything posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. That's wonderful, Caz. Thank you for letting us know!
  2. Thank you for posting! Mika looks even more cute than usual in that pic!
  3. OMG, is this an article that can be trusted or..?
  4. Oh, she's just jealous and wants to hurt you back into the way things were before. She doesn't really mean it. But, you ought to stop her. You know you're obsessed when: Mika is what gets you through the day.
  5. Me, too! I didn't laugh. :-) I don't collect stickers as much anymore, though, just because now I have to pay for my own stuff most of the time... But, if my mom offers to buy, then yes. Especially Sanrio/Asian stickers. They are soooo cute! And it hurts me to use them, because I don't think anyone will appreciate them as much as I do! I also collect those little perfume bottles and Hello Kitty things, but I haven't added anything to the collection in a long time. I want to collect some Twin Star ones, too, but they are really rare and hard to find. :-( If anyone knows where I can find some, please PM me!
  6. Probably. He has said that once he decides something, it has to be that way and there is no changing it. That's awesome about the rainbow. I know I love it when I see an especially beautiful one. :-)
  7. I had a feeling it would be. What MIKA song are you? You scored as a "Any Other World" You are very calm, quet or even shy, but that is advantage of yours. You are secure, people trust you, and you trust yourself and other people as well. You try to get better every day and to share peace with the world. You may be really into politics. You have strong views on everything, and you are always ready to defend your opinion. People respect and admire you for that. Sometimes you may want to hide the fact that you are romantic, because you are afraid to get weak or get hurt. Try to take this shield off and let the love get into your heart with all it's beauty. "Any Other World" 85% "Love Today" 80% "Grace Kelly" 70% "Lollipop" 65% "My Interpretation" 60% "Stuck In The Middle" 50% "Billy Brown" 45% "Relax (Take It Easy)" 40%
  8. [quoteuote: Originally Posted by LoveLoveMIKA I just wondered how far long Mika has gotten with that huge lollipop..? You know, the one given to him (Mika) on the Austrailian interview? Maybe he hasn't licked it since the interview. Is this mad? I was wondering about exactly the same thing yesterday. Really? Then perhaps I am not mad or at least not the only mad one... of course. ;-) lol I wondered a day later... Aw... Keep moving forward! I know it stinks, but there's no use feeling sad about it now, except to never repeat the offence. There will possibly be more opportunities--Mika's fame is growing!
  9. I just wondered how far long Mika has gotten with that huge lollipop..? You know, the one given to him (Mika) on the Austrailian interview? Maybe he hasn't licked it since the interview. Is this mad?
  10. All true! You know you're obsessed when you really like the bright pink sweater you saw Mika wear in the Napster interview, so much in fact, that you want one of your own in the exact same color, except 1) (more) feminized 2) cropped 3) Ralph Lauren if possible 4) A bit more sheer And you pray for it! Then, you find it not a month later, it fits all the criteria and you feel like it's an answer to prayer. Of course, you buy it! *So happy* When Mika affects your sense of fashion/style. :-)
  11. Thank you for posting! :-D I like that they ask Mika questions about music, which is his field, more than other topics.
  12. Thank you for posting! Man, the more I know about Mika, the more I admire him!
  13. LOL. Yes, you did. So, you have/had curly hair, too! That's so cute. You were a really cute, baby!
  14. I think so, too. Because he really seemed to give it a great deal of thought and he was looking down like he was avoiding glances. He worded it very carefully. He generally doesn't look down and gives pretty quick answers.
  15. I went to the gig, too and it certainly didn't seem like people would be allowed in... I saw some "close friends" of Mika come in while I was waiting in line and they were let in right away. So, yes, it seemed pretty exclusive!
  16. OOO. Thank you for the pics! I am eager to see them once they've been approved. :-)
  17. The chances are pretty slim that I'd get them... Because I'm short and terrible at catching. Then again, I have fairly good reflexes, so if it came to my face, I'd probably get it. There have been multiple instances of something being thrown at me (for example, candy) and someone (always male) jumps, reaches and grabs it. It used to make me furious, especially because they usually never even want it. It's just to show (off?) that they CAN. It made me positively furious What I'd like to do to them: Sorry for the rant. Old wounds, you know. ;-) P.S. The timing of my jumping has always been off. I always jump before and then fall as the thing is being thrown. I got laughed and mocked for it!
  18. LOL! I like that Mika is willing to put the black-make-up-like thing on his face, anyway. I think it's cool and dead sexy. LOL. I think you just want to marry Mika. I know I do! Well, even though I don't know him, etc. Muahaha. I don't think you're tired enough. LOL.
  19. She was probably surprised, like "What hit me in the darkness? A-hoy! One of Mika's drumsticks! Lucky me! " I guess it didn't hit her too bad, but someone could've lost an eye, you know. The drumstick could've poked her. Imagine the irony if that happens: Mika's friend Rafa (sp?) losing an eye and then someone losing an eye at one of his concerts?! It could happen. If it could be imagined, it could happen. I hope Mika doesn't throw another drumstick, or anything else that could have devastating consequences. I'm glad that she didn't seem hurt too badly. :-)
  20. Muahaha! It actually hit the person! Figures. Must've hurt, too. I do hope he isn't hurt too badly, though. Mika's braces are a great consolation. See, this is why most people *hand* drumsticks, not throw them. Still, quite funny. Damn the lightning! A similar thing happened to me.
  21. Awesome! I only hear positive reports about him.
  22. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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